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06-12-2005, 05:42 AM
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Happy Work At Rupture Farms The Full Story

Well I think it has been the greatest thing ever so I have turned it into a story, adding a few extra bits here and there. Enjoy!

Work At Rupture Farms.
The Full Story
Chapter 1

Out in the old abandoned parts of Mudos stands a factory known as Rupture Farms, it has been abandoned ever since an incident that happened 7 days ago.
One slig whose name is #7 slig survived the incident and started up Rupture Farms again.
“I don’t need Molluck to run this place,” said #7 slig. “He was to mean and ugly, I think I will make a Phone call to a nicer Glukkon and see if he can help me.”
#7 slig walks over to the security phone and turns it on.
“Hi, can I get in touch with Arnie by any chance?” asked #7 slig.
“Right away,” said the slig on the phone that pressed a button bringing Arnie’s phone both online.
“Hello, Arnie.”
“Its, me,” said Arnie waking up from a snooze. “What can I do you for?”
“Well you know Molluck, he kind of got struck by lightning and we need a new boss, me being boss of security department I think we need a good Glukkon to keep us safe and that Glukkon is you.”
“Thank you, I will get out to Rupture Farms as soon as possible, may I ask your name though?”
“#7 slig.”
“See you soon.”
At that point both of them stopped talking

About 10 Minutes later a Mudokon Ninja whose name was Raizo came into the room.
“Boss, I need to ask you something slig,” asked Raizo.
“That’s #7 slig to you, MUD!” said # slig.
“Well because Mollucks dead can you tell those sligs blocking the exits to leave so I can go home.”
“Ok then, what should I do?”
“Get to work!”
“Yes slig.”
#7 slig looked at Raizo as if to say “What’s my name?”
“I mean #7 slig,” said Raizo running off.

Not long after a slig whose name was Smudge came in the room while looking amazingly at everything in Rupture Farms.
“Who, this is so much bigger than Slig Barracks,” said Smudge.
“Can I help you?” asked #7 slig.
“Oh, I just got sent here from Slig Barracks and I was wondering what’s my position?”
“Well give me your profile.”
Smudge handed #7 slig his profile and #7 slig read it.
“Ok Smudge, your hired for Security Department, but due to your laziness, would you prefer to work in the Stockyards? It is empty now but when the boss arrives it will be filled with Scrabs and Paramites.”
“Sir, yes, sir. Right away sir,” said Smudge while scratching lazily under his arm.
Smudge left the room and #7 slig put his profile in the Profile Room.

After 2 hours #7 slig got a phone call from Arnie.
“Ok so your 2 minutes from Rupture Farms,” said #7 slig.
“That’s, right. And I want you to be there when I arrive,” said Arnie.
“Ok, bye sir.”
#7 slig put the phone down and left for the train station.
As the train pulled into the station, #7 slig new just how rich Arnie is.
Arnie walks out of the train smiling.
“Hello #7 slig,” said Arnie. “Get all the Mudokons ready for a meeting.”

Not long later all the Mudokons were ready for a meeting.
Arnie walks in front of them and says. “Hi, and welcome to the new and improved Rupture Farms. I hope you Mudokons are going to work good and feel good at your work. Now I need 30 Mudokons cleaning, 20 for Production lines and 10 for packaging.”
Arnie looks up and sees only three Mudokons, whose names were Jayne, Vince and Corral.
Jayne leans over to Vince and whispers, “Pretty pathetic don’t you think. Were the only ones here.”
“Shh, that’s good, we have a more easier chance to escape,” said Vince.
“Vince we only just got here, and you already want to escape? I thought you would be glad not to work in Glubber Co. anymore, this place looks nice.”
Arnie was a little embarrassed to only have 3 employers so he said “Um, but due to lack of workers a little rest before some more arrive.”
#7 slig was worried if Raizo had tried to escape, then he realized Arnie had finished talking and started clapping.
“Freedom, Jayne, freedom! That’s what we need, just ask gramps,” said Vince while waving his arm at Correl.
But Correl was fast asleep.
“Looks like he likes it,” said Jayne with a smile on her face.
“What the- that Mudokons started to fall asleep, wait till I,” #7 slig was interrupted.
“I said rest, not beating. If they can rest now they can work even better later,” said Arnie.
Correl opens one eye listening and went back to sleep when he knew he wouldn’t get beaten.
“Well I guess, hey, do security get rests?”
“What?!?” Arnie was looking at #7 slig in the weirdest way. “Security is for guarding, remember that Abe guy is out there.”
“Yeah I know, he blew up Dripik, Alsik and Phleg! But why should he come here, if we don’t torture Mudokons?”
“We wont torture them to stop Abe from coming here, look what the Magog Cartel is doing, Zapping, beating and torturing them and Abe blew up Necrum Mines, and Soul Storm Brewery! If we don’t hurt them, he wont hurt us…um, I think.”
“Well I will think about it,” #7 slig pretends to think.
“Never mind, just treat them good.”
“Yes boss.”
“Am I the only one who cares about freedom but me,” said Vince while rolling his eyes.

