The persons thing was that the next Oddworld games would be nothing much due to the real creative people being axed. It's heresay, who knows what's up with people being let go and people staying. That was the whole point in a nutshell.
Where is the proof that all the talent have been fired. No where to be seen, if the clown had proof, the clown would have shown the proof, therefore talk is cheap, and bullshit walks.
It's a game. Have fun with it.This is what it's about, not negativity of future games that have no "SUBSTANTIAL" evidence to the clown's statements.
Some of you say you are here for the people, don't forget that for the most part the people here are ODDworld fans.It's a game, the next will be too. Take them all with whatever you feel at the time.This person states that top people that got Munch to where it is have been canned, who says, who is this person? Where's the proof? Sometimes even the best talent move on, and other great talent come in for another project better suited for there individual needs of that new praticular game, there are many intangibles. Stop giving credence to "UNSUBSTANTIATED" crap. At first people were giving the game back up rightfully so, now a couple have soured that pot in my opinion. So very easily giving up on our Oddworld and giving some statement from out in leftfield credence.
We have a right to believe for ourselves what we will, but not one person asked this person for validation of what they stated. All the talent have been fired just before the games release. Where, show me, and if so do not forget the intangibles. People move on from project to project, maybe there individual job with Munch is finished, on and on it goes.
It's going to be a great game, I'll be all over it on November 15th, when the next one comes out I'll be all over it as well. This company has already proven to me it is of a top notch calibur in all ways possible as from a games viewpoint.
Has anyone looked on the other side of the coin? Even if talent was let go (And of course that is just heresay and false until proven) who says new talent have not been hired to create the next chapter?
An unknown come in here from no where and a couple or 3 of you start leaning away from Oddworld so very quickly. What upset still over the PS2 not getting the game, get over it. It's on XBOX, live with it.
Prove it big mouth. How can some of you be sooooo gullible, it's a shame. Maybe it's just the ones that have this anger still for Oddworld and there move from PS2 to XBOX huh, that's it huh?
Anyway, it's a game, creativity deserves it's reward, why not make money with your talent. And as for the people getting fired, show me facts and proof before you go spouting off .