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07-13-2005, 03:02 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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Gretin  (167)Gretin  (167)

There's a lot of generalizing that goes on in the world today. But the kind I'm focusing on right now is the type where people think they can tell what you are like, or should be like, from irrelevant details, like hair colour, skin colour, gender, etc. Some of my personal favourites (to hate) are:

"Guys are only interested in sex."

"Girls are gossips."

"Blondes are stupid." <--This one's getting really old now...

And many more that I can't think of right at this moment. It really annoys me when people think they can define what I'm like by what I am/look like/etc, or any other person for that matter.

So people, what are you opinions on this? Any generalizations that really get under your skin? Or, maybe a generalization that you use, as a joke or not, fairly often?

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07-13-2005, 03:20 PM
big bro boogie
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Yeah, the world is being sucked into a singularity. (Which means it's going down by second) We all know.
The only generalization I can come up with now is:

Smart people are nerds. (BTW: Nerds Rule! )

And oh, Gothics are satanists. (I loathe that one.)
--Yours Truly.
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Last edited by big bro boogie; 07-13-2005 at 03:23 PM..
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07-13-2005, 03:56 PM
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Generalisations don't piss me off as much as they used to. Generally because a lot of the time, they are correct.

Most blondes do act stupid. Whether they are naturally stupid, or pretend to be stupid to fit the stereotype, a lot of the ones I know do act stupid. Same with men and sex. Being a guy myself, I can honestly say that I think with my dick. And girls are gossip. Although even I like to gossip

As long as you don't apply stereotypes to everyone you meet without first talking to them or getting to know them, they can be a source of entertainment.

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

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07-14-2005, 12:28 AM
Dino's Avatar
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Generalisations are annoying. But they're a good quality-of-person filter, and by that I mean that you can avoid people who make stupid generations and stick to people who're open minded and don't behave like school children.

That's the great thing about having piercings or tattoos, or both - people who are open minded will not take issue with people who have piercings, but very closed minded, conservative people will avoid them like a heap of sewage on a warm day.
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07-14-2005, 12:33 AM
Joe the Intern's Avatar
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Yeah, only smart people get tattoos and piercings.
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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07-14-2005, 12:40 AM
Dino's Avatar
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Why can't you keep your silly whining in one thread rather than spreading it all over the forum like a vaginal rash?
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07-14-2005, 12:44 AM
Joe the Intern's Avatar
Joe the Intern
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Because I'm the Vagicaine to your yeast infection, baby.
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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07-14-2005, 12:52 AM
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Because I'm the Vagicaine to your yeast infection, baby.
More like the final solution to our jews. :\
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07-14-2005, 01:07 AM
Gretin's Avatar
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Gretin  (167)Gretin  (167)

people who are open minded will not take issue with people who have piercings, but very closed minded, conservative people will avoid them like a heap of sewage on a warm day
Phew! That means I'm safe; I have some good friends who have piercings.

Most blondes do act stupid. Whether they are naturally stupid, or pretend to be stupid to fit the stereotype, a lot of the ones I know do act stupid. Same with men and sex. Being a guy myself, I can honestly say that I think with my dick. And girls are gossip. Although even I like to gossip
And a lot of the blondes I know don't act stupid. I mean, sure they may have done the odd silly thing in their lives, but tell me this, who hasn't? Even if most blondes are stupid, which I'm not going to completely dismiss, the key word is most. As you said, if people don't apply stereotypes to people before getting to know them, there's no problem, but there are a lot of people out there who don't follow that. Which is what I'm getting at.
As for the guys are only interested in sex bit, I can't speak for anyone but myself. It would be a big lie to say I've never had any thoughts at all related to sex, but I can say that when socializing with people, said thoughts have not even entered my mind.
It's possible that I'm part of a minority, but that doesn't justify that generalization.
Finally, the girls are gossips one can't be disproved by myself, not being a girl (obviously), so come on, forumers, surely there at least one of you here who doesn't make a regular habit of gossiping but is a girl?

As long as you don't apply stereotypes to everyone you meet without first talking to them or getting to know them, they can be a source of entertainment.
I pretty much agree with you here. I have even used the occasional generalization before as a joke, but never in a situation where it might be interpreted as being serious.

