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06-08-2005, 03:27 AM
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Dancing Steef
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Dancing Steef  (10)

here's some more on the story for ya!

Stranger saw the Leader and asked:

- Have you slept well? I made a fire while you were sleeping and…
When the Leader saw the fire she shouted with a frightened voice:
- No! What have you done! Put out the fire!
- Why? What’s wrong, asked Stranger with a shock.
- Don’t you know? The Legendaries are sleeping at the day and if they get disturbed they’ll get real mad!

Stranger began to stomp on the fire using his hooves. After they’d put out the fire the Leader asked Stranger with a fright voice:
- When did you make this fire? Was it a long time since you light the fire? I have to know!
- Eh, man calm down, Stranger began to say before the Leader interrupted him.
- Calm down? CALM DOWN?! Look those creatures are no good to mess with as I told you before, so when did you make the fire?
- Well I guess it was a couple hours a go, answered Stranger.

The Leader felt a lump of saliva in her throat and her heartbeat began to pound faster than before. She ran in to the tent and fetched her rucksack and pulled down the tent from its position. Later she told him a quite irritated and stressed:
- We have to get out of here as soon as possible before the Legendaries come and test their anger on us!
- All right let’s move, said Stranger as he began to walk away.

hope ya guys are pleased... see ya

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06-08-2005, 05:53 AM
big bro boogie
Sewer Sleg
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big bro boogie  (10)

Coolie! More More!
Hehe, i don't know anyone who isn't pleased, but I am.
Keep up the good work, Dancin' Steef
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06-08-2005, 07:42 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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odd chick  (10)

Nice chapter, Dancing Steef...it was very dramatic...I'd love to know more about these Legendaries because they sound interesting.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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06-09-2005, 10:11 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
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Dancing Steef  (10)

thanx guys! i'll soon send some more in but know when i'm soon going to have my summer vacation then it will take longer time before i write some new chapters...anyway i preciate yer reading it and tells me how ya liked it, it gives me the striength to continue writing see ya guys soon!

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06-09-2005, 09:12 PM
andy86's Avatar
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andy86  (10)

Those are some mean looking legendaries. Anyways...
You have some good as writing techniques as well. The whole suspense-ful thing and the detail and the descriptions. Admittedly you can't trust what I say since I owe you one, but I'd be pretty honest about it if I didn't like it. I promise.
Looking forward to hearing about legendaries when you get back.
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06-09-2005, 11:37 PM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
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Dancing Steef  (10)

well i'm goin ta write the story on my vacation, but it'll take some time before i send 'em in...anyway i'm glad ya liked it!

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06-10-2005, 05:36 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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odd chick  (10)

Ok, we'll be waiting for it. Have fun on your break, Dancing Steef!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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06-17-2005, 05:48 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
Clakker Relic Miner
: Mar 2005
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Dancing Steef  (10)

thanx! it'll take some time ta write the rest of the story because me dad's computer is a lil wacko right know... but when i'm finnish with a new part i'll send it in as fast as i can!
see ya soon!

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06-20-2005, 10:26 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
Clakker Relic Miner
: Mar 2005
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Dancing Steef  (10)

here's some more on me story. this part is longer than the other ones and i'll send in larger parts at once, cuz i have to do some work on the garden and so on... and i thought that it'll be better. anyway i'm not going ta talk anymore, ehre's the Story:

- Come on, let's get out of here before the Legendaries figure out that we're here, said the Leader with a stressed voice.
- Okay, okay jus' take it easy, answered Stranger as he began to walk on the road with the Leader.

