I heard that Pro-life campaigners are outside her bedroom window.
Why? For f*cks sake, why? Did God go to them and say -
"Hey there, peeps! How're you all? That's good. And you Mavis, how's your hip? Good. Well, i need a favour gang! Yeh, there's this woman...and she's a bit of a Veggie...been like this for a good decade now, give or take, i don't know, didn't really pay much attention, anytoast, her hubby wants to end her life. And her family want to keep her alive. Saying that she's not a Veggie and all...but she is. Trust me. So, i need you, The Godsquad, to go down to the Hospital, stand outside her bedroom window, and make COMPLETE and utter f*ckwads of yourselves in my name. Just be a total nuisance. A complete set of c*cks. Go. Now. To the God mobile!"
I agree with Amber though, they should give her some kind of injection. Starving her to death does seem a bit too...ick, to me.
On the odd occassion we have the reverse situation over here. There's been the parents of a disabled child saying they want to keep that child alive, but the Doctors have been wanting to end it's life, saying it's for the best for the child, as it's in constant pain. Though, it's the parents wishes, in my opinion, and the Doctors should just leave well alone.
EDIT - Oh, and another thing, the Bible says sod all about Euthanasia and Abortion, so why do c*ck packers like this lot feel the need to preach this is what their God wants?! If it's not wrote down, people, then it's not his opinion. Remember...he's a God! He'd've known all of these shenanigans were coming, so surely he would've put an advanced note in such as "Oh, and don't kill babies when they're Foetuses...oh, and killing somebody in extreme pain, even though they want to be killed, is also bad. Yes. None of this. Thankyou."
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.
"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche
"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud
Last edited by Jacob; 03-21-2005 at 07:51 AM..