I liked the sims.
The PC version gives you a bit more control than the ps2 and Xbox versions, but they're still just as entertaining.
My friend had a 'murder' patch that he downloaded, which allowed sims to kill eachother. On some little scenario thing, he had to move out from his friends house, get a job, and rent his own house.
Instead, he made his sim kill all of his friends and just take that house.
It was very amusing.
I have one really disfunctional family on my pc version, where I have the 'psychopathic sims' patch downloaded, so violent J and Shaggy of ICP live in a big ass house together, with three women who are all in love with J.
Anyway, they have two kids. One of them gets everything she wants, because she's great. The other one was always crying, so I bricked her inside of her own room with no toys, and a tiny ass bed. She doesn't have windows or lights, either...I drop food off in her room every two 'sim' days.
She's now really evil, and attacks her sister. I think I might drown her soon.
Buy my T-shirts. People will like you more and I will hate you less.