how'd you know it was called Burial Grounds? i dont remeber that map being on PC or anything.
In the weekly Halo 2 updates, from the person in Bungie (his name evades me). Anways last weeks update talked about multiplayer and how he was learning one of the more challenging maps for Halo 2 called "Burial Grounds." Im just taking a guess that since the place they were playing at looked like an ancient place, perhaps egyptian, that this outdoor map that they showed in the new multiplayer screen is that map.
This is why I think it might be an Egyptian burial ground in the game and on Earth
Anyways perhaps this actually does have something to do with the story mode part of the game, remembering that Egypt is in Africa, and the Earth City level was in Africa also. Maybe the covnenant are looking in the Egyptian burial grounds for something.
I dunno its speculation, but I think I actually did stumble on something perhaps.