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03-19-2003, 05:54 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)

*Setting: The Orkhid Council sat discussing the past events that had concerned them. Photo's and files littered the large, black table the members sat around. Iraxx was stood admiring the paintings of the sea holding a small glass of Scotch on the rocks in his hand. He gently moved his hand in a circular motion, causing the Scotch to sway in its glass. He then raised it to his mouth and took a sip.*

Member #2: "We seem to be having more and more of such incidents, Iraxx. I thought you were going to help us in finding and stopping this...lunatic."

Iraxx turned, the Council member was sat staring at a picture of the woodland. His face glum.

Member #2: "Five good Scouts, all with bright futures, murdered. And the only survivor turned insane..."

Stepping to his seat Iraxx slowly sat and placed his drink on the side. He then grabbed a set of stapled sheets and began to read it. Not saying a word.

Member #13: "You seem to be allowing the incidents to pile up, i'm pressuming your doing such a thing for a purpose?"

Iraxx: "The problem with Alexie is that he is apparantly dead. This basically means the inv..."

Member #13: "I'm talking about the incidents in general, Iraxx. Two Asylums have been broken into for reasons unknown, Orkhids have been murdered on Orkhid premises left, right and centre, projects have been delayed...You are supposed to be helping, Commandor, and all you do is sit here...and tell us it will "be alright"..."

The Commandor snarled at the Orkhid whom was seated at the back. As he stared contently at the speaker he realised, from the corner of his eyes, that others were nodding.

Iraxx: "I attempted to help with the Satellite project and got turned away, what am i supposed to do? Force them to allow me to help??"

Member #3: "Idiot, Iraxx. There are so many things you could help with, so many things that would have been done if it weren't for your faffing. We still dont have a clue about the whereabouts of Cyrus!! Nor what actually happened when he apparantly died..."

Iraxx: "But Sasha brought so..."

Member #3: "NOT ENOUGH INFOMATION!! Dammit, Iraxx. What is wrong with you?? Why do you mill about whilst our supremacy slowly goes down the sink...!? If it weren't for some of the Dr's and Consultants working on the B-Orkhids we wouldn't even know what was going on, it is your job to relay that infomation to us, understand??"

Grasping his drink, the Commandor then downed it. The small ice-cubes running down his throat, cooling his temperment.

Iraxx: "I'll be sure to do that next ti..."

Member #2: "Heh, no. There is no next time Iraxx. Your out..."

The atmosphere changed drasticly. Now it was more tense, each of the 13 members looked at the Commandor, their eyes piercing and seemingly cutting into him like knives. Iraxx' right knee began to shake, he moved his hand under the table quickly, grabbing hold of it and holding it down.

Iraxx: "Wha...? Ahem...What??"

Member #2: "Your out, field work. We'll get somebody in to replace you, dont worry. This is a test, Iraxx. If you can prove to us that you can get your act together, then fine. You will be allowed to come back, however, til then...your going to have to be a mere field operative. Heh. Enjoy."

Iraxx shook his head, his eyes were burning with fury and his muscles began to twitch violently.

Iraxx: "You...you cant do this, dammit...No-one will do a better job then me, i'm at your beck-and-call 24/7!! I do everything you say!! Who, eh? Who is it? Who's taking over?"

Voice: "Me..."

Iraxx' head snapped towards the entrance, and there she was. Adele. He slowly stood, seething with pure anger and hatred for the female Orkhid. She smirked and stepped forwards, wearing the same clothing as she had done when he first saw her.

Adele: "Dont seem so surprised, Commandor. Like you said, dont underestimate anything or anyone...they always surpass your expectations. Heh."

She walked past him, sitting in his seat and crossing her legs whilst looking at him with the smugest look on her face.

Iraxx: "You...You cant do this!! What about Tobias Acrangle...eh? What about him?? He only trusts me!! Only me!!"

Adele: "Mr Acrangle is currently insane and, heh, soon to be dead. Haven't you heard the news Iraxx? In around 8 minutes the Mojoar Institution will be demolished by a falling Vykker Airship..."

Iraxx: "WHAT?!? We, we need to get him out!! Jesus, he's the only one that could have any infomation on Cyrus!!"

Member #2: "Iraxx, if he's insane i doubt he will have anything of importance to us. Anyway, he could have been manipulated in the break in, we know for a fact that the intruders got into the Asylum...Thats why we're allowing it to be destroyed, it has no more use since the war ended..."

Iraxx was still in shock, his words were choked and he was fuming more and more.

Adele: "Anyway, we have some business to attend to, so, if you dont mind...leave."

Stepping backwards the Commandor snarled, he then slowly headed towards the exit. Cursing the day he had met Adele...

Useful links:
Deceit and Trickery...
Unwanted happenings...
'Frankenstein's Monster'
Queen of Pain...
Experimental Embryo's
Growing up; Babies
Growing up; Toddlers
Growing up; Pre-teens
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 03-26-2003 at 11:27 AM..
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04-05-2003, 09:06 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 2

*Setting: He sat in a small café, a cup of coffee infront of him. He was dressed in his typical black uniform and was seated next to the window. The seat he sat on was red and leather, the table was grubby and the staff seemed highly un-hygenic. Even the Droids were beginning to rust. He sighed and stirred the drink with his index finger, cursing Adele and the other Council members. He turned his head to the goings on outside, cars busied by on the road and through the air and passers by hurried quickly to their destinations. He chuckled to himself, thinking of how it would all be different in a couple of years time. The Satellites would be up and running, the B-Orkhids would be fighting wars and winning, slaughtering any opposition. The Orkhids would be running Oddworld and they were all oblivious. Then the thought subsided, slowly drifting into "what ifs". What if Adele took his place for good? What if the Council decided he was too much of a liability and might attempt to go to the press? What if Adele tried to have him killed? So many possibilities for things to go wrong, so many reasons for him to be worried. He took his finger from the beverage and grasped the handle, he rose it to his lips and took a sip. The aroma drifting into his nostrils. He praised the Vykkers food and drinks division on their coffee, it was one of the best. He savoured the taste somemore before swallowing it. It ran down his throat slowly, then his mobile rang. He snarled, placed his drink down and allowed the sensation of pleasure to disappear. Reaching into his jacket he grabbed the small, silver phone and flicked the cover off which automaticly answered it. He placed it to his ear and sat back, awaiting for the person who was calling him to speak.*

Adele: "Get to work, Iraxx. Stop sitting around on your ass..."

His snarled and cursed her in his head.

Iraxx: "I am working..."

A chuckle came from the other end of the phone.

Adele: "Sat in the 'Coffee Dormitory' is not working..."

He immediatly perked up. How did she know where he was? He looked around cautiously, looking out of the window to see if he could see her and then around the coffee house itself. She wasn't there and nor was anyone who could be relaying the infomation back to her.

Iraxx: "How do yo..."

Adele: "Just get your job done, Iraxx. Your wasting our money. There's a black hover car across the road from the Coffe House, get in it and go to where the Scout camp was...I'll be expecting to hear that you arrived in under 2 hours. Be sharp."

She hung up, leaving Iraxx to ponder his next move. What if there was a bomb in the car? What if she's tailing him? What if she's using Magick...? So many more possibilities suddenly made themselves aware to him...
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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05-18-2003, 12:12 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 3

*Setting: The hover car slowly sauntered downwards, landing in a patch of thick, dark brown mud and making a sickening 'squelch' as it did so. The door opened and outstepped Iraxx. His feet sank into the ground, causing his boots to be filled with the muddy substance. An irritated look crossed his face as he leant on the car door and used it to pull himself from the mud. Once out he then slammed the door shut and walked towards the murder scene, muttering something to himself. Iraxx was in the woodland were the murder of the Scouts had taken place. He had been sent by the Council and since he had now lost his place among the Councils ranks to Adele, he had to prove to them that he was able to complete such menial tasks. The camp site itself was cordoned off yet intact, it was the Scouts that had been obliterated. The Soldiers whom had reported the Scouts death were still at the scene, awaiting questioning before dismissal. They were also ordered to help out when needs be. The deaths of the Scouting party came as a big shock to the Soldiers who had first come across the murder scene. Scouts were some of the best trained Soldiers, due to the fact that they go ahead and penetrate enemy strongholds. They had to be quick and strong to be able to avoid capture or death.
Walking to the middle of the campsite Iraxx noticed three dark-green tents, abandoned and empty. The fire that was in the middle of the site was nothing more but ash and burnt wood. To the right of the site was an area cordoned off with black and red tape, slowly the Commandor walked towards it. He had seen the photo's and read the report, he knew what had happened. Getting closer he noticed a group of Orkhids in white forensic suits were analysing the area. The corpse of the Scout had been removed.*

Iraxx: "Well, you got anything suspicious yet?"

One of the forensics slowly stood up and turned to Iraxx, she then ducked under the tape and approached him.

Forensic: "As of yet...no. On the other side of the camp we have some DNA on the branches and one of the Scouts had some DNA, that didn't belong to him, on his face."

Iraxx nodded and thanked the female, allowing her to get on with her work. He then made his way to the otherside of the camp, this too was cordoned off with red and black tape and had forensics analysing the area.

Soldier: "Erm...Commandor?"

A hand dropped onto Iraxx' shoulder, causing him to spin around, alarmed.

Iraxx: "Yes, what is it?"

The Soldier was tall and his face pale. His eyes and hair were a dark, neon blue colour.

Soldier: "Erm, be-before the forensic and investigation team came. One, one of the Scouts, the one who had to be taken to the Asylum, he was muttering something, like a message from the killer..."

This intrigued Iraxx, he figured that if what the Scout was saying was important, then he could report back to the Council and get in their good books once more.

Iraxx: "Well?"

Soldier: "Oh...it was along the lines of 'Death to all defects, death to all the scum.'"

