Now now, kiddies, I don't want my thread hijacked too much.
Indeed, it creeped me out, too.

That was indeed my intention. Thanks, DooM3! And the 'Print Scrn' button.
Yes, I double posted. But simply because it was an update. Otherwise, why would I do something that I critisize people for?
Uno critiquo. The animations seem a little slow, at least in that big ol' thing. The last one. So just animate it as if you were on speed.
Yeah, but the humor is all in the timing. Well, for that scene it is. I have an .avi file of it which is 15 seconds, but it isn't as funny. But the rest of the animation will be that speed...
Anyway, is this in any way based on The Elder Scrolls? Just the name, maybe?
Well, me and Co-Creator $andy Mudukon were Morrowind freakin' junkies. It may well have something to do with TES, probably the game, but at the moment, it was simply a geeky reference.
And AFOL, heres a basic version of Sams Brumen I've been workin' on... Soon to have a tongue, soon to be animated.
More Killah stuffs coming soon...