Okay here we go:
Prizes: 4 games and bonus dvd's
What you have to do: answer to those 4 questions:
1/ En quelle année est sorti le premier épisode Oddworld ?
2/ Comment s'appelle le créateur de la série, également directeur du studio Oddworld Inhabitants ?
3/ Quel genre de créature est Abe, le héros des 3 premiers opus ?
4/ Quels sont les noms des 4 fuzzles cachés sur Xboxmatch ?
and because I love you all, here are the translations:
1/ In what year was the first Oddworld game released?
2/ What is the name of the creator of the serie and director of OWI?
3/ What kind of creature is Abe?
4 what are the names of the 4 fuzzles hiding on Xboxmatch?
for the last question you'll have to search around the site for hiding fuzzles, on the main pages only.
to submit answers you have to register on the site and mail the right answer, your Xboxmatch name and your full adress to
info@xboxmatch.com before the 12 mars!