When you post, try not to write only one-liners. A one-liner is a post where the player has only written one or two lines. Sometimes it's ok, but always, it just get irritating. Try to use more time your posts, and describe it more.
Also, remeber that ignoring other players isn't allowed. be observant, read the posts through, and if there's something you don't undertsand, say so instead of ignoring them. If you don't like the other players actions, say so too, instead of ignoring.
An example:
A punches B
B continues down the hall and watches TV
A talks to B
B goes to pack some crates
It is very aporeciated if you put an effort in your grammar and spelling. If you're not sure what a word means or spelled like, use a dicationary, or do a spelling-check with Microsoft Word.
Copying RPGs:
Please do not copy other's RPG. Having 2 or 3 of the same RPGs is quite annoying. If you absolutely want so, you can ask the author for the original RPG, and ask if you can use his/her ideas. But, you may start an RPG that is the same as another, if it is out-dated. I can't see how that would hurt.
Constant swearing:
Please refer from swearing. It is no allowed, but your character can call each other other stuff then f*ck and stuff like that.
An example:
A shoves B again, wanting to finish the fight
A : Ran away, again?
B : **** off you ****ing ****
however, you can do something like
A shoves B again, wanting to fight
A : Ran away again?
B : Get lost you bastard! I don't wanna fight.
The first post:
I seen many members do a one-liner for the first post in an RP.
That's actually very bad, cos the first post shall always be an intruduction. The first post is used to settle evrything, intruduce ye character, make sure to show how he/she's like.
Sticking to the Storyline:
Please, when you join an ongoing RP, don't change the storyline drastically, just because you want to make your character important.
I've also forgot to add to the "First post"-rule, that you must have your character to join in a ligoc way. Not just appear in the place, but arrive somehow.
Please, when there is already one thing going on, don't change it, follow the story, then somehow, you can slowly twist it to your benefit if you absolutely want, but make sure not to ignore the other people's demands.
Don't start a kinds of sidequests, it stalls the RP and makes it anoying.
Please keep in mind that if you have any comment, complaint or suggestion, then feel welcome to post it