RM: Jammer! The scrab stopped! Will you now please put me down? This is embarrassing...
Jammer: That's nice to hear.
RM: What's nice to hear?! That I'm embarrassed?!
Jammer: I was talking about the scrab. I didn't hear you say anything about being embarrassed.
RM: You didn't hear, or didn't listen?
Jammer: Pick one.
RM: *mumbles*
Jammer: Whatcha say? *stops suddenly* Sh*t! Muse, check it, the boss' at the gates. 7# Slug is there too... they're talkin'... Whaddaya say if we hide over there-- *points at a small hole between two rocks* --and wait till the boss leaves, eh?
RM: *gives Jammer a questioning look* ...Why should we do that?
Jammer: I dunno, I just have this feelin'--
RM: What feeling?! Look, this is getting crazy... What about if you let me do the thinking...
Jammer:... sure... just don't blame me when boss is flaming us.
RM: Huh!? *sniggers* Where do you come up with that stuff? Flame us? Why would he do that, it wasn't our fault that the animals were let loose. We didn't do it ,so, we don't get flamed. Simple.
Jammer: ...Jayne did...
RM: What?
Jammer: Jayne let those paramites loose.
RM:... *face goes blank* What?!?
Jammer: I saw her do it--...
Jammer:..--so I bet that, her future recidence will be between eggs and milk at the cooler--...
Jammer: Now what are ya screamin' for?! You could raise the dead with that screaming, sheesh, calm down!
RM: I got to go to Jayne! I have to tell her--...
Jammer: ..--Yea, like how you plan to go past that scrab, huh? Crawl underneath it and hope it doesn't see you?! Face it Weed, ya can't do anything at the moment.
RM: But...
Jammer: Don't start that...
RM: But, but,but...!
Jammer: But nothing! We're going!
*walks to Arnie& co, still carrying RM*
Jammer: *to Arnie* We're okay boss. Right Muse?
RM:...Yeah-- fine...---Will you put me down now?
Jammer: Oh, yeah... sure! *puts RM down*
RM: ...Many thanks... *wipes dust off his shoulders*
Ammy: *is sitting in a shadowed corner, sniffing and crying loudly* I'm such a bad owner! *sniff* I lost my puppy-- and now he's *sob*--- GONE! I can't find him... Adrian! Where are you...?
...come back... *sniff* ...come back to me...
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