yeah I have Oddworld dreams from time to time, but usually they're not 'pure Oddworld' but crossovers with other things, like some books I've read or other games I played.
Few days ago I had a Stranger based dream I guess (maybe that's because I'm dying to play that game and I think a lot about it....but I need to buy xbox first

). Only thing that the Steef there wasn't Stranger, because he (she? I can't really tell) had black tiger-like stripes and different horns. And this dream was freaky......You see, in my dream I think that I was a Grubb (male, I'm certain of that) and we had to fight with some...guy....(he looked a lot like evolved Dumah from LoK series...nevermind) and the plan was that we (the Grubbs) had to defeat other bad guys guarding that Dumah-like guy's tower (yeah....that looked like a tower, but I'm not really sure what it was) and then that Steef with stripes would fight with him. So we fought and there was a plothole (my dreams have a lot of plotholes...if they have any plot that is, sometimes they're just pointless), because we (the Grubbs) wanted to enter that tower to help Stripy (I will call him like that :P), but then the doors opened, when his beheaded body flied past them and crushed to the ground. Someone screamed and I thought "Poor guy didn't had any chances anyway", then the Dumah-guy appeared in front of us and kicked Stripy's body, now lying in a big puddle of blood. Then I saw that he's holding Stripy's head in one hand. The Dumah-guy then faced us and said something, but in language that I didn't know. But it had to be something bad because some of the Grubbs screamed and launched at him, and then my alarm clock woke me up and I had to prepare for school.
Well I must say that I usually have pretty violent dreams and this one wasn't an exception...I still feel a bit uncomfortable and kinda sad at the thought of that Striped Steef's body and his head. I hate my dreams (Mostly, I hate the dream when I was chased by the Pyramid Head....damn I was scared then), I remember every detail >_<......but when I wrote it down, and I think about it- maybe I will make a fan character? Steef with tiger-like stripes...hmmm.....