Adder: Around about...nnnnnnnow!
{Awkward silence}
Larex: Um...that it?
{Shouts come from outside}
Larex: Oh, there's the carnage!
Adder: Right. Us four will delay the attack.
Tal'Roth Kaiazen and Og, try to stay together... Actualy... Larex go with them. remember get out and over the river!"
Larex: Okay wet-nosses, alway's wanted to say that...
Here, I've written these to help you out. *hands each of you a small piece of paper*
Written on the page is:
The A-Z of Monsters, Green-skins, Humanoids, The Un-dead, and other...things
A. Adder: What passes as the leader of the greatest explorers, the Addvormahn them?(lost) Group (for full title send large scroll to Skybridtrell with Larex written on the back). Not sure of his species, Adder is best described as somewhere between a giant and the unknown. The muscle of the group, not too smart but cunning. Personally, Adder seems to be technically racist to all forms of Green-skins? I have no explanation as to why this is.
B. Bile demons: Possible the most revolting beast that hasn't technically died already. These parasites are experts at finding lost travellers. Hard to kill or trap, the best defence from these is to run to Na'ran when you smell rotting flesh. Normally stay in the Pits.
D. Dwarf: Despite being only 4?tall and able to chug 4 quarts without any sign of sounding, dwarves are just like humans. Avoid anything that can be taken as a height description when within earshot of a dwarf. Fond of weapons and nature, and odd mix
E. Elf: Need anything be said? Perfection.
F. Fairy: Little scamps that always seem to swarm around a recently washed person. Avoid being bitten at all costs, it's extremely annoying
Larex: Obviously it's only an extract