And this is when Iraxx knew that this whole investigation was going to get complicated. If his theory on the deceased Alexie being the murderer was correct, then this made things worse. The research Iraxx had put into Alexie showed that he, himself, was a defect. So him leaving such a message was immensly puzzling. Gently Iraxx nodded and turned away, proceeding to the forensics. Only stopping when his phone rang, he reached into his jacket and pulled it out, flipping the top to answer it.

Iraxx: "Hello?"

Adele: "Some information has come up, go to the Asylum and speak to Doctor Corz. He's the father of the insane Scout and abit shook up about some message that his son was passing on..."

Iraxx: "Death to all defects, death to all the scum?"

He repeated the message the Soldier had just given him.

Adele: "Yes, how did you know that?"

Sniggering Iraxx told her, wanting to prove to her that he is capable.

Adele: "Oh, well whatever. Get to the Asylum ASAP and dont dawdle or make any stops along the way."

She hung up, her tone of voice was that of impatience and annoyance. And, frustrated, Iraxx turned to head to the hover car, wanting to catch Alexie and kill him for putting him in this predicament...

(OOC: Pooness)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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06-13-2003, 01:14 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 4

*Setting: The sleek figure of Iraxx padded down the long corridor. His white skin somewhat clashing with his black clothes, giving him the look of Death. The white corridor was full of patients moping around aimlessly. Orkhids didn't usually keep their ill-minded for a long period of time. Most of them were just walking organ donors, kept alive because it was the best way to preserve their internal organs. The majority of the patients here had been mentally crippled in some kind of battle or job related incident. Others had been born mentally ill and thus sent here, to be kept out of the way and out of danger, or more precisely, to keep their organs out of danger. Further down the corridor Iraxx saw a Nurse, her uniform white and well preened, she jogged towards him, smiling...*

Nurse: "Commandor Iraxx, i presume?"

Iraxx nodded and held out his hand, she met it with hers and introduced herself.

Nurse: "I'm Nurse Doile. Doctor Corz is waiting for you in his office, if you would just follow me i'll take you."

Moving down the corridor quite swiftly now, the Nurse led him down winding corridors and passed the rooms of screaming patients. Her hair was a dark red and tied in bunches, possibly in an effort to make her look younger.

Iraxx: "I hear the Doctor is shook up about what his son has been saying, do you know why by any chance?"

Doile: "No, he didn't explain. He just made his way to his office and after, around, 30-45 minutes told me to expect you..."

After turning a 4th corner the Nurse stopped outside a glass door, the glass itself was misted and thus didn't allow anybody on the outside to see in. She knocked three times and then opened it slightly, peeking her head around the corner.

Doile: "Commandor Iraxx is here to see you, Doctor."

There was a muffled reply and she nodded, opening the door wider so that Iraxx could enter. When he did so she exited, closing the door behind them. The room was small and windowless. Three lights were the only lightsource in the room. One on each of the side walls and one on the ceiling. Towards the back of the room was a small desk, equipped with a computer and pictures of family members. And in the left corner of the room was a large, green plant. Its leaves like magnificent fans. The Doctor sat behind his desk, raising to his feet slowly as Iraxx entered. His hair was brown and his eyes a dark hazel. He wore a white Doctors coat and black trousers. Stepping around the desk he approached Iraxx with his hand outstretched.

Corz: "Commandor."

He smiled faintly, shaking Iraxx's hand. Being impatient Iraxx shook it quickly and then got straight to the point.

Iraxx: "You said you had some information about the string of killings that have been happening over the past couple of months. Maybe a possible suspect. Would you care to explain...?"

He eyed the Doctor up suspiciously, watching his body language as he spoke.

Corz: "Er, yes...yes i believe i do. I believe the murderer is Alexie...Alexie Craine."

With a sharp intake of breath Iraxx smiled in glee. He had previously believed that Alexie Craine was responsible, but his acqusation was shot down by Adele. But now he had another person backing up his theory. Trying to refrain from showing how pleased he really was, Iraxx placed his hand infront of his mouth and pretended to cough before continuing with the interview.

Iraxx: "Yes, why do you think that Alexie could have commited these murders? And how? I have already done a background check and he came up as deceased..."

The Doctor nodded uncomfortably and leant back on his desk.

Corz: "The 'why' is obvious...revenge. The 'how' however, is more complicated. Back when i worked with the defected children i witnessed many horrific things. From beats, arranged fights, rapes...you get the picture. Well, Alexie was the guards favourite...they enjoyed beating him and hurting him. As if they got a sadistic pleasure from it. This, however, was frowned upon by the Medical Council who believed we should try our best to help the children get onto the 'road of normality'. Many of the guards disagreed however, but obided by these rules because their job was at stake..."

Shouting came from down the grey, dingy corridor. Clanking and cluttering could be heard. A younger Doctor Corz was running down the corridor, his white coat trailing behind. Turning a corner he noticed a group of guards rushing towards him, their faces emotionless.

Corz: "W-Whats going on??"

As they passed he noticed they carried a small, naked body which seemed to leave a trail of blood behind them.

Guard: "Alexie Craine, he's tried to off himself again!!"

The voice was full of frustration and anger. No sympathy or worry whatsoever. The guards seemed to be heading towards the operating theatre and being curious in the process of operations, Corz decided to follow...


The moniter beeped gently. Alexie was sprawled on the cold, metallic operating table with Surgeons surrounding him. All wielding strange metal utencils. All wearing the same white gowns, gloves and face masks. Towards the rear of the room was Corz, he was stood with three of the five guards that had rushed the child to the theatre. They stood with their arms crossed and looked across with bemused expressions on their faces.

Guard: "So...will he make it or what??"

He shouted over, his voice deep and gruff. Turning to face him, one of the Surgeons nodded wearily.

Surgeon: "Yes, he will..."

It then turned back to look at the boy. His throat stitched up and his face drained of colour. His black blood was dry and smeered all around his neck and his once pinky tongue was now coated a dull black. He coughed and looked up at the Surgeons, his eyes watery as he slowly began to cry.

Guard: "Great(!) So we're still clogging up space with a no-hoper..."

Corz turned to the guard in confusion.

Corz: "But Alexie has been making progress, small progress...but progress all the same..."

Shaking his head the guard scoffed.

Guard: "Yeh, maybe. But he won't ever be normal. He'll always be a defect...and the more of them we get rid of the better our chances of surviving as a race. Especially with defects like him, who dont stand a Cat in Hades chance of ever recovering. We might aswell help the ones who can be helped..."

Corz: "As disturbing as it sounded the guard had a point. Later that night we decided that it was best if he was recorded as dead...and we threw him in the waste disposal. Groggy and tired, but still alive. As his body slid and bumped down the shute the guards began to chant 'Death to all defects, death to all the scum'. Myself and a few others joined in. I wish i didn't, i so wish i didn't..."

Raising an eyebrow Iraxx realised how sick and twisted the world of therapy really was. Noticing Iraxx's expression the Doctor continued.

Corz: "We didn't think he would survive...and i dont even know how he did so...its impossible!!"

Iraxx: "So the documentation of his death was faked...?"

He ignored the statement, asking this as he reached into his jacket pocket and brought out his phone. Corz nodded and ran his hands over his face and through his hair, realising that he was marked by the mark of death and the only thing that could prevent his lifes end would be the capture of this murderer...
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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06-14-2003, 01:40 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 5

*Setting: Still on the phone with Adele, Iraxx now flew his hover car through the city, making his way towards the building were the Council resided.*

Adele: "You're wrong, Iraxx!! I'm telling you, you're wrong. Now get back to the the Scout camp and do your job!!"

She seemed somewhat aggitated after he had told her that it was Alexie Craine who was the serial killer and that the documents stating his death had been faked.

Iraxx: "I'm not wrong. And when the Council realise this you WILL be out on your ass, i guarantee that..."

There was silence from the other end of the phone. Stopping at traffic lights Iraxx took the time to look around, the Sligs operating the traffic lights were chatting amongst themselves and laughing loudly. After a few seconds one pulled the lever that changed the light colours and the traffic was moving again.

Adele: "Thats if you make it, Iraxx...and i swear, you won't. Your not ruining my chances of claiming a chair among the Council...!!"

The phone went dead. In frustration the Commandor threw the small device onto the passenger seat and then quickly turned the driving wheel to the right and eased his foot off of the ascent pedal. The car quickly turned, sauntering downwards at a fast velocity as it did so...


*Setting: She hung up the phone in an angered manner and then paced up and down infront of the restroom mirrors. Her face was red with anger and nearly matching her red lipstick. Placing her mobile down she then began to fiddle with her black hair, her nimble fingers messing around with random strands. The restroom was smallish, only accomodating 4 cubicles. These cubicles were situated infront of the mirrors and painted a dirty yellow colour. The rest of the room was white. After sorting her hair out she then picked her mobile up and dialled in a number, raising it to her ear she awaited the person she was calling to pick-up. They did...*

Adele: "We have a problem, sir..."

She looked at her nails as she rested her self against the sink edge.

Adele: "Its Iraxx, he's close to finding out about Alexie and Midian. Although i think he just knows about Alexie, but if he tells the Council and helps capture them...my position here is f*cked. You understand, sir?"

Again there was silence as she listened to the being on the other end speak.

Adele: "Well, sir. You know what i'd do...And so far thats our only option..."

She smiled to herself as the being stated something she liked.

Adele: "Now would be a perfect time, sir. He's on his way here..."

Standing she neared the door and said her goodbyes. And with a sinister chuckle of glee, she exited.


*Setting: The slow heavy breathing of an unknown beast seemed to echoe around the long stoney room. The pebbled floor and stone laden walls showed scratch marks, indentations were creatures had tried to escape. The creature sat at the back of the room, the narrow walls almost connecting with its large, stone-built armchair. Although it was obvious the beast was male, it wasn't so obvious what it looked like as half of its body was consumed in the darkest of shadows. The only things barely seeable were its broad legs and bulky feet, which were clothed with black trousers with white pinstripes and black shiny shoes. The room itself looked more like a corridor than anything, the walls were equipped with firey torches, sixteen in total, eight on each wall, which lit the way towards the seated creature. The being shifted its weight on its cold chair and then bellowed out, its voice hard and intimidating...*

Being: "Basium!!"

