this is a story by me
Oddworld: The return of the Steef tribe
It has gone three months since Sekto got defeated by Stranger and everything were coming back to normal. Some Grubbs were fishing along the Mongo River and other were dancing around the great fires, which they used to have when they were having special rituals. Stranger was sitting next to the Leader of the Grubbs, beside the river, and they were talking to each other.
- Do you like it here, asked the Leader with curiosity.
- Yeah…answered Stranger with a sigh.
- What’s the matter? Is something wrong?
- Nothing’s wrong jus’ that… ah you wouldn’t understand…
Stranger left the Leader and walked to his hut.
Inside the hut, he sat down on his bed and took a deep breath. Under the past few months he had have a lot of strange dreams, which were about his past.
He was standing on a hill and looked on the deep valley downside Dead Hen’s pass. Right below it, there was a little village, which radiated happiness and joy. It was his home. The home of the Steef tribe. From the hill he saw Steefs, running, playing and talking to each other, he also saw the small baby-Steefs with their mothers. Everything was good. He went down the hill and walked towards the village. Well there he got a warm welcome by them Steefs and the great leader, Alca came out from his hut and saw Stranger. Alca shouted with cheer:
- Behold! Our great warrior has return to the village!
The inhabitants shouted in glory and some of them danced in joy. Alca walked towards stranger and shaked hand with him.
- I’m so glad you came back safe and sound! How was your trip?
- It was good thank you, answered Stranger with a calm voice.
A little bit later Stranger visited his old father, the great legend. The father had for a long time defeated enemies who were threading the home of the Steef tribe. Ages past, and soon the Father became old and weak. Before he got the role as the Legend, he got married to a beautiful female Steef named Clarrie and after a year she gave birth to a son, known as Stranger. Know, Stranger has taken over his father’s role as the Legend. The Father welcomed his son and gave him a hug.
- My dearest son, I’m so glad you’re back; the Father said gently and smiled.
- Dad… it’s nice to be home…Stranger said with a joyful voice.