Extra Secret Secret? (Abe's Ex..)
I am wondering if I have found something...
In the final sequence of Abe's Exoddus, where the boiler is about to explode, on the second to last screen- you're falling down after turning the wheel labelled 'Final Exit' or whatever, but you haven't fallen into the final screen yet- I have noticed there are 3 or 4 deactivatable mines and a bird portal. I haven't found a way to stop in this screen, what with falling down a hole and all, and I don't quite get it. I rescued all 300 Mudokons, so what would the people at Oddworld put in another secret place? What does the bird portal do? Maybe there are 301 Mudokons or something?
PS I rescued all 300 without even coming here (or anywhere) and asking for help. Aren't I special?