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07-15-2004, 11:02 PM
Tathiel's Avatar
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Scrabs and Paramites

I was thinking yesterday when i was playing AO (im new btw so hello everyone!) and i was thinking about the scrabs and paramites. Does anyone know how they breed like are there males and females or like mudokons and glukkons do they all come from a big queen (paramites and scrabs obviously from seperate queens). Or do they actually breed and have little ickles paramities and scrabbies?
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07-15-2004, 11:42 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Nobody knows of the Scrab or Paramite breeding habits...
...Que mysterious music
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07-16-2004, 12:14 AM
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..However, Scrabs do have alpha males who are in charge of a particular 'group' of female scrabs - much like lions. It is implied to me that these alpha males would produce children with the females of their group.

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07-16-2004, 04:27 AM
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It's not been said whether Alpha Scrabs are male, and the regular ones female. It could easily be the reverse, or the two levels could be a status independent of sex.

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07-16-2004, 07:04 AM
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I think I got it. Alpha scrabs are always male obviosly.And some of the ordinaries are females.Eventually one scrab male will challenge the alpha scrab so he can be alpha.He will either get torn to shreds or take his rightful place as alpha.I think that could sum it up
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07-16-2004, 07:22 AM
Tathiel's Avatar
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From what i've read they sound very similar to the social lives of lions (as ive also heard they are meant to like to aswell or something like that).
In a pride, there is always a large number of females, cubs and 1 or 2 adult males which look after the females and cubs. The male lions patrol their territory regularly and if they find any other males they will either chase them off their territory or a big fight will ensue. If the current dominent male lion(s) lose then the winner takes over the pride of females.
I wonder if this has any relevance at all for what heard of scrabs being something to do with lions and rhinos.
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07-16-2004, 08:33 AM
drakan90's Avatar
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You're right, Scravs behaviour was designed from Lions, and also Rhinos. (It says it in the Farzad Character Creation Presentation)

Last edited by drakan90; 07-16-2004 at 08:37 AM..
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07-16-2004, 08:35 AM
Killa_47's Avatar
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I think it was a good idea that there were two different types of behaviour between them, like you are stronger than a paramite when it is alone, instead of getting your arse kicked everytime you see one.

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07-16-2004, 08:39 AM
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Obviously. You wouldnt want basically the same animal in a different skin. Paramite behaviour was created from that of Hyenas and Spiders btw.
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07-16-2004, 08:41 AM
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Yeh i noticed that they were made from spiders, when i saw them hiss for the first time.

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07-16-2004, 08:52 AM
drakan90's Avatar
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The first time I ever saw Paramites I just thought 'spider'. I dont know if other people thought that. I thought it was fairly obvious, but I suppose if people think about it too much they miss whats right in front of them.
Now that I think about it, their mouths look like Face Huggers...
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07-17-2004, 12:13 AM
Tathiel's Avatar
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When i first saw a paramite it reminded me of something but now i can't think what. damn....
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07-17-2004, 12:51 AM
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lol. Thanks for that. . Wouldnt you just love a paramite though...trained obviously...
Wouldnt be hard to control it, hiss is wait, and clicky clicky is other stuff. lol.
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07-17-2004, 05:11 AM
Tathiel's Avatar
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I'd love a paramite as a pet. I have to say there my favourite creatures of oddworld and some the noises they make are just adorable, like the little excited squeeks they do if they hear meat or see it. Plus if your ever in trouble with someone whats better; setting your dog on, or setting your ferocious paramite on them :P
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07-17-2004, 01:17 PM
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When I saw paramite I thought of an obvios thing...Parasite.And Ill admit they look like facehuggers.which would make them fun to possess if they actually facehugged.You could get revenge and face hug a glukkon
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07-17-2004, 02:47 PM
sligster's Avatar
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..However, Scrabs do have alpha males who are in charge of a particular 'group' of female scrabs
omg, scarbs r pimps. So Oddworld DOES have that social class...
"Attention staff. You are expected to die on your job. You're loyalty is appreciated." - Sekto
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07-17-2004, 02:57 PM
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Yep.Now all we gotta do is found out what Pimp Rides the scrabs have
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07-17-2004, 06:20 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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When i first saw a paramite it reminded me of something but now i can't think what. damn....
Heh. Probably a Hand.
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08-08-2004, 01:17 AM
Scrab Watcher's Avatar
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I dunno about paramites, but here's my theory on scrabs.

When the ickle scrabs are born in the herd, they have a rather happy life. As they grow up, the Alpha male gets more and more aggresive towards them, forcing them to leave when they near maturity(both males and females). They go to the desert to escape, whenever two males encounter each other they fight to the death.

If a male and female, or two females meet, they won't fight, but become a herd (a herd of two isn't very big, I know). Anyway, if lots of females join the group, then they will move to the grasslands, where there is more food. If the group can be supported in the desert, then they will stay there until the majority of the group matures, and then go to the grasslands.