Last edited by Gretin; 07-14-2005 at 01:11 AM..
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07-14-2005, 02:07 AM
Rich's Avatar
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I'll agree that most generalisations are stupid. But I ****ing despise any chavs I see. I think they're the one social group who are the most predictable and only out to make normal peoples lives a misery. So I never speak to them if possible and I avoid them like the plague, as I fear I will be attacked for the way I look or attacked for just being there.

But some stereotypes are funny, especially of countries. Like the ones aboot Canada, eh?
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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07-14-2005, 03:36 AM
Facsimile's Avatar
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Am I the only one who doesn't have a clue in hell what all of these terms used by the british people on here mean?
It's driving me nuts.

Anyway, I do hate when people use generalisations. I probably do it, but I try not to. However I've never once judged anyone on their hair colour, I don't even think about that when I meet someone.
However if someone acts stupid when I first meet them, I tend to put them in the category of 'always stupid' without giving them much of a chance...
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07-14-2005, 04:25 AM
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surely there at least one of you here who doesn't make a regular habit of gossiping but is a girl?
*raises hand*
Yeah, here. Must be because I have no one to gossip with. Boo-frickin'-hoo.
Other than that, I do tend to generalize before I get to know people, because otherwise I wouldn't know how to act when I talk to them. Or something like that, even I don't understand it.

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07-14-2005, 06:29 AM
Jacob's Avatar
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"Chav" means "Council House And Violent"
So it's basically your Lower denzients. The Scots call them NEDs (Non-Educated Delinquents) and some parts of England call them 'Townies'. 'Chav', however, is a more accurate term.

On the topic of generalisations, it really doesn't irritate me in the slightest. I generalise (moreso on a serious note when it comes to Chavs, though i know in some cases you can get decent ones, but 98% of them are twats, but mostly tongue-in-cheek when it comes to Religion, race or sexuality) quite a bit.

It's fun. It's like having a puzzle that fits together! Yes.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-14-2005, 08:35 AM
Dino's Avatar
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"Chav" means "Council House And Violent"
No, it doesn't.

Council House And Violent
Council Houses And Violence
Council Housed Adult Vermin
Cheltenham Average
council house antisocial vermin
Derived from the name Chathamite or Chathamese

It's all bull. None of these people have any authority on where the name came from and the majority of them just make it up as they go along.
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07-14-2005, 09:07 AM
Jacob's Avatar
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'It's all bull. None of these people have any authority on where the name came from and the majority of them just make it up as they go along.'

Give. A. Bothered?

Christ, it means what it means to different people. Stop being such a prissy little Emog.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 07-14-2005 at 09:09 AM..
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07-14-2005, 12:20 PM
Dino's Avatar
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'It's all bull. None of these people have any authority on where the name came from and the majority of them just make it up as they go along.'

Give. A. Bothered?

Christ, it means what it means to different people. Stop being such a prissy little Emog.
Stop being such a walking irony then, you cream yourself over guys then wipe up the mess with a swastica. It's not my fault that I bitch at you, you're intrinsically annoying.
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07-14-2005, 12:34 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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'then wipe up the mess with a swastica.'

Of course i do, because i completely forgot i mentioned i'm a full blown Nazi, into the whole Death Squads, Holocaust revisionism and Heil Hitler hijinks!

There's being accepting to beliefs and then there's being or buying into those beliefs. I think you'll find a difference, my little Emog Hamster.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-14-2005, 12:45 PM
Dino's Avatar
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WTF is an Emog?
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07-14-2005, 03:38 PM
Rich's Avatar
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WTF is an Emog?
One of Jacobs trendy, stupid and purposeful misspellings. And a generalisation of you.

He's most likely wrong, considering that you're the 21 year old spaniard, with many university degrees, into underground culture, that plays guitar in a band, likes getting stoned, has previously moderated a forum, lives in England, in a house built for a mad scientist kind of guy.
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

Last edited by Rich; 07-14-2005 at 03:46 PM..
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07-15-2005, 12:47 AM
Dino's Avatar
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He's most likely wrong, considering that you're the 21 year old spaniard, with many university degrees, into underground culture, that plays guitar in a band, likes getting stoned, has previously moderated a forum, lives in England, in a house built for a mad scientist kind of guy.
Wow you make me sound strange... my band has split up btw. Nobody would ever come to practice.

