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02-24-2005, 03:44 PM
Voodoo Hand's Avatar
Voodoo Hand
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Stranger is a WHAT???

Not sure if this is the place for this ,as there is another forum with a thread that is
similar. This does have a definate spolier for those who have not reached the second half of the story, so here it stays till a mod decides otherwise.

In the other thread there are many theories as to why?

1. Stranger is " Kind`a scrawny for a Steef"

2. Stranger has little in common with the steefs that have been unluckey enough to have run into Mr. Sekto. ie. nasty set of choppers and one big- honking ass set of horns.

There were any number of ideas; Stranger was not mature, Stranger filed the
horns off to remain undercover, stranger did this ,Stranger did that, but one
possibility, that would answer these questions, no one mentioned.

Stranger is a FEMALE !! abet one bad bitch, but female nevertheless.

i am no expert in steef physiology so i have no idea, but

There are no secondary sexual characteristics on any of Doc`s operation papers.

When the bad guys cut off Stranger`s pants and boots all that we see is a snappy set
of long johns with four legs, and button fly ( in a rather odd position for a quadruped). Steef boxers, or Steffette panty hose??

Never saw Stranger take a piss, so no help there.

No conclusive evidence one way or the other as to Stranger`s gender, so why dose everyone assume Stranger is a he?
"I`m drinking Heartbreak Motor Oil and Bombay Gin.......... straight from the bottle again and again "

Last edited by Voodoo Hand; 02-24-2005 at 04:27 PM..
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02-24-2005, 04:19 PM
Abe16's Avatar
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Because he sounds like one and looks like one.Duh.
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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02-24-2005, 04:20 PM
sligster's Avatar
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Because he sounds like one and looks like one.Duh.
Ever seen a Tranny? Didn't think so.
"Attention staff. You are expected to die on your job. You're loyalty is appreciated." - Sekto
Albert Einstein never learned how to drive a car.

Last edited by sligster; 02-24-2005 at 05:09 PM..
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02-24-2005, 04:25 PM
Agent-Sarah's Avatar
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Agent-Sarah  (10)

Extra, extra! Read all about! Stranger is a transgender! (I'm only joking)
SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and pray you don't multiply!

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02-24-2005, 04:27 PM
Voodoo Hand's Avatar
Voodoo Hand
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Voodoo Hand  (190)Voodoo Hand  (190)

Because he sounds like one and looks like one.Duh.
i got news for ya bud, later in life you will find that sadly, when it looks like duck, walks like a duck , sounds like a duck, swims like a duck, that many times
it ain`t a duck!!
"I`m drinking Heartbreak Motor Oil and Bombay Gin.......... straight from the bottle again and again "

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02-24-2005, 04:27 PM
Dipstikk's Avatar
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I'm... pretty sure he's a male, his shoulders are wider than his hips.

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02-24-2005, 04:32 PM
Voodoo Hand's Avatar
Voodoo Hand
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Voodoo Hand  (190)Voodoo Hand  (190)

I'm... pretty sure he's a male, his shoulders are wider than his hips.
Good point, but you could say the same about some of my old gilefriends.
"I`m drinking Heartbreak Motor Oil and Bombay Gin.......... straight from the bottle again and again "

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02-24-2005, 05:16 PM
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What have you been dating?!

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02-24-2005, 05:22 PM
Odderus's Avatar
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If Lorne says he's male, he's male.
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02-24-2005, 06:52 PM
MojoMan220's Avatar
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He is based on the character Clint Eastwood played in the Sergio Leone movies, so Steef ain't a chick.
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02-24-2005, 07:02 PM
TheRaisin's Avatar
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i got news for ya bud, later in life you will find that sadly, when it looks like duck, walks like a duck , sounds like a duck, swims like a duck, that many times
it ain`t a duck!!
Really? What is it then? I've never heard of anything that looks, walks, sounds, and swims like a duck that wasn't a duck.

Yeah, Lorne Lanning referred to Stranger as "he" didn't he? Enough said.
Step right up and shoot pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat!

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02-24-2005, 07:03 PM
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Niteowl  (10)
Another theory..

How about a hornless mutation?
I've heard of tuskless elephants turning up because of poaching pressure...
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02-24-2005, 07:11 PM
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Or a halfblood. As hard as it is to imagine, you could say that it's theoretically possible that a steef had a relationship with a non-steef . . . You never know.

