Because it looks like no one's making any kind of moves with this banner/signature business, I thought I'd start.
Well, I started yours and when I was about to finish I realised that you said you didn't want it anymore. But I can't let it go to waste so, enjoy.
I could only find Freeman pictures with a quick search. So there's only Freeman in there, not G-man and whoever else you said.
Biggy Bro Slig:
Here's yours, even though you asked for it almost a month ago.
I'm not sure when you asked for yours (I forgot to look) and you didn't specify any details so I just put one together in a few minutes. That's not including the 10 mins it took to cut Lrrrr out of the picture he was in. Anyway, here it is.
Everyone Else:
I'll get to you guys in a moment
I find PsP quite bad for creating banners, signatures and generally all web graphics. I find Photoshop 7 very effective in web graphics of all types. It is also very effective for prints.