The Legendaries saw what the Steef and the Grubb were going and decided to sneak upon them, and try to stop them on their way. Them Legendaries climbed high up in the trees and with lithe movements, like small apes, they swayed among the branches and the lianes like fast winds blowing between the tree-trunks. After they'd got a bit far from the intruders, the one who was the oldest of them known as the Master, stoped and wispered to the others:

- Not far from here's a river which they've to cross before they get out of from our territories and if we're lucky enough we can try to stop them.
- And how are we suposed to do that, Master? The Steef's maybe too strong for us I mean didn't you see that his wearing great armor and on his right arm he had a dubble-barreled crossbow loaded with live ammo. If you guys are about to fight the Steef and the Grubb, then I'm not accompaning, said the youngest one of them.

The Master got pissed of and said with an angry voice:

- That Steef might be strong, but not strong enough to defeat us three and let me remind you about something else; our great Alpha-leader wont be showing any mercy to the one who's breaking the rules in the tribe and if I'm not mistaken, you were one of them clumsy idiots who destroyed our most holiest cermony...you're lucky that you didn't get killed. If I were you, I would like in return for your "little incident" on the cermony, try to make impresion on the Alpha-leader by trying at least to stop the damn Steef and the Grubb passing our territories. Perhaps this would give you a second chance, don't you think?
The Youngest nodded carefully and obeyed him.

At the same time the Leader and Stranger were walking on the road and talking to each other.
Stranger asked:
- You mentioned a Steef by the name Carak...
- Yeah, a great Steef in your age I guess, said the Leader.
- Haven't you heard anything of him since the fight against Sekto?
- Sadly, I haven't...but I hope I can meet him again, I miss him pretty much, answered the Leader as a tear fell from one of her eyes and hit her cheek.
- Oh, that's sad, said Stranger with a little kind of a sad voice.

After some minutes they reached the river.
- Hmmm...how were getting across it, asked Stranger.
- Well it isn't that wide and deep so I guess we can walk through it, but the river's pretty strong and the stones are quite slipery so we stil have to be carefull, answered the Leader.

As well as they were trying to get across, the Legendaries jumped out from their hideout and threated them with their handmade spears. The Leader turned around and yelled:
- Oh no! They're here! C'mon Stranger let's move!
Stranger turned around to and saw the Legendaries. He loaded his crossbow with some Boombats and some Stingbees and fired at the Master. Quick as a Cheetah the Legendary took shelter behind some trees and threw his spear towards the Steef. Stranger who was fighting against the other ones didn't see the spear and after a few seconds it hit his shoulder. He cried in pain and with anger he grabed the spear, pulled it out from his shoulder and trew it away. The Leader who was standing in the middle off the river picked up a little and sharp stone from the water and trew it on the youngest one of the Legendaries. The stone hit the younger one's forehead and the young Legendary screamed in pain. Shocked he laid his hand on the bleeding wound and fell on the ground. While the last one was having the Steef's attention, the Master sneaked behind him with a thick stick in his left hand and with high-powered slam he hit the Steef's head. Stranger fell down unconsious to the ground. The Grubb-Leader tried to run away from them, but it didn't take long time before she'd got captured.
- Well-done everybody, the Master began to say, let's get back to our home, and put these rioters in jail.
He suddenly saw the youngest one with the wound and said saracastic:
- Well it wasn't that bad was it? In fights you'll get hurt, but it'll teach you how to become more skilful and stronger.
- But it hurts really bad, said the Younger one with irritated voice.
- Don't be so childish, you should be happy that you survived the battle, the Master said as he began to walk home.

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06-20-2005, 10:47 AM
big bro boogie
Sewer Sleg
: Jun 2003
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big bro boogie  (10)

Very well done, there dancing steef.
I barely can't wait to read more!
--Yours Truly.
---My DevArt.---

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06-20-2005, 08:19 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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odd chick  (10)

Nice chapter, Dancing Steef-it was very descriptive! It was truly fantastic! I can't wait to see what else happens!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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06-21-2005, 08:54 AM
duveaux's Avatar
Super Stingbee
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duveaux  (10)

Yeah go on =D

You were kinda gone for a week. Was that a vacation?

