Continuing on with
my theme of weird kindof AO/AE related graphics and stuff, I now have an Oddworld Desktop Generator script, although it would work for any kind of desktop...
You know how most of the AO/AE screenshots online are 400x300 or so? But this is the 21st century, so your desktop is probably 1280 by something or other. They're so purdy though.... one solution is to use a whole bunch of little pictures as your desktop, that fills up the res quite nicely. But how to choose which ones?
If you've ever asked yourself that (unlikely), help is here in the form of another html document. This one randomly selects nine images from the directory of your choice and tiles them in a 3x3 grid as your desktop. Set it as your active desktop and you'll have a different desktop everytime you login, or whenever you click refresh.
Trust me it's actually cool. You can have it with more or less pics if you can manage to edit the html thing, or set the centre picture to always be your favourite, or whatever. And use it for whatever pics you like. Comes with some really tiny pics as an example of use, get your own proper ones from
TOGG or elsewhere.