The sound echoed down the room, causing the gentle flames to suddenly spasm. He awaited for a sign that the creature he had called had heard him, then as he waited a gentle drift of red mist began to form at the front of the room, becoming thicker as it slowly moved forwards. The torches that it past were immediatly extinguished. And as it past the fourth set of torches the mist solidified, forming a feminine creature. A Demonic mistress. A Malum. Three bleached bones jutted from the back of her head, her fingers more like claws, all sharp and leathal. Her eyes a gentle, baby pink and her breasts, firm and well developed, stood proudly over her ribcage.

Basium: "Yes...?"

She sighed and cracked her fingers. In doing so the flames she had previously extinguished burst into life again, one by one.

Being: "Our precautionary plan needs to be put into action..."

The female nodded softly.

Basium: "I'm presuming he will be easy to find? And i won't have any problem with any Banishers or Protection Spells...?"

Being: "You won't have any problem whatsoever...you're not going."

Basium perked up and looked deep into the shadows were she believe the creatures head was.

Basium: "What?? I need this assignment!! I have children to feed!! They haven't had a decent meal in months...!!"

Being: "And you will feed them, but not with this assignment. I need you here and if anything went wrong then the plan wouldn't be able to continue..."

She backed away and snarled, her breathing now rapid.

Basium: "IF anything did go wrong i would be back in a couple of months anyway!! But i'm telling you, it won't..."

Being: "And i'm telling YOU, you're not going. We need Low Level Demons, not Demons of your high order...Trust me, you and your children will get their fill in due course..."

Swiping at one of the stoney walls she etched her mark into it, causing the claw marks to glow briefly.

Basium: "Fine. Low Level, you say? Lialoks would be good. Quick, efficient, lethal and easy to banish if they get out of hand..."

She realised that she couldn't argue with the being that sat upon its 'throne'. And so just excepted the fact that she wasn't proceeding with the assignment...

Being: "Good. Well then, tell them he's easy to find...just follow the signal..."

(OOC: And the plot seemingly thickens...ooooohh-ooooohh!!)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 06-22-2003 at 08:49 AM..
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06-22-2003, 06:10 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 6

*Setting: The radio played 'Coming home' by Placebo quietly as Iraxx made his way back to the Councils quaters. He could see the main building now, reaching skyward. It was spherical in shape which seemed to get more bulbous for a few storeys as it went higher into the sky, before thinning out again. The roof was fitted with antenna's and guarded by Orkhids and Mudokons, all suited up in heavy armour. The part of the building that was the most bulbous had windows going all the way around, the windows tinted so outsiders couldn't see inside. As he gradually drew closer an idea came into his head, one that he knew he'd have to pass with the Council first, but he knew he had a good chance of them agreeing to it, and then reclaiming his rightful place beside them. He smiled to himself, knowing that Adele's status besides the Council were numbered with single digits...
Iraxx flinched as the sound came from above him, a dentation mark on the interior of the roof was visible as was the sound of something shifting its weight. The Commandor grumbled something and tried to get a look at the creature on his hovercar by glancing at the reflections on building windows as he passed, but he could see nothing. Another 'thump' was emitted, but this time on his bonnet. And thats when he saw it. A short, hunched over creature. Its body seemingly covered in black Lyrca and its head hid under layers of bandages, concealing everything but its eyes, its red, beserk-ridden eyes. It turned to the windscreen, towards Iraxx. Its small Bird-like hands flinched and in doing so forced out three 9 inch steel blades from the back of its hands. Not only were they 9 inches long, they were 3 inches wide. The beast growled lowly, looking at the stunned Iraxx, and with a tilt of the head, it brought its right arm back, positioned it so it was level with Iraxx's head and then flung it forwards. In a quick reflex Iraxx dove to the left, lying down on the gearstick and passenger seat as the blades shattered through the window and pierced his headrest, causing the stuffing to seep out. A sharp cracking sound came from the window as the blades were pulled out, allowing the creature to move around to a better position. Now in fear of his life, Iraxx fumbled with the glove compartment, knowing that he had a gun in there with abit of ammunition.
The sound of metal piercing metal cut through the air as three more blades pushed their way through the roof of the car. Coming within inches of Iraxx' right arm. It was now apparent that there were two of these beings. Finally he opened the glove compartment and grabbed the black, 9mm. Cocking it he pointed the gun to the roof were the three blades were being pulled from. Taking a calculated guess were the creatures head was, he pulled the trigger three times. Hoping to hit something. As soon as he had squeezed off these rounds he sat up and looked for the creature on the bonnet. It was nowhere to be seen. He glanced behind him, making sure it wasn't near the rear of the car. Knowing that he was safe for now he forcefully put his foot down on the gas pedal, causing the hovercar to burst forwards with severe speed. Turning his head to the right sideview mirror he made sure there were no cars behind him as he indicated to turn in that direction, barely being able to see through the cracks in the glass. But as he took his mind of the attackers the same set of blades pierced the roof, this time at an angle so one actually made contact with him and was forced a good inch into his right shoulder. Crying out in pain he pushed himself down in his seat, trying to un-impale himself, but as he slouched he accidently pushed down on the ascent pedal, caushing the car to ascend with a quick burst of speed. Honking of horns and the shouting of angry drivers as they swerved to avoid the out of control car could be heard. The blades of the creature were, once again, pulled from the roof. By this time the car was travelling at such a speed it was above all of the hovercars and ascending even further. He gently took his foot off of the pedal and pushed in the 'sustain' button which would make sure he sustained the height at which he was at, this then allowed him to focus on more important matters. Quickly he switched seats, shifting over to the passenger seat so that he wouldn't be inline with the blades as much. Once again the weapons pierced the roof, being forced through all the way and cutting the metal of the roof even more. Twisting his body around and resting his back against the passenger door, Iraxx held his legs up so that his feet were facing the flat side of the blades, and then with one quick push he kicked out. Putting all his effort into kicking the weapons. There was a brief screech of pain from the attacker as the weapons bent and it quickly pulled them back. Wincing in pain Iraxx held up his right arm and fired somemore bullets into the roof. Taking comfort in the sound of a hard thud and a rolling sound. Following the sound he looked towards the back of the vehicle and watched as the body rolled down the back windscreen and off the edge of the car. In allowing himself to be distracted by this, he didn't noticed the other creature behind him. It was clinging onto the passenger door with its clawed feet and Bird-feet hands. Its blades were retracted but that didn't hinder it as it forced its left hand through the window and wrapped its arm around Iraxx's neck, getting him in a headlock. The Orkhid struggled, his feet kicking wildly as he hit the attackers arm with the butt of his gun and the fist of his unarmed hand. But the beast still clung onto him. Forcing himself forwards, Iraxx gradually was able to pull himself further into the car, making the attacker have to climb in partially to sustain its grip. The being cawed out, placing its right hand on the roof and digging its nails into it as it tried to pull Iraxx out. Its eyes burning in fury. Glancing to the back window of the car Iraxx could see the second creature pulling itself back onto the roof. But not only that, he could now see a gentle, red blinking under the backseats. Although under a great deal of aggrovation and stress he could just make out it was a red rock. Now believing that the attack and the red rock were someway connected, he was determined to figure out how they were and who had placed it there. Feeling the beasts breath on his right ear, Iraxx bent his arm and placed the gun just over his shoulder.
There was a sickening crack as the bullet cut through the creatures skull. Causing the beast to let go of the Commandors neck and flail wildly towards the ground. Turning his attention to the second creature, Iraxx pointed the gun and fired his last three shots, this time hitting the beasts torso. It barked viciously and twitched as the bullets entered and exited it, but didn't let go. Retracting its blades again, it attempted to break through the back window. Cracking the glass and then trying to force its way through. Quickly diving back into the drivers seat Iraxx began to lower the car again, the sound of a whole window shattering and the grunting of a Demonic beast entering the car made him realise the best thing he could do would be to make a sharp exit. Turning the car around he looked for a derelict building. He glanced at his rearview mirror to see the creature pulling itself through. Seeing an old warehouse he realised that, that was his chance. Lowering his car even further so that he was now level with the 4th storey of the building, he unlocked the drivers door and as he pushed the gas pedal down and sped the car up ever-so-quickly he dived out. Leaving the beast inside. He hadn't even looked at were he was leaping to, he just took a leap of faith. As he fell through the air his Leather jacket flapped through the wind, making him look like a flightless Crow. His arms flailed wildly and the wind rushed into his face...
A metallic surface contacted with the top half of his body, winding and dazing him but also forcing him to fall backwards before he could grasp onto it. Finally he came to a quick stop. His back hit the concrete surface of the roof of an old Motel. The back of his head connected against it dazing him even more. Blinking rapidly he gently tilted his head upwards. Noticing that he had made contact with a hover-Taxi mid-fall. The Taxi driver didn't seem to care that it had hit a person and was carrying on with its own route. But he didn't mind, for he was watching as his hovercar made contact witht he warehouse...crashing through the wall. He smiled as an explosion ruptured through the air seconds later, watched as flames and smoke belched out of the hole the vehicle had made in the building. He chuckled to himself and rested his head back down on the dusty, cold rooftop and then allowed darkness to descend upon him...*

(OOC: A whole topic dedicated to the setting, how thooper. Is it as crap as i think it is??)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-03-2003, 05:41 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 7

*Setting: Adele's shoes clicked on the marbel floor of the Lobbey as she quickly made her way to the building exit. A faint explosion somewhere in the city had given the Council cause for concern and she had been ordered to check the main streets to see if there was any commotion that could harm the Orkhid Hierarchy in any way. Approaching the glass doors she held out her hand and pushed, opening it, within seconds she was greeted with the smokey, exhaust fumes that filled the city itself. Pedestrians talked amongst themselves and cars honked their horns, rushing from place to place. So far nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, which meant that she didn't have to follow protection protocol. Walking around the outside of the building she checked the skies thoroughly. Again, nothing unusual. After doing the checks she turned back and walked towards the entrance, but as she began to open the door, her phone rang. She stopped mid-pull and delved into her inner jacket pocket, bringing out a small, silver mobile. A short gasp of confusion escaped her lips, her eyes looked at the caller ID...looked at the name who was apparently calling...Iraxx. A cold chill ran down her spine, like somebody had ran an icy finger down her back. Raising the phone to her ear, she pushed the 'answer' button and spoke...*

Adele: "H-Hello...?"

