Hi, I'm andy86. You might remember me from such threads as the
OW Icons thread.
Once again I've come up with an AO/AE related resource of limited usefulness.
If you have firefox, you must've seen the default firefox start page at least once- a firefox logo, a google search form and a new firefox tip each time.
For reasons known only to myself, I have a modified version of this page with the Official Oddworld-Firefox logo, the same google form and an Abe head that greets you with a different random greeting each time. Also there are quick links at the bottom.
Use firefox if you don't already, IE was made by glukkons (to some extent).
If you want it, download the zip, edit the html to customise the quick links and abe greetings, and set it as your firefox start page. For help post here.
As an odded bonus it will mean your startpage loads almost instantly since its on your harddrive.
(edit) Where are the oddgeeks? At this rate you're not getting my oddworld desktop generator script (Coming Soon!)