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06-21-2005, 09:32 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
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Dancing Steef  (10)

well sort of or and i've been kinda busy working with our garden, ya know cutting the grass and so on...but it'll take longer time sending new parts in, that's why i send larger pieces at once so ya readers could read more and not wait for smal parts... well gotta go i'm gonna play on me Gamecube right now so... bye bye!

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06-21-2005, 07:29 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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odd chick  (10)

Bye, Dancing Steef! Have fun playing the Gamecube!! (I know I would! ) We'll still be waiting for the next part of the story.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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06-23-2005, 10:29 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
Clakker Relic Miner
: Mar 2005
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Dancing Steef  (10)

hi again readers! here's some more of me story!

The Oracle - part four

Stranger woke up with a terrible head-ache. He had only figured out that he was inside some sort of a building, made of some strong bambosticks. He raised up on his reeling legs and tried to walk. At the same time he felt that his hind legs were chained up and the chains were stucked in the wall of the jail-liked hut. Suddenly a hoarse voice came from one of the hut's dusky corners. Stranger looked around in the little hut with a scared look for the owner of the voice. The voice said:

- You'll never get out of those chains without a key. You know, these chains can only be open by the one who's in charge for the Village's jail...and it used to be the Master, but now he has left the task to me.
- Who are you? What do you want from me anyway? Show yourself, said Stranger with angerness.

Abruptly, a shadow showed from on of the corners and soon a thin feminine body began to apear. Stranger rubed his eyes and after a couple seconds he saw that a female Legendary had come out from her hideout. She looked gently at him with her darkbrown eyes. She said:

- I heard from the Master that you're the Steef who intruded our land, is that correct?
- Intruded? I've never intruded your land! I mean the Grubb Leader and I were suposed to see the Oracle who lives on the other side of your territories in an ancient cave and...well we were first about to walk the long way around but then the Leader said that she knew a shortcut we could take instead, and so we did, explained Stranger to The female Legendary.
She nodded a little and said:
- If I shall be honest to you...I don't bother if there are any ones on our lands...
- What do you mean by that? Is there something I should know, asked Stranger carefully.
- I don't know if I can trust you, but at the same time it feels like you're trustworthy...alright if yu really want to know. I'll only tell you if you promise not to tell anyone of the other Legendaries in the village, promise?
- I promise, I wont tell anyone else, answered Stranger as he laid his hand on hers.
She sat down on the floor and strarted to tell him:
- Not long ago there were another spieces called the Toicers and they lived in our lands. They used to protect our territories and our tribe, but one day some hunters called the Wolclarks, a related spieces to the Wolwarks, came and tried to attack our homes, but then the Toicers defended us and defeated them Wolclarks. The Wolclarks didn't return after that so the leader of the Toicers, known as Strongus told our Alpha-leader that they couldn't protect us from something which didn't threating us or our lands so...they left our territories and has never returned since then. But It didn't take long time before the Wolclarks came back and terrorized us again. In that time we used to live on the ground, but these terrorists make us move high up in the trees and we've been here since the attack...and only the Toicers had the techinque and knowledge of fighting so it was kind of hard to defeat the enemies for us. Anyway we haven't got any threatings for a long time now, thanks to our method of being awake on the nights and sleeping on the days, which had given us more time to practice more on weapons, time to get married and so on... we only live up here, but the lands stil belongs to us... as one People, one Tribe.

- So you mean that your tribe were helpless like the Grubb tribe? But how do you survive so high up in the trees? I mean, the animals you hunt, are awaken on the day and...stranger began to say before he got interuppted by The female Legedary.
- Some of us are awaken on the day but that's only our guards and they use to hunt the food for us in the tribe, it's a hard work but they always succeed. At first, we were a people who were, well not helpless, but we hadn't the skills of fighting so, you may call it "The fightingless Legendaries of the South" but now we're one of the Strongest Tribes in the world.
- Right..., said Stranger with a sigh, What's your name?
- I'm not suposed to tell prisoners my name, but... you've shown me that you're trustworthy enough...my name is Liana, but you may call me Lia. What's your name?
- Well, the Grubb Leader calls me Stranger so I guess you can call me that to, answered Stranger with a smile.

hope ya guys liked it!

