No offense taken, ferill. I didn't think you meant it as an insult or anything.
Well, sorry to disappoint folks (as if), but the Muse thing just ain't happenin'. I spent 2 days working on a drawing of her and it completely sucked. Totally sucked. What's even worse is that I sketched a pic of her at school in like...
5 seconds, and it looks exponentially better than the one I actually put some effort into. That's just... sad. I give up.
So, I've decided to set the "Loki Slays the Wicked!" story line to the side and work on my other story. I just need a name for the comic and another spooky-sounding female name and I'm ready to go. I want the name (of the comic) to have something to do with the negative effects of television, the net, or other media... I'm still pondering... feel free to suggest some names.
I don't know why I bothered to type all of this out. No one will read it. Oh, and a pin up pic with the characters of this "other" comic is on it's way; this time I'm serious.