Summer Plans
So, school's out for most of us. What are you planning on doing this summer?
My plans include:
-Finishing my comics: "Darkness in the Forest Spirit" and "None Shall Remain"(both are OW comics)
-Finishing my fan-fics
-updating my DeviantArt account
-losing that last 10 lbs
-Going to the creek
-Wiccan stuff....
-Learning to sew dresses
-Getting my damn gerbils to breed
-Learning the rest of the Spanish language
-Beating AO, AE, and Silent Hill 3
-Becoming a dark poet
-Learn to draw blood, gore, violence and scary stuff
-Learning to sing, dammit!
-See the Doom movie in August
-Learn to draw Outlaws, Vykkers, Interns, Clakkerz, Live Ammo, Grubbs, and Glukkons in Manga style.
-Beat the ever-loving crap out of people that call me a Satanist(which I most certainly am NOT!)
Last edited by ANN NEELY; 06-04-2005 at 01:03 PM..