Her voice was shakey, Iraxx should have been dead by now. But he wasn't and if he knew that she was the one responsible for his attempted murder then she would be in for some harsh disciplinary action...

Iraxx: "A-Adele...*Coughs*...It's Iraxx. I-I think Alexie...may...may be involved in...*Coughs*...Something...powerful."

There was a short silence as Adele backed away from the door and rested her back on the building wall.

Adele: "W-What do you mean...?"

There was some more violent coughing from the other end of the phone.

Iraxx: "I...I was attacked by some...creatures. Alexie must know...*Coughs*...that i'm onto him..."

Adele: "Alexie...Yes...yes, it must've been him. What do you suggest we do? Where are you? Are you badly injured?"

Her voice seemed to get darker as the last question was asked, as if she was wishing for him to be hurt severely. She felt somewhat safe that Iraxx believed it was Alexie that had initiated the attack.

Iraxx: "I-I have a plan...pu-put Gian on..."

Gian was one of the head Council members, his accent slightly German in origion he held a seat of power in the Council chambers.

Adele: "Err...Gian isn't here...tell me the plan...what is it?"

There was silence, an un-trustworthy silence.

Iraxx: "W-where...is he?"

Adele thought fast, one of the main attributes that got her the career as the Council Spokeslady.

Adele: "He's in a meeting. They're all in a meeting with the Medical Council...they won't be back 'til later in the evening. If you tell me the plan, i'll pass it on to them when they get back..."

She smiled faintly, knowing that this web of deceit may be the thing to secure her place in the Councils quarters...

Iraxx: "...How...How can i trust...*Coughs*...you?"

Adele: "Iraxx, lets put our petty differences aside. I'll make sure the Council know the plan is yours...if we catch Alexie we can share the praise...share the triumph. But, you have to trust me..."

Again there was silence.

Iraxx: "Ok...*Coughs*...But don't dare ba-backstab me...*Coughs*..."

Adele: "Of course not...whats the plan?"

She checked her nails, sighing as she noticed the red varnish that was on them was scratched and scuffed.

Iraxx: "We...*Coughs*...We find out...who...who was involved with the cov-ver up of...*Coughs*...Alexie's death...we put them...in...in a single, secure area...and wait...*Coughs*...He comes...we kill...or restrain, him."

The plan was somewhat good, with only one flaw...

Adele: "How will he know where to go...?"

Iraxx: "He's known where to go previously...*Coughs*...So he shouldn't have a problem now..."

The point was valid and Adele was certain the Council would accept it...

Adele: "Well done, Iraxx. I'll be sure the Council know right away. I'll be in touch later on...goodbye."

She hung up quickly, her grin wider and her eyes sparkling. She now began to dial in another number, the same number she had dialled in previously whilst in the toilets. It rang three times and then stopped as it was answered...

Adele: "Whatever you did, it failed. Iraxx is alive..."

There was silence from the other end of the line.

Adele: "Well...? What are you going to do about it...?

Being: "Hmmm. We'll be in touch..."

The phone was hung up and with a grunt of annoyance, Adele placed the device back in her pocket before entering the building. Once more her shoes clicked as she crossed the Lobbey. Approaching the Receptionist she nodded an acknowledgement to her, the Receptionist smiled in response. She then pushed open the door that led to the Councils quarters, a buzzing noise was emitted from the door itself whilst a gentle humming came from the sides. Ignoring these sounds she proceeded down the corridor, heading towards the double doors, which was guarded by two guards, that was the entrance to the Councils room. They nodded to her and then pushed open the double doors, allowing her to enter the room. Immediatly the Council looked up at her, smiling.

Gian: "Ahh, Adele. Vell? Anything or nothing?"

Adele smiled and shook her head. He was seated towards the back of the long table, seemingly on the 'head' of it.

Adele: "Nothing. But...i had a thought..."

She headed towards her seat and sat down, the other members were looking at her contently now.

Adele: "We know that the killer is Alexie Craine. And we know that he seems to know were the personel who faked his death now work or are...well...what if we put all of the personel in one secure, highly guarded area...waited for him to turn up and then restrain or kill him..."

There were some mumblings emitted from the members as they looked at each other and quickly discussed the plan.

Gian: "That...That is an interesting idea, but vhere vould ve put them? And how many is there...?"

Adele scratched the back of her head and thought.

Adele: "Well, we know that there are roughly 13-15 Orkhids that knew about Alexie still been alive. But i'll have to do some backtracking. As for the building...we could secure them in the old missile bunker, one way in, one way out. Electronic doors...automated turrets...add around 15-25 guards and medical staff on top of that, thats pretty secure..."

Again the Council discussed it amongst themselves, all in hushed whispers. When this had stopped, Gian stood up and walked around to were Adele was seated, his hand held out.

Gian: "Heh, if this vorks then you can forget all about Iraxx hounding you for his position back...congratulations, you're making quite an impression."

Adele stood and shook the hand of her superior.

Wyles: "Have you heard from that ingrate...?"

A smirk crossed her face for a brief second as she turned to the ageing Councillor.

Adele: "No...not recently."

(OOC: Oh...naughtyness abound!! What do you think should happen in futureness? I have already completed this story in my head, i just want to know what you believe may happen later...please respond.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 07-28-2003 at 10:31 AM..
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07-08-2003, 12:48 AM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 8

Adele: "It would help if you could...besides, you owe it to me."

Adele paced up and down in the ladies restroom again, her mobile to her ear and her tone of voice stern and aggitated. Once more she was talking to the creature whom had plotted Iraxx's death and once again she showed him little respect by dropping the 'sir' at the end of the sentence.

Being: "Adele, it was not our fault we were mis-informed. That Iraxx can handle himself better than you so told..."

His voice was low and gruff and he spoke menacingly, as if Adele was really trying his patience.

Adele: "I understand that, but maybe if you sent something powerfuller after him, i wouldn't be in this position to begin with..."

Being: "Don't get above yourself, girl. I don't need you as much as you think...and i am more than willing to devour your Soul and sacrifice everything to have you feel you can talk to be in such a way that is highly disrespectful..."

This shut Adele up somewhat and she slowed her pace to a gentle walk and lightened her tone of voice.

Adele: "Fine...but it's not as if i'm asking alot...all i want is a location..."

There was some distant speaking from the other end of the phone, possibly another creature. Moments later the being spoke again.

Being: "Bascium tells me they're residing in a Motel directly opposite the Club Cafe. Number 312. I hope for your sake you know what you're doing, Adele..."

The phoneline went dead and Adele was left contemplating the last words of her employer. Shaking the thoughts of 'what could go wrong' out of her head she placed her mobile in her jacket, exited the restroom and walked towards the Reception desk.

Adele: "Hi Cash, i was just wondering if you wouldn't mind passing on a message to the Council, just to basically say i'm just going out to check a lead and that i'll be back in, hmm...say 10-15 minutes. That ok?"

The Receptionist nodded and picked up the black phone that automaticly contacted the Council, as she did this Adele quickly turned away and began walking towards the exit, her heels clicking on the floor like a Devils hooves on Hells Brimstone.


*Setting: The slow, gentle breathing of her partner slowly soothed and relaxed her. Midian was resting on the bed, her head on Alexie's chest as they both shared a 'moment' together. The past 32 hours had taken alot out of her and although her magickal abilities were powerfuller than they once was, she knew the consequences were closing in. And with that thought in mind, knew she had to tone down her abilities abit...and that, in itself, would be hard. Especially since their plan was just getting going.
*Knock on door*
Midian raised her head slowly and turned to the door, she yawned and looked at Alexie who was slowly opening his eyes. Usually they didn't get disturbed and were left alone to their own devices, so this sudden interest in them made them very weary.*

Alexie: "Who is it!?"

He slowly stood up and called out as he neared the door. He was practicly naked aside from a pair of black boxers and thus was reluctant to answer it.

Voice: "Can i come in? I would like to...discuss something with you both."

The voice was female which threw them even more since the Motel owner was a, single, male. Turning to his lover, Alexie shrugged, not knowing what to do. Mouthing the words 'open it slightly' she moved towards to were the window once was. Since she had gotten the bag of Eternity crystals, Midian had to take extra precautions and majickly brick-up the window which, obviously, caused problems. Unlocking the latch and slowly pulling the door open, Alexie poked his head through the slight gap and looked at the female in question. Adele.

Adele: "Alexie Craine, i assume. May i come in? I have some information that may prove valuable to your...cause."

Alexie: "Who the Hell are you? And how the f*ck do you know my name."

He opened the door more and in doing so was pushed back by the female Orkhid who, once inside, quickly slammed the door behind her. Snarling Midian stepped forwards and grasped Adele's throat, shoved her into the wall and gently lifted her a couple of cm's off the floor.

Midian: "Well...answer him."

Scratching and tugging at Midians wrist and arm, Adele attempted to get the female off her. Easing her grip, though not through Adele's resistance, Midian glared at her, and waited for an explanation.

Adele: "My name's Adele Morgan and i know your name due to that little stunt you pulled with Doctor Corz's son...it was a, bad move, to say the least."

Midian: "So you've come here to take him out? Well, i bet me being here has put a dent in your plans, eh?"