If the group includes a male, then they will stay in the desert until he matures fully, unless it becomes a struggle to find enough food, in which case they will move on anyway.

The femal group will eventually meet and established herd, which they will join, or a lone male, who will complete the group.

If a scrab dosen't meet another scrab to form a group with, then it will wait until it is mature, and then journey to the grasslands, if it is male it will fight for a herd, and if it is female, it will join a herd.

This theory allows for the sustaining of current herds, and the creation of new ones.

The voices in my head are having cat-fights!

Last edited by Scrab Watcher; 08-08-2004 at 01:21 AM.. : Forgot somethin'
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08-08-2004, 02:39 AM
Tathiel's Avatar
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Sounds like a good theory for the Scrabs. I do wonder if Paramites if maybe they are social creatures aswell or if they just occasionally form small coalitions. They don't fight so they could very well be social animals aswell. We also see a movie of lots of paramites like we do with scrabs in AO.
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08-08-2004, 08:55 AM
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Scrab Watcher, you've definately have watched scrabs

this theory seems very good, it seems logic and explains what we have seen in the games... if that's realy the way how it works I wonder why OWI didn't tell us that...

good work

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08-08-2004, 10:02 AM
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Maybe alf will post *looks around with shifty eyes* and explain it.really good theory though.I wondered why the scrabs in MO made a herd and didnt fight.
I watch the scrabs behaviour through the eyes (if he had any) of a scrab.quite amusing.possess a scrab and roleplay a bit.Very fun

Last edited by Cyber-Slig; 08-08-2004 at 10:20 AM..
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08-08-2004, 11:01 AM
Scrab Watcher's Avatar
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Scrab Watcher, you've definately have watched scrabs

this theory seems very good, it seems logic and explains what we have seen in the games... if that's realy the way how it works I wonder why OWI didn't tell us that...

good work
Thanks . Yes I have watched scrabs, and paramites, but mostly scrabs.

Bet you didn't know that a herd scrab will call to the rest of the herd about five times every sixty seconds?

Although scrabs are my favourite, the main reason I don't watch paramites as much is because I only have MO, and the only opportunity I have to watch paramites is the paramite run, and whenever I possess one I soon get torn appart.

Athough I'm not sure, this could hint at a complicated social system, where I, in my ignorance, did something offensive to a superiour, and the herd attacked.

The voices in my head are having cat-fights!

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08-08-2004, 11:10 AM
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The AI.Gamespeak isnt as good as before.Therefore you cant socialise very much.
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08-08-2004, 01:43 PM
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The Paramites in MO attack a possessed Paramite if you attack one of them. Other than that, I'm sure they leave you pretty much alone.

And I love your theory on Scrabs.

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08-08-2004, 02:19 PM
Smitz's Avatar
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Wired Yo people!

That's the same way with the scrabs .Speaking of which, they don't really show any alpha scrabs in MO. When they chase you, they just switch off who's leading the herd.
Or is that different? (Forgive me if I'm not making any sense. This is my first post.)

Last edited by Smitz; 08-08-2004 at 02:23 PM.. : Felt guilty about not complimenting scrab watcher's theory.
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08-08-2004, 02:29 PM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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Yay Im no longer the youngest and you really should make a ''Hi im new'' thing in the welcome board
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08-08-2004, 02:48 PM
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Yay! somone responded!I'll be sure to.

Last edited by Smitz; 08-08-2004 at 03:38 PM.. : Whoops! Sorry, that was spam. Lemme fix that
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08-10-2004, 06:43 PM
caracal's Avatar
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um paramites...have a weird behavior, they dont seem to have leaders at all...I mean if they did there should be some sort of struggle when you meet another paramite in AE...and they are quite willing to do anything you say too, they seem exteremely sociable..cant think of any other animal like that.

btw, have you ever thought about paramite/scrab senses? I think Paramites might use some sort of olfative sense(kinda like snakes) it would explain all the "jaws" since they could use them to create a 3d image of things, it'd be similar to scorpions, who use their every leg to sense vibrations on the sand, and locate the source based on the delay the vibration has when reaching each leg, cats are similar by sensing wind direction with whiskers...only they are not nearly as accurate

I dont really know about scrabs though, because they seem to have too few legs for that, though they do seem to sense vibrations
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08-10-2004, 07:12 PM
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btw, have you ever thought about paramite/scrab senses? I think Paramites might use some sort of olfative sense(kinda like snakes) it would explain all the "jaws" since they could use them to create a 3d image of things, it'd be similar to scorpions, who use their every leg to sense vibrations on the sand, and locate the source based on the delay the vibration has when reaching each leg, cats are similar by sensing wind direction with whiskers...only they are not nearly as accurate
Max summed up his theories of Paramites, scrabs, and fleeches senses in a similar thread. Do a search.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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