Smudge comes walking into the room with another slig whose name was Obi who has Raizo in chains. Smudge makes a weird face at Vince.
Vince saw Smudge and said, “Hey you filthy”
Jayne smacked him in the chest to shut him up. Vince starts to grind his teeth to stay calm.
“Sit down Vince, don’t start a fight,” said Jayne while sitting Vince down.
Smudge lets out a little laugh while feeling pleased with himself.

“Smudge, I see you’ve come with the one of the surviving sligs, Obi and Raizo,” said #7 slig. “You can’t escape Raizo. Oh yes, Obi, all you need to do is guard the factory and Muds, do not hurt the Muds.”
“Yes, sir,” said Obi.
“Go join your friends now Raizo,” said Arnie. “And you Smudge, just keep an eye on the Muds, ok.”
“There not my friends,” says Raizo wile getting pushed over.
“No pushing over either,” said Arnie
Vince looks at Obi and gulps then says, “He looks mean.”
Correl looks at Raizo as if to say, “Who the hell are you?” then looks away.
Raizo just sits down staring into space.
Vince was sitting down by himself muttering, “God dammit, why the hell is gramps asleep. What’s so relaxing about this dump, I mean there is blood stains everywhere. And there are meat saw and security cameras, how is this place nice?” Vince suddenly heard a noise over in some shadows. “That sounded like a Ratz.” He began to sneak towards it while Smudge was biting his fingernails.
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

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06-12-2005, 07:38 AM
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And THIS is exactly what I was planning to do with my 'home' RPG's on my own forum after they've evolved far enough

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06-12-2005, 08:39 AM
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This taken form the RPG W@RF?

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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06-13-2005, 01:57 AM
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Yes it is, with more info and stuff.
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

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06-13-2005, 08:25 AM
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I don't like this story too mch You've twisted the storyline completely, and you haven't even asked if you were allowed to use Dripiks characters or RPG...

If you changed the name of the story and actors, it would sound like a completely other story. The characters don't stay in their character either... It was Arnie who hired #7 Slig, not the other way around... Um...
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


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06-14-2005, 04:53 AM
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*drops jaw*

True, you haven't asked me about this. There are some drastic changes in the storyline and the characters' personality.

I've wondered a few times myself, that I could make the story into a more 'text-like' form, but this is not really the thing.

But I don't think that changing RPGs into normal texts is a good idea. Everybody imagines the story differently, and they might find contradictions between the story and their picture of it.

Maybe you should make a story about another plant with your own characters, that would be good.

Last edited by dripik; 06-14-2005 at 04:57 AM..
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06-14-2005, 06:23 AM
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Yea.. changing the storyline this drastically is very bad... Not only because it makes the story seem untrue, but new members of OWF that wanna join WARF RPG, might aswell decide to read this story instead of the original RPG, and then they get a whole another picture of it, and might confuse it all...
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


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06-14-2005, 06:38 AM
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Next to what everyone els said, I also think you're one lousy writer. No pun intended... well, maybe a little. Go look up some writing tips, then come back...
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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06-14-2005, 07:17 AM
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Uh... where's the pun??? O_o...
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


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06-14-2005, 10:01 PM
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fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

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