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04-16-2005, 03:10 PM
nicksmith41's Avatar
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Question A few questions...

Ok i have more then a few questions about SW.

Firstly SW different Time frame then Abe and Munch games? Casue well look at the technology Sekto Spring dam is obviously the most technologically advanced area in SW and then look at the companies in AO, AE, MO. cause rupturefarms, Soulstorm Brewery, and Splinterz (just an example from MO) are pretty technologically advanced, it just seems like its a different time frame.

Is the glukkon queen dead? cause in MO she needed new lungs and obviously munch got away, so did she die? and if so is the glukkon race gonna become extinct......FREEDOM TO THE PEOPLE OF ODDWORLD....

I noticed that the vykker surgeon in SW is green and the ones in MO are purple, now i relized that its probably because of weather conditions and sun, but i would like other's insight on this subject.

Who is all in the Magog Cartel, cause it seems to be done for.

Is Stranger young and not mature enough to grow his horns or did he shave them like hellboy?

Why are steefs considered freaks...Vykkers have 3 legs.

I saw a picture of a grubb a bolamite and a fat looking grubb how come he was never in the game?

What happens to Stranger now? does he live with the grubbs, does he go back to being a bounty hunter, maybe the grubbs sent him on a mission to find the next hero of oddworld.......FANGUS!
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04-16-2005, 03:30 PM
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1. It set in the same timeline as Abe & Munch

2. I much doubt it, we haven't seen her yet.

3. Mabey, he probaly did something to his skin. Who knows?

4. Industrals (I didn't realy get that)

5. I don't think he's shaved them off,it doasn't appear that way. I don't know.

6. Hah, a creature like a Vykker is more oddworldly.

7. Erm, probaly not. No one realy knows, but he should have another mission, since I heard about Stranger II.

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
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04-16-2005, 03:40 PM
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Firstly SW different Time frame then Abe and Munch games? Casue well look at the technology Sekto Spring dam is obviously the most technologically advanced area in SW and then look at the companies in AO, AE, MO. cause rupturefarms, Soulstorm Brewery, and Splinterz (just an example from MO) are pretty technologically advanced, it just seems like its a different time frame.
Stranger takes place after the Abe and Munch saga in relation to time.
Is the glukkon queen dead? cause in MO she needed new lungs and obviously munch got away, so did she die? and if so is the glukkon race gonna become extinct......FREEDOM TO THE PEOPLE OF ODDWORLD....
Ha, well nobody's sure. It depends on which quarma you got I suppose.

I noticed that the vykker surgeon in SW is green and the ones in MO are purple, now i relized that its probably because of weather conditions and sun, but i would like other's insight on this subject.
I always thought he ws more of a pale white. I think he's supposed to give the impression of an undertaker.

Who is all in the Magog Cartel, cause it seems to be done for.
Glukks, Sligs, Vykks, Interns, Khanzumers (not seen yet, buy products from Cartel), Chroniclers (cut from game, Cartel lawyers). And the Cartel is still there, but it's being crippled slowly by Abe and Co.

Is Stranger young and not mature enough to grow his horns or did he shave them like hellboy?
Stranger has no horns in the game (we would have seen the stumps), so the popular theory here is that he's a young steef.

Why are steefs considered freaks...Vykkers have 3 legs.
The Clakkers called Doc wierd in the game.

I saw a picture of a grubb a bolamite and a fat looking grubb how come he was never in the game?
THat creature was called a Scuba Toad. They were cut from the game.

What happens to Stranger now? does he live with the grubbs, does he go back to being a bounty hunter, maybe the grubbs sent him on a mission to find the next hero of oddworld.......FANGUS!
Most likely he stays with the Grubbs. His hunting dyas are over, now that his secret's out. And I have a hunch that Fangus isn't related to the Stranger games.

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04-16-2005, 03:44 PM
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Whoops, forgot to answer the Scuba toad question. The real reason behind that is that there to many characters in the game, they were wern't needed. Also, they had very short arms, which was a problem.


"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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04-16-2005, 07:50 PM
nicksmith41's Avatar
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Most likely he stays with the Grubbs. His hunting dyas are over, now that his secret's out. And I have a hunch that Fangus isn't related to the Stranger games.
But i think it was on IGN or that magazine wiht info on fangus in it, but they said it was a follow up to stranger, I don;t know how reliable of a sorce that is,

but it think it would be cool if stranger and fangus worked as a team later in the series. Maybe stranger will take the boat to fangustan and look for any other steefs much like how munch was looking other gabits
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04-17-2005, 03:52 AM
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Is the glukkon queen dead? cause in MO she needed new lungs and obviously munch got away, so did she die? and if so is the glukkon race gonna become extinct......FREEDOM TO THE PEOPLE OF ODDWORLD....
DIdn't the last newspaper say something about Maggie being put on Life Support, or finding lungs from somewhere else?

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04-17-2005, 10:55 AM
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She was put on life support, yes. And since the Gluks aren't going to pull the plug anytime soon, I'm guessing she still lives.

nicksmith, I think that by follow-up they just mean it's the next game in the series. It doesn't mean it's related in any way to Stranger's Wrath.
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04-17-2005, 01:06 PM
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Who is all in the Magog Cartel, cause it seems to be done for.
The Magog Cartel are Glukkons, aided by Slig henchmen. Vykkers and Interns belong to the Vykkers Conglomerate. Sekto belongs to another Industrial family. I'm not sure exactly what the Uguay Estate is, but that's another separate Industrial family.