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06-23-2005, 12:38 PM
duveaux's Avatar
Super Stingbee
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duveaux  (10)

Cool story DS!... How old is that female legendary?

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06-23-2005, 07:25 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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odd chick  (10)

Nice chapter, Dancing Steef-the plot is building up perfectly in this story. Keep it going!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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06-24-2005, 09:03 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
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: Mar 2005
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Dancing Steef  (10)

thanx everybody who's reading me Story! i'm writing on me story as much as I can right now and it's pretty tough... I know how the story is going to be, but it's hard to write it down I've many ideas bout the story, but I always choose the best alternative to make it both easier for ya to understand and for me to write it down.

well Duv... that's a good question! I haven't thought off that bfor but she's pretty young perhaps 17 or 20 years old. I hope you're pleased with my answer?

soon i'll send some more in

See ya

Dancing Steef

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06-24-2005, 10:44 PM
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odd chick
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odd chick  (10)

I totally understand-I haven't even updated my own fanfic in a looong time. But your story is great-keep up the good work.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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06-25-2005, 02:04 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
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Dancing Steef  (10)

Thanx Odd Chick! and here's some more on the story!

Liana and the Steef talked and had a nice time together. Suddenly she said:

- I'm afraid I have to leave you now, I've been here for a long time and the others would get worried if I didn't show up in the first place...She turned around and began to walk towards the exit. But before she went out, she told Stranger:
- I will return about a few hours, then it's morning and the other wouldn't know if I'm here and then we could talk some more if you want.
Stranger nodded and said with a joyfull voice:
- Yeah, It'll be great. I'll see you in the morning then Lia.

Liana went out from the prison and walked to her hut to get som rest before the next meeting with Stranger.

A couple hours later...

- Stranger! Stranger wake up!
- Hmmmm...What is it, said Stranger with a little irritated voice, Oh Sorry Liana I thought it was someone else What is it?
- Well...err... I've been thinking on you the last few hours and I've decided something I know you would like to hear, Liana started to say, I can't stand they helding you like this...
- What do you mean? Is there something wrong, asked Stranger curiously
- What I'm going to tell you is...well it's sounds wierd but, I want you and your friend to have your freedom back and I've a plan for you to manage that...the Legendary girl answered.
- The Grubb Leader? Is she Okay? Were is she, asked Stranger with eagerness.
- Easy now! She's in another prison higher up in the village and yes she's Okay. Anyway if you and the Grubb are going to escape these place then you must do it now. The people are awaken on the night and if you're trying escape then, then you're good as dead. But we stil have to be on our look out though cause some guards are guarding around these parts, but they're almost sleeping on the job so if we are lucky, then you can escape as easy as a pie.
- Why are you helping me? I thought you Legendaries hated intruders, or have I missed something, asked Stranger.
- You're right when it comes to intruders, but I spoke to the Grubb Leader before I went back to you and she told me that you were searching for other Steefs, and that's when I began to think. Anyway if you want to hear the plan then I suggest you hear it now or otherwise it'll get too late, said Liana.
- Alrighty go on! Tell me, answered Stranger with eagerness.
- Well first I'll unlock them fetters and help you out of here then I'll free The Grubb Leader from her prison. After that I'll lead you to the emergency-rope at the end of the village. Use it to climb down from these hights and thereafter you have to sneak among the bushes under the village; it's safer than to run in the forests were the guards may see you, the Legendary girl began to explain.
- But I've to see the Oracle before I escape! She's the only one who knows if there are any Steefs left and were they might live, please I really have to see her, Stranger said with an stressed voice.
- The Oracle? The old Grubb in our village?! She lives in of our most guarded huts in the villiage and it's pretty hard to get a time to talk with her...but...okay changed plans!
First I'll free you and then the Grubb Leader, but while I'm freeing her, then you go to the Oracle to have your "little chat" and when I have freed the Grubb Leader and lead her to saftey then I come back to help you to get out of there...it's pretty simple; Those two Guards have for a long time been in love with me so if I get thier attention then you might be able to go in the back way of the hut, but that's before I save your friend, do you understand?
Stranger nodded and said:
- Yeah I understand. It sounds like a great plan to me...let's see how it works!

