I'm saying it's very similar to Trogdor and the stories related to it, yeah. Especially "Burnination."
I just dont see the point of writing 'Oh and maybe you should try...' and 'And what might be partially better is...' and 'I'm sure you'll do better next time'
Because there's just no need, and lifes to short to type what I just typed thus shortening time I have left in my life...damn.
I'm sorry, but that's bullpuckey. I have every right to critique, and frankly a lot of the fanfics here need it.
Here's a basic fanfic that usually presents itself in the Fan Corner:
Okay I tel u story now k thx. onse apon tyme there was moodawkin name flappydoodle. Him gratist of al mudawkkunz betr then ayb evun. He go to rupshurfarms now. "hi grappo" he say and grappo say "hi flappydoodle" they laff and play and run in crcle. But meen glukkin come to take mony and steel frum flappydoodle so he maek plan to stpo him. grappo jump and tel glukkin "swipr no swiping" an glukkin sad and crying is. then big ol mr bigbroslig come and he say meen things make grappo cry and he fall down and it was funny hur hur hur and flappydoodle say "u meen guy bigbroslig u say you sorry plz thx." bigbro say "You know what? You all suck. Suck and die, you f ucking retards." grappo fel betr and maek klay moddl in preskule an show it to flappydoodle they laff the end lolerphant!!!!1111one

This is pretty much all I see when I try to read them. Absolutely no paragraphs, spell-checks or the like. It's just this giant block of text.
If you're going to wright something, make sure it looks good. I can't stress that enough. If you want someone to truly enjoy your fic, it should be written well.
There is no excuse for a poorly written fanfic. If you don't have enough time to really work at a fanfic, you might as well not type it up at all.