They're all screwed.

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04-17-2005, 01:58 PM
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Why are steefs considered freaks...Vykkers have 3 legs.
Racism, and the fact that they would have probably tried to prevent the dam and clakker settlemennts wouldn't help their cause either.

Vykkers and Interns belong to the Vykkers Conglomerate. Sekto belongs to another Industrial family. I'm not sure exactly what the Uguay Estate is, but that's another separate Industrial family.
Vykkers Conglomerate, Uguay Estate? Hm? Never heard of them, how long have these names been known?
The voices in my head are having cat-fights!

Last edited by Scrab Watcher; 04-17-2005 at 02:00 PM..
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04-17-2005, 02:29 PM
Dipstikk's Avatar
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Uguay Estate
I think the Slig said "Uguea State" courthouse in Nalibab. Nalibab is a region or something, and Uguea is a state, as far as I can tell.

Vykkers Conglomerate, Uguay Estate? Hm? Never heard of them, how long have these names been known?
Either "Uguay Estate" or "Uguea State," but one of them had been mentioned by the Slig TV newscaster as the place where Molluck's trial had been held on the deleted scenes of the DVD.

Last edited by Dipstikk; 04-17-2005 at 02:32 PM..
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04-18-2005, 01:20 PM
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Vykkers Conglomerate has been in plenty of Oddworld material since the hardcore Munch's Oddysee promoting. Uguay Estate, however it's spelt, was on the Movies of Oddworld DVD. I believe it's comparable to the other industrial houses, because the New Newscaster says that Abe has quashed factories of both.

EDIT: I spelt it Uguay because it just sounds like Uraguay with the middle syllable missing.

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04-18-2005, 01:43 PM
-Aquacid-'s Avatar
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as for the horns, didnt anyone notice? the large ones in sektos office... he obviously took them from stranger. how he says he has a ''special place'' for his horns and the camera shows the big ones. obviously, sekto stole them.

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04-18-2005, 01:54 PM
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The horns are the Olden Steef's. How would Sekto have gotten to Stranger? He'd have been killed. The fact he's still alive shows Sekto's been nowhere near him before.

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04-18-2005, 11:55 PM
-Aquacid-'s Avatar
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oh yeah, daft me, i never thought of that.

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04-19-2005, 11:12 PM
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Firstly SW different Time frame then Abe and Munch games? Casue well look at the technology Sekto Spring dam is obviously the most technologically advanced area in SW and then look at the companies in AO, AE, MO. cause rupturefarms, Soulstorm Brewery, and Splinterz (just an example from MO) are pretty technologically advanced, it just seems like its a different time frame.
Different races and regions, "evolve," technologically at different rates.

Is the glukkon queen dead? cause in MO she needed new lungs and obviously munch got away, so did she die? and if so is the glukkon race gonna become extinct......FREEDOM TO THE PEOPLE OF ODDWORLD....
Ah, the wonders (Or in this case, horrors) of life support.

I noticed that the vykker surgeon in SW is green and the ones in MO are purple, now i relized that its probably because of weather conditions and sun, but i would like other's insight on this subject.
There are people of all different colors. Why not Vykkers? Adds some flavor to the species background. you're theory could be correct, although I remember him being grey, not green.

Who is all in the Magog Cartel, cause it seems to be done for.
The Glukkons and Sligs populate the ranks of the Cartel. The Vykkers and Interns work for themselves. Nobody's quite sure who the Chroniclers are for (But I'd guess they're with the MC).

Is Stranger young and not mature enough to grow his horns or did he shave them like hellboy?
Did you see stubbs? Nope. Either he's too young, or maybe just a Steef who was born without them, like a birth defect or something.

Why are steefs considered freaks...Vykkers have 3 legs.
Who knows? Maybe because they're, "weird," looking, "animals."

I saw a picture of a grubb a bolamite and a fat looking grubb how come he was never in the game?
He died shortly after casting in a tragic accident. Oh the pain of stars to be. On a more serious note...he probably just got cut.

What happens to Stranger now? does he live with the grubbs, does he go back to being a bounty hunter, maybe the grubbs sent him on a mission to find the next hero of oddworld.......FANGUS!
Whatever the mind of Leorne Lanning thinks up...that will be Stranger's future.

EDIT: Oops! Looks like I'm a bit late. Sorry.
Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
Check out The Chronicles of Virgil. It's coherent!

"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist

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04-20-2005, 07:16 PM
nicksmith41's Avatar
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I played SW again and noticed those stone carvings in that first part of Mongo Valley, i think i have placed them in order, but i have one question, the one stone carving with the grubbs and the fish skeletons, like the grubbs are on the top half of the drawing, then a swirly line indicating water, then fish skeletons. does this one represent the fish dieing or water coming back and fish swimming back, cause im not sure. If you guys/girls could give me some insight on that it would be a good halp
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04-20-2005, 08:16 PM
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I think its the beginning of the bad times, when the fish are starting to die and Secto gets all up in Oddworld's grill.

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04-22-2005, 03:59 AM
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When did we find that Steef are considered weird?
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04-22-2005, 04:20 AM
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i think they are just considered "stupid wild animals". i think this should be put in the Q&A thread.

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04-22-2005, 09:54 AM
Oddish's Avatar
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I don't remember the Steef being known as weird

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
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04-23-2005, 03:30 AM
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Neither, unless people are thinking about when the Clakkerz started attacking him, but that was because they wanted the $20,000 from Sekto.
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