Trying to refrain from using any magick, Midian concentrated on getting to the bottom of the problem...without *delving.

Adele: "No, actually. We knew you and Alexie were working together...which is why i've come to make you an offer."

Now letting go of the Orkhid's throat altogether, Midian backed away. Alexie was still stood near the door, bracing himself for Soldiers to break through and start shooting.

Midian: "What...How could you know about me? And what would the Council want to off..."

Adele: "Not the Council. Me."

Interrupting, Adele spoke confidently whilst rubbing her throat.

Midian: "You said 'we knew' me and Alexie were together. Who's the 'we'? And how did you know?"

Adele: "Yyyes. Well, the people i'm working for, are...lets just say...different to you or i. They prefare to remain annonymous for one. And to answer your second question...we have...lets say, intuition. We know when there's more than one person involved..."

A spark of red electricity jumped from Midian's index finger to her second finger, upon feeling this she quickly grasped the hand that did so and held it close to her. Not taking her eyes of Adele.

Midian: "Ok...so, the offer?"

Adele: "Oh, its simple really. When you go and kill the remaining Scientists, Doctors and other medical personel who were involved with Alexie...dispose of somebody else...Commandor Elsiben Iraxx."

As she spoke this sentence and stated about Alexie, Midian shifted uneasily and glanced up at him. His face was full of puzzlement and as he opened his mouth to querie her statement, Midian quickly butted in.

Midian: "What does he look like and where will he be??"

Reaching into her black suit jacket, she then produced a large brown envelope and handed it to Midian.

Adele: "Inside is a photograph of him and a detailed description of his past. He'll be waiting for your arrival...at the missile bunker circled on the map included in the envelope. Thats also where all your next victims will be. When you kill him, do it...painfully."

As Midian slowly opened the package, Alexie took his chance to ask his question, much to Midian's fear.

Alexie: "You said...You said when we go and kill the medical personel involved with me...what...what do you mean?"

Midian's Heart skipped a beat and before she could interrupt with a loosely thought out statement, Adele replied.

Adele: "Well, i'm assuming you've killed all the people you have due to the torture they put you through as a child. Am i wrong?"

Her face was full of confusion now as she asked for confirmation about her previous guesses on motivation. But as she watched she noticed the males pupils expand...his eyes began to well up and he became increasingly unstable on his feet. Within moments of this happening Midian raised her right palm to his left temple which emitted a strand of white energy into it and directly into his brain. He juttered on the spot, not realising what was happening. His hands clenched and unclenched and his voice mumbled random words. Her worst fear had nearly come true, he had been vaguely reminded of his past and slowly the memories were beginning to return. This, would not only cause great distress to him, but a great inbalance in the natural way of things. Potentially killing him. Breathing through gritted teeth Midian noticed the hand she was using was slowly becoming paler...but it didn't matter...she had to save Alexie...she wouldn't be able to live with herself if he died due to her.
The sound came as the process finished and Alexie fell into the wall, unconcious. She had taken his memories from him again, felt the pain...again. Saw the violation he incurred...again. Her head snapped to Adele and a low, sinister growl came from her vocal cords.

Midian: "You bitch...you lying bitch. You've been sent here to kill us...you were going to kill him...YOU F*CKING WHORE!!"

Her voice was deep and inhuman. Electricity jumped from her bottom teeth to her top teeth as she spoke and her eyes were completly black once more.

Adele: "N-No...No...i-i didn't know...h-how could i know?!? He was killing...i thought it was revenge!!"

Midian: "It is...the only difference being i have taken the memories from his past away from him, but left him with the desire for revenge...he thinks the creatures we're taking revenge upon tortured me...it was better that way...but YOU nearly f*cked it all up..."

Her left hand shot out and grasped Adele's throat once more, knowing she was in real danger the female kicked out, her heels scratching Midian's legs and thighs, but to no avail.

Midian: "Let's find out the truth...shall we?"

Adele's eyes widened as she watched Midian's right hand slap down on her forhead, palm down. Within seconds a blast of light was coming from it and Adele could feel her memories being extracted and placed back, like somebody flicking through random magazines in a hurry. Her eyes rolled into the back of her skull, revealing the whites. Drool seeped from the sides of her mouth and her kicks became less and less hard. Feeling her energy slowly drain as the delving took place, Adele searched her right jacket pocket hurridly. Her hand patted around inside until finally she found what she wanted. Clasping her hands around a small, round, blue rock she quickly pulled it out and pointed it at Midian's stomach. So wrapped up with viewing Adele's memories and discovering what she knew Midian didn't realise what her victim was doing until the last minute when a blast of heavenly-blue light and energy blasted from the rock and into her, sending her sailing through the air and into the small chest of drawers on the other side of the room. Without the support of Midian's grasp, Adele's legs quickly gave way and she collapsed to the ground, coughing and sputtering.

Midian: "A Protection rock...heh...its got quite a kick to it..."

Strands of black hair fell infront of Adele's face as she slowly looked up and snarled at the relativly powerful being.

Adele: "You...*Cough*...Insane...bitch..."

As she finished this statement a vicious bark came from Midian and she rose her hand right hand in the air, formed a ball of burning red fire and hurled it at the injured female who quickly held the rock up infront of her, which quickly formed a barriar of energy, causing the flame to extinguish itself as it neared.

Midian: "I'm not surprised, though. The fact you're allied with a Vorlone is explanation...enough."

She rubbed her stomach as she stated the last word, as if pained by something. The stomach section of her silk dress was scorched black, giving a vague insight to how her stomach would look.

Adele: "Well...do you...believe...i'm trustworthy now?"

She slowly pushed herself to her feet, still grasping the small rock. Her answer was a weak nod from the other female.

Adele: "And...i can trust you...will deal with...him?"

Midian: "In the most painfullest way ever..."

Her eyes gently resumed to their natural, ruby red, state as she spoke and a gentle smile crossed her face. She was weak however and couldn't be bothered to move. Watching as Adele straightened herself out and reached for the door, she realised she had forgotten a small detail and called out.

Midian: "If i kill him...i want something in return..."

Turning Adele looked at her.

Adele: "What?"

Midian: "I want the process to be reversed...I don't want to... turn..."

Adele gently nodded, knowing exactly what the female requested.

Adele: "I'll get them to look into it..."

And with that, she exited...

{*Delving - A process in which a creature delves into the mind of another by using majick or its own, natural, abilities.}

(OOC: A comment would be appreciated round about...well...say, now.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 06-10-2004 at 08:03 AM..
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07-17-2003, 06:45 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 9

*Setting: Limping up the long, straight, slightly slanted tunnel Iraxx sighed and wiped his brow with the back of his black-gloved hand. His wounds were quite severe and he would have done anything to be at home, in bed. But, according to Adele, the Council wanted him to apprehend Alexie Craine and bring him in for punishment. Stopping briefly he rested his left side on the metallic wall and breathed heavily. According to the Doctor at the first control room the tunnel came to, he had a couple of broken ribs, a claw mark that went down to the bone and concussion. The Doctors had advised him to go home, but he knew that if the Council had ordered him to do something, he'd better do it. Even in his current condition. Besides, as soon as they find out he's quite badly injured and yet still carrying on with his duties, the Council will surely reconsider him for his previous position. Moving past the 2nd of two security doors, he dialled in the security code and watched as the reinforced, metal door came from the roof of the tunnel and secured itself in the ridge that was on the floor. The tunnel itself was capable of allowing a Jeep to pass through, although it wasn't built for that, but instead built for protection against missiles and heavy fire. But now they were using it for protection against one, male Orkhid, who, Iraxx assumed, was into the Black Arts. As Iraxx neared the large entrance of the tunnel he noticed a rabble of 10-15 Orkhids had formed, all suited in heavy armour, their visors down and packing automatic weapons. Brushing the strands of black hair from his face, Iraxx began to pick up speed, hoping that the end of this entire nightmarish chapter in his career and life was coming to a close...*

Iraxx: "Whats going on...?"

He directed his question at some of the Soldiers towards the back of the rabble, only one turned around and answered him.

Soldier #1: "He's...He's here!!"

He said this excitedly and cocked his weapon, hoping for some kind of gunfight to take place between them, the Soldiers, and the, now, notorious mass murderer. Pushing through the tightly packed group, who were formed infront of the tunnel entrance, Iraxx quickly made his way to the front to see a small, yellow hatchback landing on the ground. It was a good distance away, yet in the boundaries of the electric fence, which meant that Alexie couldn't run to the surrounding woodland if things got tough.

Soldier #2: "There's two of them, sir!!"

This Soldier was kneeling on one knee and looking through some Binoculars. His Carbine rifle was hanging from its strap around his neck. With a startled snarl Iraxx cast his eyeline down and held out his right hand, wincing as a sharp pain shot through his shoulder. Without hesitation however, the Soldier quickly handed the Binoculars to the Commandor, who then placed them over his eyes and seemed to growl lowly as he realised this was true...


Midian: "Get the bag, make sure none of the crystals fall out or the bomb doesn't arm itself. We only have 25 seconds to get out once it does..."

Midian stepped out from the passengers side of the car and rolled her shoulders, ordering Alexie to do such a menial task. She was still wearing her silk, lilac dress and it was still burnt around the stomach region. However her injury that she had sustained due to Adele had been healed, albeit done so reluctantly. Opening the boot Alexie grabbed the strap of the sportsbag and hoisted it over his right shoulder. He then walked around to the front of the car were Midian was and stood besides her. He was wearing his black sleeveless top and dark grey jeans.

Alexie: "You ready?"

Her reply was a simple nod.


*Setting: As they neared, the group of troops shifted uneasily. There were two things awry with the current situation, one being the fact that Alexie was carrying a bag...which could contain some kind of heavy demolition bomb. And the second was he was being accompanied by an unknown female, who was walking with a graceful ease. Slowly Iraxx reached for his 9mm which was stuffed in the back of his black trousers, grabbing the handle with his left hand he slowly pulled it out and pointed it. The weapon was already cocked and loaded, so all he had to do was fire...*

Iraxx: "STOP WHERE YOU ARE...!!"

