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07-10-2005, 09:26 AM
monkeybait's Avatar
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Question Hand of Odd Confirmed... or Cancelled???

Does anyone know if the proposed Had of Odd RTS has been confirmed or cancelled?
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07-10-2005, 09:38 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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I'm pretty sure it's cancelled, as the games section of OWI has been cut down and relocated, plus they're focusing on moviues, so I'd imagine if we ever see it, it won't be fore wuite a while. But you should really ask Abe Babe, Max or Xav, as they all know a lot about the goings on at OWI from what I've gathered of them.
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07-10-2005, 09:42 AM
Oddish's Avatar
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Well if it never happend then I supposed it's cancalled. OWI were planning to be released with MO back in 2000, but there were a few changes and Hand of Odd wasn't in development anymore, so it's not confirmed at the moment. But Hand Of Odd will very likey to happend in the future, no one knows for sure.

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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07-11-2005, 08:59 AM
Slig stopper's Avatar
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It would be great if they designed it for PC. Best platform for strategy in my opinion.
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07-11-2005, 09:11 AM
big bro boogie
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Yeah, but still. OWI is concentrating on their moving. Thus another game would at least take another five years.

And um, most RTSses are made for PC, so don't worry IF it's being created.

And oh, if HOO is created, OWI also should sacrifice a section of their employees for:
1: A helpdesk.
2: Creating patches, anti-hack server protection and firewall gates, updates and other stuff. (Like: reports and some more stuff.)

I'd respect them if they'd make it, but I'd hate it if it breaks OWI down.
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07-11-2005, 09:33 AM
Oddish's Avatar
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I think oddworld inhabitants already have plans for the next-gen consoles.

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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07-11-2005, 09:43 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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So there's still a chance of Hand of Odd happening? Hmm, I wonder about Munch's Exoddus, Squeek's Oddysee and Fangus. Will they be on next-gen consoles (ie. Nintendo Revoloution, PS3, Xbox 360) Or next next gen consoles (after the 3 new ones) I don't really care about Fangus, 1 Oddworld shoot-em-up is enough, but the others I'd still like to see emerge eventually.
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07-11-2005, 10:05 AM
Oddish's Avatar
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From the information that is known, it's probably most likey for the next-gen game to be Citizen Siege.

I personality think that Revoloution would probably be closest console that oddworld would develope on. I can't realy tell. Brutal Balldad of Fangus Klot was originality to be made on the Xbox or even PS2, but no publisher would publish the game.

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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07-11-2005, 01:20 PM
monkeybait's Avatar
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It would be great if they designed it for PC. Best platform for strategy in my opinion.
Yeah thats what it was origannaly planned for...
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07-13-2005, 06:45 AM
monkeybait's Avatar
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Native munch's Exoddus

i really dont think That story has much more to tell...
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07-13-2005, 06:54 AM
big bro boogie
Sewer Sleg
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big bro boogie  (10)

Neither do I think that.
And um, there is this very important rule: Do NOT double post.
To add something to your post press the Edit button underneath.
Thank you.
--Yours Truly.
---My DevArt.---

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07-13-2005, 01:01 PM
Oddish's Avatar
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i really dont think That story has much more to tell...
I think the story was planned a long time ago before Lanning started the games. Like AE, ME will have a story line. It will basicly be the Qunitologys heros finding more about thier own kind and history.

Oh, and good work BBB .

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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07-14-2005, 05:18 AM
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umm, If OWI doesn't make hoO, I guess I'll make some game for your eager minds, the first hoO fangame will be 2D, and If my game making skills by then have reached full maturity, I'll make my #2 3D

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07-14-2005, 06:30 AM
big bro boogie
Sewer Sleg
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big bro boogie  (10)

Oh, and good work BBB .
Why, thank you.

umm, If OWI doesn't make hoO, I guess I'll make some game for your eager minds, the first hoO fangame will be 2D, and If my game making skills by then have reached full maturity, I'll make my #2 3D
Err, okay. Sounds good to me.
And if you need any 3d landscapes, hey, I'm here.
--Yours Truly.
---My DevArt.---

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07-16-2005, 01:06 PM
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Hand of Odd was going to use the PS2_MO engine...
witch was never finished and was for this generation

from what I've read OWI's aiming for next gen

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07-18-2005, 04:58 PM
used:)'s Avatar
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I seriously think that at this point in the OW storyline, they should definatley make some sort of of rts.

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07-23-2005, 09:22 AM
MudokonGodWorshipMe!'s Avatar
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It's said that it's been cancelled cos oddworld Inhabitants are planning on making motion pictures. True?
"The Magog on the march..."

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07-23-2005, 09:40 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
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It's said that it's been cancelled cos oddworld Inhabitants are planning on making motion pictures. True?
So far that's what we've pieced together. Game development has ceased for now but that doesnt mean however, that it will be like that from now on or forever.
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07-23-2005, 10:25 AM
monkeybait's Avatar
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Question Yes!, but crap!

I am exited about the series of oddworld movies that lanning is planning, ( look at that ryme! Im so damn smooth ) but I am really sad that the oddworld games are put in danger!
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