The dual needlers are underestimated too often. Not many people out there use them properly; there is a lot more to the weapon than just "spray and pray." While a solitary needler is useless, dual needlers are devastating at mid-range
if you know how to lead your target. The needler is the only weapon in the game that requires a significant amount of leading, which most people don't do. Therefore, most people don't like it.
Like me for example. I don't like having to switch my aiming mannerisms (leading more) for a single weapon. That's just personal preference, though. A friend of mine prefers dual needlers to every weapon and is damn good with those things, if I do say so myself. If the user wields it properly and is decent at anticipating the moves of his opponent, then the needler is indeed deadly.
Personally, I'll go for the plasma pistol and magnum. It fits my style of play better than needlers.
As for the shotgun, I'm all for it. It may just be my affinity for shotguns in nearly all FPSs (barring the Rainbow Six games... those shotties sucked), but the slight unreliability is overshadowed by raw power. In other words, "works just fine for me."