Liana unlocked the fetters and sneaked carefully out from the hut with Stranger. A couple minutes they saw the hut were the Oracle was and the Guards who were standing outside it. Liana told Stranger to sneak behind some other huts to reach the Oracle while she was going to get the Guards Attention. Stranger sneaked behind the huts and soon he reached the backway of the Oracle's hut. He waited on the Legendary girl's signal; and it was a flirt. She talked to the guards, and commended them with proud. They fell for her trick and soon she sended the signal, and Stranger went in to the Oracle.

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06-26-2005, 03:57 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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odd chick  (10)

Woah, it's getting intense! This story is awesome, Dancing Steef-it just keeps getting better and better as it goes along. Keep up the great work.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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06-29-2005, 09:19 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
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Dancing Steef  (10)

hehe! thanx! I'm working on me next part, and i guess it'll take longer time to write it cuz i haven't write anything latley, been with friends and takin' care of the garden...but the story is going to get finnished on me vaccation, cuz when i begin in school again i'm having alot of new subjects and stuff and then they're havin my attention and there will be no time left for writing...so it has to be finnished on my summer vaccation. Anyway good luck with yer writing I'll hold my fingers crossed for ya!

Dancing Steef

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06-29-2005, 07:27 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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odd chick  (10)

Thanks, Dancing Steef. Good luck with your stuff, too!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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06-30-2005, 09:43 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
Clakker Relic Miner
: Mar 2005
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Dancing Steef  (10)

yer welcome Odd Chick! Oh and here is some moer on the story... it's jus' a lil part of the second chapter and a larger part of chapter three... well here it is!

Liana flirted once more and then she said god bye to the easy-fooled Guards. " While Stranger is in the Oracle's hut and havivg his 'little chat' then I've to rescue the Grubb", The Legendary girl thought as she went to the other prison where the Grubb was holding up.

Chapter three: Backstory

The Oracle was sitting on a chair beside a table, with her back turned around, and was eating on a fruit. Stranger saw her and when he just were about to make contact with her she said with an very old and rasped voice:
- You don't have to ask me, I already know what you were about to ask me...sit down and I'll explain.

Suprised, Stranger sat down on the other chair which was free and asked the Oracle:
- I guess you know why I'm here and perhaps what I'm going to ask you, but I want things and stuff clear so; Are there any Steefs left around these parts?
- Well...said the Oracle and put her fruit away, If you really want to know if there are any steefs left then you must say please before I'll tell you anything.
- Can you tell me if there are any Steefs left, please, said Stranger with a sigh.
- Well that's my boy...the Oracle began to say, You wondered if there are any Steefs left and well...yes there are.
- There are?! Oh Thank Oddness! But... said Stranger before he got interrupted by the Oracle.
- I'm not finnished yet! There are three Steef-tribes left here outside Mongo Valley. They used to be four of them, but the fourth one got destoyed by the Wolwarks...and you came from that tribe... the Steef- tribe of the North... those three tribes which are left, lives in the South, in the West and in the East.
- I don't understand...four tribes except one which has been terminated?
- The tribe which was terminated, was yours...answered the Oracle.

Stranger nodded and asked her with a sad voice:
- Dear Oracle...why live these tribes in difftent directions? Haven't they once been one tribe?
- ... I can tell you the backstory off these tribes, I guess it'll answer the most questions you have.