Or a birth defect. Maybe that's why he needs the operation. Wait, why does he need that operation anyway? Is that revealed in the game?

Or evolution.
Step right up and shoot pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat!

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02-24-2005, 07:15 PM
sligster's Avatar
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Wait, why does he need that operation anyway? Is that revealed in the game?
So just in case something like what happened in the game happened. So he would never be revealed as a Steef. It's a bit obvious to me.
"Attention staff. You are expected to die on your job. You're loyalty is appreciated." - Sekto
Albert Einstein never learned how to drive a car.

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02-24-2005, 09:58 PM
Mudokon Princess's Avatar
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AHHH!!! Hes a male, hes got the voice, hes got the looks, and hes got the personality
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02-25-2005, 08:35 AM
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Volsung  (33)

I think it would be a stretch for stranger to be a female, but as Voodoo Hand points out, there are no definite signs that he's a male. If he were human, we'd know he was male, but we've met very few steef. And the female grubb leader sounded male, but clearly wasn't. Also, I don't know whether "shoulders wider than hips" applies to all mammals. It very well could, I'm just saying I wouldn't bet the farm.

As for lorne saying hes a he and the clint connection let me say this--every good storyteller knows the value of misdirection. If Stranger were to turn out to be female I don't think its impossible that OWI would've kept it under wraps in order to surprise everyone.

I think Stranger being female solves the scrawny, no horns problems quite nicely. I think it is--at best--a remote possibility, but why write it off without considering? Of course, if someone has official vital stats of Stranger which explicitly state his male and virile nature, this could actually be case closed.
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02-25-2005, 09:13 AM
Alpha's Avatar
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He can't be female. He has a guy's voice it's impossible for him to be the oppisite sex no offence.
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02-25-2005, 10:34 AM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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no offence
Why would say Stranger is'nt a female, offend anybody Alpha? Anyway, we know nothing of steef sexes. Maybe they are like vykkers, both. Stranger could have more female chromosones than male chromosones.
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02-25-2005, 11:05 AM
Esus's Avatar
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His voice, hip size, attitude, masculinity etc mean nothing for what sex Stranger is. He is not a human, he's a steef.
The only valid evidence we have either way is that he has been referred to as a 'he'. This, as mentioned, could be misdirection or, as is sometimes done, used to show his sex is currently unknown. The only other bit of evidence is Stranger's appearance. He's scrawny and hornless. If he was female, why would the grubbs comment specifically on his scrawniness? Surely they recognise the differences between male and female steef when they see one.

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02-25-2005, 11:24 AM
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Volsung  (33)

The only other bit of evidence is Stranger's appearance. He's scrawny and hornless. If he was female, why would the grubbs comment specifically on his scrawniness? Surely they recognise the differences between male and female steef when they see one.
The first real blow to the theory! We know they must have seen other Steef to compare stranger to, but we don't know whether or not they saw any females. Its probable that they did, since they remember a time before Sekto, and thus before Steef were hunted.

The only rebuttal I can offer is that the Grubbs are extremely forgetful, or young Steef males and females don't look different. Either way, it would have to be acceptable for male Steef to not have horns at some point, as I'm pretty sure the Grubbs treat Stranger like a male. And I still think Stranger probably is a male, and I still think the horns will play a part in a sequel (if there is one.) But it seems possible to me that Stranger could be female. We just don't know enough about Steef to be certain either way.
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02-25-2005, 11:26 AM
Dipstikk's Avatar
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Why would say Stranger is'nt a female, offend anybody Alpha?
Wait, have you been talking to Viklas? http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail43.html
You're Scottish, you can speak English. So do. Please. And yes, I am the spelling and grammar policeman.

I stand firmly in the assumption that Stranger is a he-male. I don't think Lorne would lie about something like that.

I can see a repeat of an article in the Daily Deception now...

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02-25-2005, 11:40 AM
MojoMan220's Avatar
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Come on people! Anybody who actually thinks this character is a female, must be insane. Nothing about his personality is remotely female, while his physical features can easily be explained. He has no horns because he shaved them down, so not to be detected, and his legs are scrawny because he kept them compacted in his boots. Making the character female would take away all the characters charisma, considering Steef would just be plain silly/creepy. I'm sure there must be better theories out there!
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02-25-2005, 11:57 AM
Mudokon Princess's Avatar
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I agree with MojoMan, i mean come on, a female? lol seriously, this is a crazy topic
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02-25-2005, 12:06 PM
Agent-Sarah's Avatar
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Agent-Sarah  (10)

I agree with MojoMan, i mean come on, a female? lol seriously, this is a crazy topic
And don't forget funny.
SEX is like math. Add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and pray you don't multiply!