His voice was stern and authoritive, yet the two beings cared little for what he stated. Slowly he closed one eye and pin-pointed Alexie's head with the guns crosshair.


Again he shouted a warning command and again, they carried on advancing.


*Setting: A gentle wind began to pick up around the surrounding area. Midian and Alexie's long hair began to flay around wildly, as if possessed by some unknown Heretic. As Adele had said, Iraxx was guarding the missile bunker, along with a good deal of troops. Slowly she turned to look up at Alexie and with a gentle smile she whispered to him.*

Midian: "Lets end this torture..."

The moment her lips had closed to end the sentence a severe explosion of thunder ruptured from the heavens. The light blue sky and white clouds were destroyed by thick, black and gray storm clouds. Forks of blue and red lightening shot across them, as if outlining the veins of the storm clouds themselves. Looking up Midian smiled, her eyes slowly been devoured in blackness and her long black hair waving wildly...this was it...this, was the end.

(OOC: Rarrrr!!)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-19-2003, 10:40 AM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 10

*Setting: The crowd of Soldiers stood uneasily, staring at the female Orkhid who was becoming increasingly intimidating. The male, Alexie, stood beside her, looking along the line of Soldiers without even showing any kind of fear. Slowly Midian stepped forwards three steps and stood with her arms by her sides. The clouds roared and forks of lightening lit up the ever-darkening sky...*

Midian: "Get out of our way..."

She spoke calmly, yet her voice was distorted with an inhumane tone. It was deep and somewhat echoey. The guards shifted backwards, not wanting to stand in her way, but Iraxx stood his ground. For, in his mind, it was her who had sent the Demons to attack him. It was her who was causing all his problems. And now it would be her time to pay.


He didn't care for Alexie anymore, he just wanted revenge. It made sense to him, she seemed to be highly powerful and only creatures of power, or creatures in a position of power, could summon creatures from the depths of the Abyss.

Midian: "Foolish little man, Iraxx...You have no idea what you're dealing with..."

Her voice now back to normal, she raised her hands whilst saying this, palm up, and magickly lifted the troops into the air, however, she left Iraxx contacted with the ground. Raising them a good 6ft, she then slowly turned them so that their heads were facing downwards. No matter how hard they struggled or how much they tried to pull the triggers of their guns, they couldn't, and within seconds Midian had thrown her hands downwards and threw them to the ground...killing them instantly. The sickening cracks and breaks of their neck and skulls filled Iraxx's ears for a brief second. Looking around uneasily Iraxx sighed and shook his head in anger.

Iraxx: "You should have killed me aswell, cos now...heh...you're going to pay..."

His voice seemed to have a cockyness to it as he stated this which was closely followed by the sound of his 9mm unloading as he shot at the female. But to his horror the bullets came to a quick stop cm's before contacting with Midian, were they then dropped to the ground. With a swipe of her hand, Midian knocked the weapon from Iraxx's hand magickly and smiled at him.

Midian: "Oh, i am. But i'm going to give you a chance to run...you have ten minutes, Iraxx. Use them wisely."

The Orkhid snarled and looked towards Alexie who was stood a couple of steps behind her. Smiling. Slowly he stepped forwards and grasped her right hand in his left, their fingers interlinking. They then began to move forwards, towards the tunnel entrance.

Midian: "I suggest you start running now..."

As she said this she emitted a strand of blue electricity from her left hand, the substance made contact with Iraxx's chest and sent him staggering back, falling over the corpse of one of the dead Soldiers. He winced in pain and attempted to stand, only to be knocked back down again by Alexie as he passed, barging him with his right knee.

Iraxx: "I killed your Demons...what makes you think i won't be able kill you...?!!"

Midian stopped and snarled, unlinking her fingers from Alexie's hand she slowly turned to him. A flash of lightening from above echoed, as if a large beast was screaming. It was immediatly followed by a downpour of rain.

Midian: "My Demons? MY DEMONS? Do not insult me with your pathetic assumptions...If i wanted you dead, i would have killed you myself!!"

The ground was immediatly drenched by the rainfall and Iraxx's longish hair was quickly plastered down to his face. Raising his left hand he brushed the strands from his face and looked at the female in puzzlement.

Iraxx: "Do you expect me to believe that? Who else could it have been...??"

A sly smile formed on Midian's lips and her black eyes slowly resumed to their natural state.

Midian: "I would look closer to home, Iraxx. Who else would want you dead...?"

As she said this she turned and walked down the tunnel that gradually went into the ground. Nearing one of two thick, metallic doors she quickly threw a strand of red energy at the keypad, sparks flew from it, but immediatly it was activated and slowly the door lifted...allowing Midian and Alexie to progress even further...

(OOC: Oooohhh, matron!!)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-26-2003, 04:55 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 11

*Setting: The sound of the second metallic door humming to an open was quickly drowned out by the cocking of weapons. The large-ish area that the door had revealed was, unfortunatly for Alexie and Midian, not were the medical personel they were looking for was. Still, she could sense that they were getting close and believed that the metallic doors, opposite the ones they had entered, were concealing them. However, to get to them they would have to get past the five heavily armed troopers and Medics, who were, between them and the door. The room itself was relativly large. On both sides of it were some long computer terminals, which were not connected to the wall but instead a couple of feet away from them and thus when Midian and Alexie appeared from behind the door, the three Medics in the room quickly took cover.*

Soldier #1: "GET DOWN!! GET THE F*CK DOWN NOW!!"

Although he was stood in the middle of the room with the other four, it was clear that the troop, who had his visor down, was a little bit fearful of the two creatures. For they had already gotten past a mass of Soldiers and their Commandor was nowhere to be seen. A slight growl came from the annoyed Alexie who stared in frustration at the Soldiers.

Midian: "Why can't you just leave us alone...THIS DOESN'T CONCERN ANY OF YOU!!"

Her voice deepening as she said the last few words she quickly flung a ball of energy at the five troops. Diving out of the way, four of them were able to get to safety, however one was hit directly and immediatly killed. As the ball of energy hit him it seemed to course around his body, making him glow intensly before turning him to ash. The remaining Soldiers weapons began to fire, the bullets not doing much damage to the two rogue Orkhids however as Midian held her right hand up and stopped them in mid-air.

Midian: "Get to the f*ckers we came here for and arm the bomb. I'll keep these lot busy..."

Saying this she held both of her hands up which immediatly snatched the weapons from the Soldiers hands. Alexie ran forwards, still carrying the sportsbag with the bomb and Eternity Crystals in. Standing to her feet, one of the female Soldiers attempted to rugby tackle Alexie to the ground, but was immediatly stopped by Midian who psychicly flung her across the room with a wave of her left hand, the Soldiers back hit the front of the console to the left, denting the metal work and breaking her back. As Alexie neared the doors Midian quickly flung a strand of red energy towards the keypad of the door, the energy seemed to sail through the air like that of a Swan flying and hit the keypad square in the center, opening it up. It then carried on sailing down to the next metallic door were it did the same thing. Now knowing that Alexie would get the main job done, she could concentrate on keeping anybody from interferring. Walking further into the room she turned to the remaing three Soldiers who were laid against the console to the right. With a low snarl she held her right hand up, palm facing forwards and sent out three seperate strands of blue electricity into each of them. The strands of electric hit them all square in the chest and sent volt upon volt surging through them. So powerful was the electricity that their eyes glowed an intense white.

Voice: "NOOOOOO!!"

The sound startled her and came from her rear, however as she attempted to turn she felt the hard metal of a fire extinguisher contact with the left side of her face, sending her staggering to the right. This immediatly cut short her current proceedings. Turning her head slowly, she realised it was one of the Medics. He was wearing a black kevlar jacket over his white coat and trousers. Lifting the red fire extinguisher over his head he attempted to have another shot, but was immediatly stopped by her left hand raising upwards and raising him off the ground. The canister clanked on the ground as it was dropped and he was left struggling in the air. Looking into her eyes the Medic witnessed them as they morphed into pure black but then seemed to swirl into a colour of pure white. Random strands of her hair slowly changed to the same colour and the black veins in her neck seemed to become more apparent. With an inhumane screech she emitted a red and blue blast of energy from her left hand, this energy cut through the Medic's torso, burning the interior and exterior with remarkable precision. The creature seemed to try and call out as his eyes burnt from his sockets and his body quickly became limp and void of life, but all that was emitted was a weary croak...


*Setting: Following the red strand of energy that was opening the doors with remarkable speed, Alexie was quickly passing all obstacles. Five doors had been opened already and he was hoping that he was getting closer. With a gentle 'buzz' the energy fizzed out at the last keypad, indicating that he was were he needed to be. Crouching down he attempted to see underneathe the door before it opened fully. In doing so he could see one guard standing with his back to the door, but as the door 'hummed' open the guard turned, only to be confronted with the clenched fist of the rebel Orkhid. The guards visor shattered, causing him to stagger backwards in a daze, but as he did this the relativly strong Alexie grasped his neck with his hand and flung him into a wall, took the guards pistol from its holster and shot three times into an un-proteced part of his body, his groin. Letting out a gentle scream the guard slid to the floor and grasped his wound. Now having more time to survey the room he was in, he was quickly able to establish this was were he was supposed to be, as a large amount of, strangely familiar, Medical personel had quickly pushed themselves up against the back concrete wall in shock and horror. Reaching for the guards automatic machine gun, Alexie pointed it at them all incase they were thinking of escaping.*

Alexie: "I'd advise you all to stay quiet and not to move..."

In saying this he crouched down, set his sportsbag on the floor, opened it and got about arming the bomb.


