8-Bit Theatre is good, fer sher. You might also wish to try The Life of Riley, which can be found (most of the time) at
www.clanbob.net/modules. It's down right now, though. I'm not sure what's happening, but I think something bad happened. I think someone close to one of the makers got killed or something. I dunno. Bad, whatever it is.
But the best web-based comic ever is this:
www.megatokyo.com. It is absolutely amazing. It's an online American manga that incorporates everything I love about manga into one comic, but it's very different than other manga because it is made by an American. It kicks ass. It beats every other comic in every other genre in the world in the history of comics. Read it. Buy the books. It is the work of gods, descended from the heavens to bring meaning to the lives of humans.
Oh yeah, SeaRex's stuff is good too. SR, you'd better go pro. Or I will find you. And force you to do it. I mean it. *shakes fist meaningfully*