- For a hundred years ago, there was a large Steef tribe which lived in the heart of mongo Valley. The leader of this tribe was married to a female Steef and two years after their marriage she gave birth to a son, whom they named Alca. The Leader got so proud over his wife and son, after all the son was about to take the father¨s place when he'd grown up. Two years later the female Steef gave birth to triplets and they were sons to. The Leader got happy, but the problem was; that if he had four sons and every one of them should take his place directly after his death, then it would be problems.
The years past and soon the Leader became too old to manage taking care of the tribe. Alca, who had reached the age of twenty, was about to take over. The old Father had chosen him, because Alca was the oldest one of the sons. But the other Sons, which were known as Noka, Vivay and Carak got really upset of their father's choise and started to protest against him. The Father said to them with anger:
- Alca is the oldest one of you boys, and he knows what's best for the village.
- But Father, doesn't the law say that the new Leader who's going to take over, must get married first , asked Carak saracastic.
- Yeah, and Alca haven't even got engaged yet, which is a shame... but we in the other hand have got engaged and are soon going to get married, but do you choose any of us? No! Instead you choose Alca to be the next Leader and that's not right you know that, said Noka with a grin.
- You two be quiet! I've heard enough. Alca's taking over whenever he's married or not, shouted the Father with angerness.
- Then you're breaking the law, Vivay joined in, and it's not usual when a Leader like you breaks the law .

The Father sended them away to their huts and went to talk to Alca, about the leadership and other things which were related to the subject.
A few months later the Father left the leadership to his son Alca, but the Father would help him as much as he could before his death. Alca ruled over the tribe with wisdom and justice for his people, and the people got really pleased with their new Leader. But in the younger brother's hearts, the jealousy were growing and began to transform in to dark madness. They didn't like when their older brother took all the people's attention from them, after all each one of the three younger brothers wanted to be a great Leader, a better one then Alca. Noka wispered to the others:

- We can't jus' letting our big brother taking care of our tribe like this...Father lets Alca take over his role as the Leader, but what do we get instead? Only standing in the shadow of a spiolted loser, that's all!
- Your right Noka, but if we're going to bask in the light of a loser, then what do you think it's best for us to do to change this... missunderstanding, asked Vivay.
- Perhaps we could try to make the people vote on one of us four, which they would like to have as a Leader but... we'll have to wait to mention the voting cause if we say something about it then Father will stop us...said Carak with a deep voice.
- You mean that if we wait with the voting, maybe after our Father's death, then... said Noka.
Carak nodded as he grined with proud.

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06-30-2005, 12:44 PM
big bro boogie
Sewer Sleg
: Jun 2003
: Netherlands
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big bro boogie  (10)

Ooh, getting VERY intense.
You really have this great way of creating cliffhangers.
Way to go Dancin'
--Yours Truly.
---My DevArt.---

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07-01-2005, 03:44 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
Outlaw Shooter
: Nov 2004
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odd chick  (10)

Great chapter, Dancing Steef-and yes, I agree that it is getting intense, too. This is a perfect example of what jealousy can do to people. Keep up the great work!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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07-02-2005, 09:53 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
Clakker Relic Miner
: Mar 2005
: Sweden
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Dancing Steef  (10)

thanx! here's some more! Enjoy!