*Setting: The screams of the other two Medics were filling the small bunker as she merrily flung them around in the air, controlling them with her right and left hand she gracefully manouvered them so that they hit the walls and each other. Now tireing of filling them with fear, and slight pain, this way she allowed gravity to take ahold and dropped them both. She then moved towards them slowly, knowing that they were too injured to go anywhere fast. Approaching the first one she psychicly forced him to stand, she then grasped his head with her right hand and delved into his mind. A gentle tingling sensation crept over her body as she took the creatures suffering, pain and trauma away and converted it into magick. Her eyes glowed an intense white and now parts of her body, such as her right hand and forearm were starting to turn into pure white. Throwing the creature down she took a moment to feel the power she now had in her, held her hands up, fingers pointing at the Medic who she had just been in contact with and sent a blast of fire into him. His skin sizzled and a sickening scream came from him, writhing around on the ground he felt his flesh bubble and blister, felt the heat rip at his skin and turn it black and charred. As Midian did this the other Medic slowly and cautiously reached for a flashbang which was pocketed in the dead, female Soldiers body armour, slowly his fingers stretched as his eyes studied the powerful female.*

Midian: "STOP..."

Her head turned to him and he was quickly lifted in the air.

Midian: "Tell me, do you believe that you have lived your life to its fullest?"

Floating 2-3ft off the ground he slowly shook his head as he looked down upon her. She then slowly made herself float in the air, looking him directly in the eye. Her entire white eyes having electricity rush around them every second or two. Cocking her head she awaited for a spoken response.

Voice: "Put him down, you sack of shit..."

The voice came from behind her, from were the entrance was. It was distinctivly male and upon turning around to see who had stated these suicidal words she was met with the image of Iraxx. His body dripping with rain water and his gun pointed straight at her head.

Iraxx: "I said drop him..."

(OOC: Oooohh...any questions pm me or ask them in here.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 07-27-2003 at 10:26 AM..
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07-27-2003, 06:24 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 12

*Setting: With a low growl Midian swiped the air with her right hand, knocking the weapon from Iraxx's left with her power. The gun bounced on the metal floor and rolled to the right side of the room, she then swiped again, in the opposite direction this time, and sent Iraxx sailing to the left side of the room. Now that she had bought herself abit of time she turned her attention back to the Medic, grasped his head in her hands and snapped his neck. She then threw the limp creature down to the ground and gently floated to the ground herself.*

Midian: "I thought i told you to run..."

White electricity coursed around her body and appendages as she slowly stepped towards the Commandor. Even though he was badly injured he was determined to kill her and Alexie and win back his place among the Council.

Iraxx: "Heh, i thought i'd stay and watch the show."

He slowly pushed himself up, keeping eye contact with the powerful being.

Midian: "My dear, you are the show."

As she said this she hurled a strand of red electricity at the Commandor which hit his chest and and sent a shockwave of pain into him. His eyes seemed to burn and his throat felt hot and sticky. Approaching him she then grasped his throat and hoisted him off the ground, pushing him against a wall.

Midian: "I'm going to enjoy making you suffer, Commandor."

She smirked whilst stating this and then flung him over her head and to the otherside of the room. He landed on his side and slid across the floor, only stopping when coming into contact with the other wall.

Iraxx: "Yeh...well, enjoy it whilst it lasts, bitch."

He reached out and grasped the butt of one of the dead Soldiers automatic rifles, he then dragged it towards himself and picked it up with his right hand, wincing in pain as he did so. But before he could fire he was knocked back by a ball of white energy which hit his mid-section, the energy itself wasn't as powerful as the one that she had used to kill the Soldier, but still painful. Iraxx gasped in discomfort and looked down at his chest, the kevlar vest and shirt he was wearing had been burnt away and all that was left was a red burn mark from the energy ball.

Midian: "Tell me, Commandor. What did it feel like sacrificing your own flesh and blood for a mere promotion?"

Midian smirked as she said this. She had read the information provided by Adele on Iraxx and now knew some of the more darker deeds the Commandor had done in his past. As she approached him her eyes shone a more intense white and simutaneously more strands of her hair seemed to age...

Iraxx: "F*ck you."

He flung his left leg along the floor in a vain attempt to knock her off her feet, but unfortunatly for him, he was stopped by some force and then gently lifted in the air by his left foot. Dangling upside down he struggled and flailed around, much to the pleasure of the female.

Midian: "Your own father...and for what? A job which you have ultimatly failed to keep? You idiot...heheh."

She chuckled, her voice getting more menacing and dark.

Iraxx: "That's were you're wrong. As soon as i get rid of you two i'll get my job back..."

Midian: "Oh...really?"

She held her right hand up, her palm facing towards Iraxx's forehead and sent a string of electricity into him. He jittered around, his eyes rolling up into his sockets and drool seeping from his mouth. Stepping back she then allowed him to fall to the ground, his head hitting the floor with a loud 'thump'. His arms wrapped around his head, clutching it in pain as he tried to force the tears back.

Midian: "Enlighten me, how did it feel to know that you were replaced? That the creatures you worked so hard to please kicked you to the curb without batting an eyelid...??"

Bringing his arms away from his head he looked at the female and realised that she knew things she shouldn't really have known.

Iraxx: "W-What? How do you...know?"

Resting his right hand on the wall he slowly pushed himself up, again wincing in pain as his right shoulder reminded him of his past injury.

Midian: "You mean you haven't figured it out? Even after the clue i gave you...?"

He limped forwards and snarled, looking deep into her eyes.

Midian: "Adele. Adele Morgan."

Midian smiled and stated the words with great pleasure. And that's when everything came into place. He shook his head slowly and scoffed, not believing she was capable of such a thing.

Iraxx: "S-She told you? She told you all of that?"

Midian: "Well, not exactly...i extracted certain pieces from her memory, but she provided the information on your past...but it doesn't matter either way, the outcome is still the same."

Iraxx: "You and her...you're working together?"

Flinging her head back the female laughed and shook her head.

Midian: "Of course not!! She approached me and Alexie, wanting to make a deal. I could have the Medical staff and another favour...if, i dealt with you. In the most painfullest way ever."

She smiled and a spark of electricity curled around her torso. Now seething with anger, hatred, confusion and frustration Iraxx flung himself at the female, only to be lifted in the air, thrown into the ceiling and held there. Positioning herself directly underneathe him, she then held out her arms, her palms facing upwards and sent forks of blue and white lightening into him. Into his chest, his legs, his stomach. He groaned and cried out in pain as he felt his skin burn and get scorched.

Midian: "She even got those Demons sent to kill you...she's determined, to say the least."

Moving backwards she allowed the scorched and beaten Orkhid to fall to the ground, face forward. His body clanking on the hard metal and blood seeping from his mouth and nose.

Midian: "You have no idea the power she has allined herself with...no idea at all."

She crouched down and caressed the creatures hair softly. Her nails were slowly becoming elongengated and now her entire right arm had become pure white. Noticing her nails she stood and looked at them, her face now becoming more fearful as she turned her hand around and stared at it with dread. Whilst she was partially distracted Iraxx noticed the secondary weapon of one of the Soldiers, a small MK23 handgun. Slowly his left hand crept towards it and fumbled with the holster. He could hear the heavy breathing of the, seemingly panicstricken, female. Looking upwards slightly he realised that she wasn't paying any attention to him anymore and quickly grabbed the weapon, pushing himself onto his knees he then pointed it and fired three rounds. The bullets escaped and hurtled towards Midian who, with one foul look, stopped them and sent them flying back towards the shooter. The bullets hit the kevlar jacket yet still forced him to fall backwards.

Midian: "IDIOT!!"

Waving her right hand outwards she flung Iraxx across the room and into one of the consoles. His right side hit the console and caused him to wince in pain before finally hitting the ground.

Midian: "I've had enough of toying with you...now it ends."

Raising her hands above her head she made her palms face each other and slowly generated a large ball of red and black energy. In doing so her hair quickly turned more and more white, as if being sped up by the magick she was using. Knowing that he would die if he didn't think fast, his eyes scanned the area in his immediate vicinity, noticing a small flashbang in the pocket of one of the fallen troops he lunged for it and quickly snatched it from the holder it was held in. Holding it in his right hand he pulled the ring out with his right thumb and hurled the white tube at the ever-powerful Witch. The tube sailed through the air and forced Midian to stop what she was doing, the ball of energy dispersed into small particles and then disappeared into nothingness as she was now forced to concentrate on the small object. Wrongly thinking it was a Grenade, she held it in the air with her mind.

Midian: "Idiot Iraxx, bullets, Grenades, fire...i'm immune to them all."

But as she studied the small object and noticed Iraxx covering his eyes, it suddenly dawned on her what it was and before she could cast it out of her eyeline...
The blinding light hit her eyes and immediatly blinded her, causing her to stagger backwards. In a vain attempt she hurled lightening bolts and strands of energy in Iraxx's direction, but with one quick leap to the left he had dodged them and as he held out his left hand with the gun, he fired. Now not knowing were the bullets were coming from, she could no longer protect herself and the bullets hit her. The first three tore through her stomach, the next two hit her chest and the one after that went through the bottom of her neck. Black blood oozed and spattered from the entry and exit wounds, reaching out to grasp one of the nearby consoles she made her nails dig into the metal and etch her mark into it before falling on her back. Her head hit the floor, causing blood to spurt up out of her mouth and run down her face...


*Setting: Alexie turned around upon hearing the gunshots, usually after the third or fourth shot the shooter would have been subdued, but the shooter had fired six before stopping. Feeling a sudden urge to hurry his proceedings, Alexie typed in the last commands for the bomb and armed it. He then stood up and looked at the Medical personel one last time.*

Alexie: "Enjoy. Heh."

He backed away from the sportsbag and out of the room, he then turned his weapon around and hit the keypad with the butt of it, causing it to slowly close. The Medical staff all remained pushed against the wall, in fear of their life but not knowing what was in the bag. Now Alexie turned and smiled to himself, feeling a slight rush as he knew that he was doing some good in the world. But as he looked on ahead and down the long, straight, poorly lit corridor he noticed an Orkhid in black. Severly beaten and limping towards the doorway and behind him, the still body of Midian.


