Okay, I haven't read through the rest of the thread, I don't have time, but I will correct you on some things which may have been stated already.
-Battle on Moon, less gravity so you can jump high
Battle of
a moon. Not known which.
-Choose different characters in multiplayer
Only out of Spartans and Elites. It is unknown whether this will only be for Live! or for all modes of multiplayer.
-Explosive scenery more realistic than the Red Factions
Bungie has never said this. True, scenery will be able to be blown around, and tipped over and be used for cover, but it is doubtful there will be tunneling and the likes from Red Faction.
True, but it is not confirmed whether frag grenades now also stun, or if it a different grenade all together.
-Human Pistol more powerful
Once again not confirmed, and rather doubtful, considering Bungie admitted they overpowered the last pistol, and wish they hadn't.
-Plasma Pistol fires faster
Not confirmed, the old pistol could be fired as fast as you could pull the trigger, and the enemy was very good at it.
1-A rocket launcher with heat-seeking missiles?
2-Battle at the old Halo wreckage???
3-Bots in multiplayer???
4-Can shoot a one handed weapon while on the ATV???
5-Can swap guns with marines???
6-Covenant can steal your vehicles???
7-Crouch and Prone???
10-Flood will have Snipers???
11-Human fighter aircraft???
12-Human or Covinant water vessels?
13-Monitor Comes Back???
14-New Gold Jackels???
15-New kind of enemy (not just a smarter flood)???
16-New kind of Human soldier (like Air force, Navy, Army etc)???
17-Other SPARTAN-II soldiers besides MC?
19-Use fuel rod cannon???
20-Xbox Live guests???
1. No information.
2. Correct.
3. Not confirmed. Bungie never wanted them in Halo, saying they encourage playing with other people, but reports say they would like them in this Halo 2. No one knows yet.
4. Correct.
5. Unconfirmed.
6. Not sure. The Brute in the trailer didn't really take it, but he bashed everyone off.
7. Don't even know what prone is.
8. Unconfirmed.
9. 'Tis expected after Halo PC. And that it was mean to be Halo.
10. Unconfirmed. Never even heard that one.
11. Expected but unconfirmed.
12. Unconfirmed. Once again, haven't even heard it.
13. Expected but unconfirmed.
14. No idea.
15. New kind of enemy, is all we know.
16. Haven't heard of it. But it would be nice seeing more people than just marines, considering being on Earth and all...
17. I don't think it's been confirmed, don't hold me to that one, but it's expected.
18. Hopefully. Crash and burn, ya bastards!
19. 'Tis expected after Halo PC. And that it was mean to be usable in Halo.
20. No idea.