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02-25-2005, 01:00 PM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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Wait, have you been talking to Viklas? http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail43.html
You're Scottish, you can speak English. So do. Please. And yes, I am the spelling and grammar policeman.
Weren't you one of the people, who moaned at me to stop asking Alpha about grammar? Which I did stop. So don't start moaning at me.
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02-25-2005, 01:06 PM
Alpha's Avatar
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Wait, have you been talking to Viklas? http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail43.html
You're Scottish, you can speak English. So do. Please. And yes, I am the spelling and grammar policeman.

I stand firmly in the assumption that Stranger is a he-male. I don't think Lorne would lie about something like that.

I can see a repeat of an article in the Daily Deception now...
He made 3 mistakes lay off.

Anyway I think this thread is needlessley* complicated making mad thoieries* is one thing but saying he's female is madness *point's to mental home*.
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02-25-2005, 01:34 PM
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Volsung  (33)

Come on people! Anybody who actually thinks this character is a female, must be insane. Nothing about his personality is remotely female, while his physical features can easily be explained. He has no horns because he shaved them down, so not to be detected, and his legs are scrawny because he kept them compacted in his boots. Making the character female would take away all the characters charisma, considering Steef would just be plain silly/creepy. I'm sure there must be better theories out there!
Personality is an aspect of gender, not sex. We don't know what kind of gender roles are given in a steef society. Besides, I think Stranger being a female wouldn't necessarily be silly or creepy. I'm not sure I even know what you mean by the last part of the post. How does Stranger turning out to be female take away charisma? If Lorne wanted audiences to get involved with a character and find out that its nothing like what they thought it was having it be female wouldn't be a bad shock.

The fact that Stranger was supposed to have horns indicates it was probably supposed to be male, as most horned mammals leave the horns to the male adults. I thought his lack of horns would provide material for a sequel, but hey, maybe it will simply mean he's a she.

Dipstikk, Lorne has given out information in the past that failed to be accurate after revision. Its no biggy. Sometimes it seems to fit the story better if certain things are altered. It doesn't necessarily fall under lying.

I'd really prefer for this topic not to be overwhelmed by people complaining about their masculinity being threatened or how silly it would be for Stranger to be female. Its a possibility. If it upsets you, find some evidence that proves otherwise. And keep in mind that Stranger--not being human--doesn't have to fit human gender standards or sex standards. I'm pretty sure a lioness has a fairly deep roar, why couldn't steef all have naturally deep voices?
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02-25-2005, 02:02 PM
MojoMan220's Avatar
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Volsung, you are reaching. This is a game. If Lorne wanted Steef to be a girl they would have given him at least a few female personality traits. And yes, it would be really silly/creepy if a character that talks like a guy, looks like a guy, dresses like a guy, and acts like a guy, turns out to be female. The character would loose a lot of dignity and credibility.
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02-25-2005, 02:08 PM
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typhonblue  (10)

All of the things being brought up can more easily be explained by Stranger being *young*. In fact female Big Horn, the *horned* species that Steef are based on, *do* have horns.

BTW, my masculinity isn't threatened by Stranger being female, but my *interest* in Stranger certainly is. Oddworld better keep the hairy steef-cake male.
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02-25-2005, 02:23 PM
TheRaisin's Avatar
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Excellent points, Typhon.

Also, didn't it seem to anyone that Stranger's Wrath was an attempt (a fairly successful one) to move somewhat away from the wackiness and, often, immaturity and stupidity that made up so much of the previous OW games? Wouldn't it sort of defeat that if they suddenly went, "Oh, Stranger's actually female! It's a she who seems in every conceivable way like a he! Isn't this zany and hilarious?!" I could imagine that happening in a previous OW game, but I think OWI has actually grown up a little. I would lose all respect for them if they pulled a move like that.

Unless suddenly they're a politically active video game company attempting to break gender stereotypes. But, hmm, somehow I don't think so.
Step right up and shoot pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat!

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