21 years old...yeah...

But it feels like I'm still 16. Aging sucks.
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07-15-2005, 12:49 AM
Rich's Avatar
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But it feels like I'm still 16. Aging sucks.
Yeah. Speaking of aging, and to be on topic, I generalise old people. But I recently found out that some old people will give you the respect back. Amazing, nice old people!
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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07-15-2005, 12:57 AM
Dino's Avatar
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Yeah totally. I know so many really cool old people. If I live to be that old, I hope that I turn out to be as awesome as that.
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07-15-2005, 01:00 AM
Jacob's Avatar
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'purposeful misspellings'

That's quite correct, now, what exactly is the correct spelling? I'm asking on the assumption you know what the word i'm "purposefully misspelling" is.

I don't particularly like the generalisation that every Homo-Superior is going to be attracted to every other Homo-Superior. The amount of people (mostly girls) i have coming upto me trying to set me up with their "bestfriends who are just SO perfect" for me is a tad shocking.

There's also the generalisation of Christians, and how the majority of them are tossers. Or how all Satanists worship Satan.

'He's most likely wrong, considering that you're the 21 year old spaniard, with many university degrees, into underground culture, that plays guitar in a band, likes getting stoned, has previously moderated a forum, lives in England, in a house built for a mad scientist kind of guy.'

Wowzles, how'd you know all of that?!
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-15-2005, 01:12 AM
Dino's Avatar
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He knew all of that cause I announced it on the forums over a period of time, and he just remembered it.

The only thing he doesn't quite have right is the degrees... I've not actually got them yet, I'm about half way through.
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07-15-2005, 02:51 AM
Rich's Avatar
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The only thing he doesn't quite have right is the degrees... I've not actually got them yet, I'm about half way through.
Oh, and you have a cleaner and live with your dad. And you like (or liked) grunge.

'purposeful misspellings'

That's quite correct, now, what exactly is the correct spelling? I'm asking on the assumption you know what the word i'm "purposefully misspelling" is.
Or you just merge words together or make up new ones. Yes'ms. Emog. Jewolic. Languagismabusism-ism.
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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07-15-2005, 03:03 AM
Jacob's Avatar
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'He knew all of that cause I announced it on the forums over a period of time, and he just remembered it.'

Oh, wowzles.

In that case, i am actually Tom Cruise. Oh, and before you ask, yes myself and Katie are very happy and we're looking forward to the wedding. No, i am not forcing her into Scientology, she's a Catholic and always will be, she just wants to see what my shindig is.


I also don't like the generalisation all people interested in unique things (beit Historical or mythological) being weird.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-15-2005, 03:22 AM
Dino's Avatar
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Oh, and you have a cleaner and live with your dad. And you like (or liked) grunge.
I live with my parents, my Dad just annoys me sometimes.


How did we get on to talking about this? What's the subject again? *looks up* Generalisations... Hmmm.

I wonder about you people sometimes.
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07-17-2005, 06:30 AM
used:)'s Avatar
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I've been wondering what you actually do, Dino. This thread is a bit of a brain reliver, thanks Rich!

On topic: I'm not a goth, but I used to hang out with them and they're aren't a bunch of trouble starting, self mutalating whacko's. I really hate the generalisation about atheists being evil Satanists.

Last edited by used:); 07-17-2005 at 06:34 AM..
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07-17-2005, 08:30 AM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
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I hate the generalization that if a girl's boyfriend doesn't watch porn, check out other women, drink underage, etc. then the girlfriend surely must have him "whipped." That one gets really old, really fast.
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

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07-17-2005, 09:09 AM
Jacob's Avatar
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I hate the generalisation that sexuality is based upon who a person sleeps with, when it's based upon who a person is attracted to.

A Homo-Superior could f*ck a girl, but so long as he was still attracted to men and not women, he'd still be Gay. The same goes for Muffies if they ever did anything with guys.

Well, that's the chat-up line i use to get hijinks with Muffies anytoast...
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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