Thanks for comments everyone!
Sometines paint fustrating, just not enought
undos , and sometimes there are erros, mabey I've been painting to much.
I'm glad you like the grubbs.
Cheesy MS Paint Stranger drawing I did recently.
Good good, it's quite acurate. It could as some some shading to give it a 3d effect
Man, this really makes me wish I had a tablet instead of a crummy little mouse. And what's worse, the computer I'm on right now has an impossible bulky one that runs in through a special port, and I can't change it because of that. You have no idea what it's like to want to draw and not be able to. ._.
Are you sure you're using mspaint.exe to do these? I don't see why no one else has questioned this, and I was afraid to point it out, but either you're using a very interesting compression or you have a hand of lightning to smooth out lines with so many colors in averages of 15 minutes. I don't know, I've stood back with pixelated shading for a good four years now, and I've had plenty of pixeling friends, and I've never seen anything
Yep, the Paint program. Well I only use the tablet to do the ourlines, the shading can easly be done with a mouse, I zoom in when I do shading so can in more detail. When I shade , I change the colour silghty darker or lighter, so the colours blend to give that nice tone.
More coming.
"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe