Not many takers on the idea of Abe Oddysee and Abe Exoddus(dont use abbreviations- Super Munch)
Ah, the monkey finally learns how to use his brain. How absolutely wonderful. Keep it up, your making great progress. No, no, don't let me hold you back, learn maths and German while you're at it.
And I said
Wake up,
Haha. The phrase is 'anal retentive'. 'Anally retentive' seems like it would refer to somebody with a retentive anus. 
That was the point.
And to be on topic, as NDW has said, the PSP probably couldn't handle handle the resoloution of AO and AE's backgrounds. Perhaps simplified graphics, but that would make the game less beautiful.
Yes, AWWW, I used AO and AE as abbreviations. Get f
ucking over it. Who doesn't on these forums?