Hey stop messing around this person is talking about CGI. I am a professional illustrator and I know everything about the stuff they do in video games.
Unfortunately the programs that create those elaborate CG graphics you see in Oddworld and in the movies are generated on 3D animation software like Maya, Lightwave, 3D Studio Max and so forth and so on. Its unfortunate because those programs aren't sold in regular computer stores. You have to order them mostly online and they cost thousands of dollars. I am right now looking to budget for such advance design software for my studio.
Its going to take awhile but it will worth it when I get it. I want to pick up Maya 6. But I tell ya, you actually have to go to school to really understand the software. Believe it or not though Photoshop, Illustrator, and Quark Express maybe 2D software but these programs are used by professionals aswell. You can develop an illustration in Photoshop much like you would in Maya 6. Only difference is that its not 3D. Looks the same but you can't go behind it.