Some months later the Father died in pneumonia and all the people were crying in sadness. Alca and his mother were the ones who cried most of them. The younger brothers cried to, but in them hearts they laughed in joy, because now they could have their voting without getting stoped by some old fool. The people gathered around the old Leader and four of them carried him to the graveyard to bury him, like they've done with their other Leaders along through times.
Next day the younger brothers decided to tell their new Leader about the voting. Noka who was going to do the talking said to the others:
- Alca is more sad than he'd ever been before...almost depressed, if we are lucky then he'll leave the leadership to us directly after we'd mentioned the voting...but we have to be prepared for anything, our big brother's stubborn like an Elum.
- If Alca would leave the leadership to us then who's going to be the Leader, asked Vivay.
- You idiot! Look, we'll have to let the inhabitants doing the voting... the leadership may wait, answered Noka with an irritated voice.
- Knock it of guys! I know Alca more than you two and he'll not leave the leadership to us that easy...we can only hope that the people will vote on anyone of us four and if the luck is on our side and someone of us three become the Leader then he'll rule well as a good Leader would, Agree, asked Carak them.
Both of them agreed.
They went to see Alca as were sitting outside his hut and talking to some of his friends. One of his friends who was ten years older than him asked:
- How do you feel now Alca to be the Great Leader? Is it good or what?
- It's good but... I miss my Father alot...answered Alca with a lump of cry in his throat.
- Oh...I see. I'm sorry...
- It's alright...It just that when my Father lived we used to do fun things together like...like go fishing, wrestling and talking... you know doing Father and son-things.
- I understand...but I hope you'll get over it. Your Father was about sixty years old when he died so that explains alot. Anyway I was thinking...haven't you thought about to get married yet? When I was in your age my Father told me to get married and a couple or maybe three years later I got married to Trialy. And now we're parents to two five-year old girls and soon we're having our third baby...aahhhh it's lovely to be a father...Imagine it Alca that about a couple years you'll having a wife that loves you and two,three or maybe four kids running around and playing...
- Yeah...that sounds great but... I guess I'm not ready to get married...I'll rather wait until I am.
- It's up to you Alca, you decides what's best but...don't forget...
Alca smiled and said:
- No I'll not forget... I'll promes you I wont.
They all laughed with happyness. Suddenly one of the friends saw the brothers and said:
- Alca look here comes your brothers...they're looking quite...quite happy?

I didn't write so much this time cuz I haven't got the time to write that much...anyway next part will be more of what shall I call it... more of exciting and yeah...you'll know soon.

see ya!


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07-03-2005, 08:43 AM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
Outlaw Shooter
: Nov 2004
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odd chick  (10)

Nice work, Dancing Steef. The backstory of the Steef tribes is very interesting...Poor Alca. Anyway, keep it up! It's still very good.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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07-04-2005, 09:19 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
Clakker Relic Miner
: Mar 2005
: Sweden
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Rep Power: 20
Dancing Steef  (10)

Thanx Odd Chick! and as I promissed the next part will be more of action and a bit of dramatic... here it is, enjoy!

Chapter three: Backstory- part two

Meanwhile at the other prison where the Grubb-Leader was holding up...

A couple of guards stood outside the prison and talked to each other. One said:
- I wonder what our Alpha-leader will do to that smelly little Steef which the Master and his apprentices captured beside the river...
The other one licked his lips and said:
- You know if the Alpha-leader should hold a cermony or a party just for fun, then our stinky friend would be the host of the night...Mmmmm I really love the smell of a roasted Steef...
- Yeah. And they're pretty tasty to, said the first one and laughed with an evil grin on his lips.

Liana who was sneaking behind the prison heard what the guards were talking about and thought " Shit...I've to hurry up rescue the Grubb-Leader and warn Stranger before they realize that he's gone...now where is the f***ing back door?" The Legendary girl found the back door, unlocked it with a key of hers and went in. She saw the Leader sitting tied up with some thick ropes in the corner of the room. The Leader cried a little and said to herself:
- Oh...it's all my fault...I should have told him about not to make fires at the mornings in the forest...Oh Stranger where are you when I need you?
- I know it's hard but...nobody's perfect, Liana started to explain.
The Grubb who'd first looked down on the floor looked up and saw her. With a quite sad but also a bit depressed face the Leader asked:
- Who are you and...what do you want? If you're here to kill me then just do it! I can't stand being held like this!
- I'm not here to kill you... Liana started to say, I'm here to rescue you and your pal...
- Stranger? Is he here? where is he? I want to talk to him quickly, please...
- Eh, calm down your crazy lizzard! And be quiet for Odd's sake! If the guards who are guarding this place hear you, then we both are toast...so listen up!

The Grubb calmed down and started to listend what she had to say.
- I've helped your friend out from his prison and guided him to the Oracle, so he's having his little chat with her right now...Oh and by the way I thought it would be nice to rescue you to...just for fun.
- Why are you doing this for us, asked the Grubb with curiousity.
- It's along story, but to make long story short... the Alpha-leader doesn't respect me as I am and that's kind of...a terrible thing. Not long time ago the Alpha-leader proposed to my sister but she in the other hand didn't like him that much so she said no to his proposal. The wierd thing is that I had a little chat with my sister the night before she said no to him and it was about the proposal...one of the alpha-leader's bodyguards was outside her hut and spying at us. He heard what we were talking about and directly after we'd got finnished, he retuned to the Alpha-leader and told him everything he'd heard. Next day the Alpha-leader orderd me to clean the prisons around the village and if I didn't do it he would...do something terrible to my sister...and after that he'd never given me the respect I wanted...it feels like that I don't belong here, nobody cares about me so I don't care if any of our prisoners escapes...
- I understand, said the Leader with a gentle voice.

Liana smiled and said:
- I don't have much time left talking to you now, so I better free you from these ropes and lead you to the emergency-rope that'll lead you to a safer distance under the village. Stay there while I help Stranger out from the Oracle's place.
- Okay...and Thanks for doing this for me and my friend, we really preciate what you're doing, said the Grubb with gratefullness.
The Legendary girl nodded and picked out a knife from one of her tiny bags and began to sickle the ropes. When she got finnished she said to the Grubb:
- Let's go, before it's too late! C'mon jump up on my back and I'll lead you to the exit.
The Grubb-leader jumped up on her back and then they ran of to the emergency-rope.

While back at the Oracle's hut...

- What hapend next, asked Stranger with eagerness.
- Well... where was I...Oh yeah now I remember...

Alca saw his three brothers and said to them:
- Noka, Vivay and Carak what a suprise! I didn't expect you to come, here sit down!

The brothers sat down and began to talk to him. Noka said:
- Alca... there's something we want to tell you and it's quite important to all of us...
- Tell me, please I want to know what's on your minds...Is there a problem, asked Alca.
- Hehe, not exactly a problem but there's stil something...
- Oh c'mon tell me I want to help you guys, don't be so shy.
- Easy brother... we're giong to tell you, Vivay joined in, Noka go on and tell him!

Noka cleared his throat and began to tell to the young Leader.
- You see... Father choosed you as the next leader and left us behind...and now we want, as your brothers just make an simple request...
- Go on, said Alca with a calm voice.
- ...I Noka, Carak and Vivay wants to have a... what shall I call it hmmm...a voting contest about who's going to be the leader.
When Alca heard them mentioned the voting contest he stood up and said to his friends to leave them. Then Alca said with disappiontment and anger:
- You know the law and you know me... And I decide that there will not be a voting contest until the day I'm gone. Do I have make myself clear?

Noka became quiet and so did also Vivay, but Carak raised his voice to Alca and said:
- Our Father left the leadership to you, but he didn't gave us a chance to become the Leader he'd wished did he?...So tell me Alca; Why can't we just try to have this little contest? It'll give us a chance to make us change our minds and other things.

soon i'll have my real vaccation at my relatives place and then it'll take longer time before i send some more in... i'll send more in, but it'll take it's time. Then I send larger parts in I think it's the best.

See ya!


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07-04-2005, 04:01 PM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
: Dec 2002
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I absolutely love your story, Dancing Steef, you are such a good writer and artist!

Keep up the good work, I cannot wait for the next chapter!

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