*Setting: Iraxx smiled and dialled in the code for the door, he then stood to one side as the door closed slowly and Alexie shouted randomly whilst firing at it. Once the door had closed the Orkhid smiled to himself and cracked his neck, stepped over the body of the bloodied female and chuckled, making his way to the exit. Holstering his weapon in the back of his trousers he limped to the next security door, stood behind it and punched in the same code. He was determined to make sure Alexie didn't escape, and he was going to close all the doors to make sure that, that didn't happen...*
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-27-2003, 10:02 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 13

*Setting: Alexie banged viciously on the metal door, desperatly wanting it to open and reveal to him that Midian was safe despite what he had seen. Stepping back he cocked his gun and fired at the keypad, the little electronic lock sparked and sputtered, but did not help him in getting past the door. Wiping his brow he cast his gun down and continued to pound on the door, bruising the bottom of his fists in the process...*


Midian: "A...lexie..."

She lifted her head up gently and looked at the door from which he was banging and calling her name from. Even though she was on the edge of death she still managed to gather her strength and fire a strand of red energy from her hand to the outter keypad. She then allowed her head to slink back onto the metal floor. The door hummed gently and slowly opened, crouching down Alexie eagerly scrambled underneathe the door, instead of waiting for it to open fully, and dived towards his lover. Cupping her head with his left arm he looked at her and her bullet ridden body and sighed, his head hung low.

Alexie: "M-Midian..."

Looking up at him with her ruby-red eyes she smiled faintly and raised her right hand to stroke his face, staining it with her own blood which was now forming a black puddle around her.

Midian: "Ale...xie...my...beau...tiful...Alexie."

A tear ran down his cheek and his lower lip trembled.

Alexie: "We gotta get out of here...i've armed the bomb...its going to blow any second!!"

Slowly she shook her head, more blood seeping from the corner of her mouth.

Midian: "Y-You go...I wo-wont make it."

Brushing a white strand of hair from her face he shook his head and sobbed.

Alexie: "B-But you can heal yourself!! You can heal!!"

Again she shook her head.

Midian: "No. If...If i do that...i'll be gone...forever...but if...if i stay...I-I can pro-tect y-you."

Looking down at her body his Heart was suddenly filled with terror, her wounds were severe...and she was dying...but, but he couldn't leave her.

Alexie: "I'll carry you out...i'll get you to a Hospital...you'll live...believe me...!! You'll live."

Midian: "No!! Dammit...GO!!"

She inhaled deeply and tried to turn her head to the door that led to the outside, but doing so caused her great discomfort. Still, she lifted her left hand up and pointed it into its general direction before sending yet another strand of red energy to the keypad.

Midian: "You...You go...!! Le-ave me. Please."

His eyes seemed to gush with tears that now flooded his cheeks, his lips trembled and with a defiant sob he screamed at her.


Again a faint smile crossed her face as her Heart filled with warmth. But her smile soon disappeared and, gathering all the strength inside of her, she flung him behind her and towards the, now opened, door. Her body flunked back and hit the metal, but she cared little, all that mattered now was for him to escape unharmed. Clambering to his feet he attempted to go back to her, but yet again was pushed back, this time behind the door. And with a gentle 'i love you' she caused it to close, followed by her eyes...


*Setting: Alexie banged on the door, he wasn't going to allow her to push him away so easily, he didn't want to leave her, to burn, it wasn't right. He should be with her. The sound of another door further behind him, closing caught his attention and turning around he noticed Iraxx stood, waiting for the second door to close and as it passed the halfway point...
The entire bunker seemed to shake, the door halted in its tracks and a massive roar came from were the Medical staff were. It was the bomb. The sound was so intense that it seemed as if the explosion was right next to him and so it would be, in a matter of seconds...*


*Setting: Light shone from Midians wounds and slowly three of them sealed up. Sitting up in her pool of blood she watched as the flames from the Eternity Crystals rushed towards her, the screaming of its victims seemingly being apart of the roaring fire itself. Holding up her hands she growled, her ruby-red eyes shone bright white, the veins in her body became more apparent, making her, now pure white, body seem like a road map with black roads. And the last strands of her hair finally turned pure white. Holding up both of her hands, her eyebrows narrowed and a low growl came from her throat. Concentrating she stared into the fire that was rapidly approaching and...with sparks and strands of electricity coming off of her, slowed it down...*


*Setting: The rogue Orkhid darted up the tunnel quickly, his leg muscles working overtime. His sadness was still lingering, but part of it had now converted to hatred and vengence and thus caused him to feel an overwhelming feeling to avenge his lover. He didn't know how long the door would stay jammed and wanted to get to Iraxx as soon as possible. Diving under the door he was confronted by the gunshots of the Orkhind Commandor...*


He flung himself at Iraxx, knocking him to the ground and caring little about the three bullets which were lodged in his chest and left arm. Snatching the weapon from Iraxx's hand he cast it behind him and proceeded to punch the Orkhid. Right hook after left hook after right hook. The weight of the Orkhid was enough to keep Iraxx from moving too much and even though he tried to protect his face it did no good.


He stood and grasped Iraxx's coller, he then flung him into the left wall and punched him in the gut before continuing to pound his face...


*Setting: The flames slowed to a Snails pace as she proceeded in slowing down its timezone, she knew she would eventually die but didn't care. It was better than the alternative. Her eyes shone more and she could feel herself gaining more power. Her hair blew back in the airtight room and as she concentrated ever-harder a formation of bright white lights began to form to her left. They were small, like particles, but there were loads of them. Kind of like Fireflies, but not. As they all clustered together the lights emitted a single small blast and formed a person. An Orkhid. A pure white Orkhid. It's formation was solid, so it wasn't a ghost or otherworldly apparition, but, a man. It's skin was white, the purest of whites. The suit that it wore was white. As was its hair, eyes and its whole entity. Stepping forwards it looked at her and cocked its head, it then turned to the flames that were slowly coming forth and smiled, a sinister smile.*


*Setting: With a scream of hatred Alexie flung the Commandor into the opposite wall, Iraxx hit it with a gentle 'umph' and slowly slid down. His face was bloody and cut, his eyes were bruised and he could hardly see. Blood was seeping from his broken nose and bust lip. With a sharp kick Alexie swung his foot into Iraxx's stomach, causing the Commandor to double over and cough viciously. Resting on his left forearm this gave Alexie another decent target, going to the right side of him he took a couple of steps backwards and then ran forwards, forcing his foot into the side of the downed Commandor who toppled onto his left side and coughed even harder. Turning back, Alexie stepped towards the gun that he had snatched from Iraxx. Feeling as if that would seemingly conquer all of his pain and torment that his Heart and Soul was feeling, he stared at the weapon and with salty tears streaming down his face and his Heart longing for his love, for Midian, he reached down and prepared to end it...*


*Setting: Crouching the being looked at the stern expression on the females face and watched as she caused the fire's timezone to slow down. Turning her head slightly to the left, Midian knew what the creature was and why it was there, still, she kept herself composed and continued to do her best in slowing the fire down, by now the fire was halfway to were she was and slowly decreasing in speed.
The hand of the white creature delved into her chest, white and yellow light surrounding its wrist as its hand slowly began to drain part of her Soul and power. Gasping she knew that she had to continue the process of slowing the fire down just a little longer, just to be sure that Alexie was safe from harmsway. But as the creature continued to delve into her, she felt her power slowly disappearing, felt her essence going into the drainer. The fire quickly picked up pace as her ability to slow it down went into the other. And knowing that she had two options of Death open to her, she chose the third...killing herself. She forgot about the fire, hoping that Alexie was sensible enough to get to safety. She also disregarded the creature that was draining her. Instead she quickly placed both of her hands on the sides of her head and with a final breath sent a massive volt of electricity straight into her brain, within milliseconds she was dead.*


*Setting: He pointed the gun at Iraxx and snarled viciously, his boot upon the Commandors chest he was now going to kill his lovers killer. Iraxx looked up, hopelessly, knowing that his love for his job and his want to get the upper hand over Adele had cost him his life. Closing his eyes he awaited death. Watching the Orkhids fear, Alexie slowly pulled the trigger...only to stop. A feeling started to creep into him...a feeling of dread...fear...it mixed with the feelings of hatred, anguish and revenge. Stepping back Alexie placed his left palm on his head and clenched his eyes shut as a shining white light burned into his pupils. He grunted. Staggering backwards even more. Images were flashing before his eyes. Images of Midian. Midian as a child. Being raped, raped by countless men. Tortured by Orkhid Doctors. It was as if he was seeing her memories and it pained him, he could feel them, feel it all happen. In milliseconds that had passed and new images took ahold of him, the images of him. He was being raped, beaten, tortured. Thrown away in the garbage disposal to die. He could feel these feelings again, feel the aches and pain of his childhood, feel the torment he once felt, but now a million times over...*


*Setting: Holding its right hand up to the fire the creature slowly started to slow down the flames timezone itself. Its eyes shone wildly as electricity darted around its body. Narrowing its brow it watched with pleasure and proudness as the flames slowed to a quarter of its original pace...*


Alexie: "NO...NO...NO...NO...NO...NOOOOOO!!"

His eyes opened, his iris' were completly dilated and thus caused his vision to be slightly blurred. Turning to, the now standing, albeit awkwardly, Commandor, he pointed the gun. Grasping the nozzle with his left hand Iraxx twisted the weapon from the strangely weakend Alexie.
The bullet cut through Iraxx's hand and exited through the back, clicks followed in rapid succession and Iraxx thanked the Gods that there were no more bullets left in the gun. Grasping his wounded hand with his right he pushed down on it, trying to stop the bleeding. But his holey hand was the least of his troubles as Alexie grasped his coller and flung him down the tunnel. Blood was running down his cheeks, now in place of his tears, making black stains that looked like his mascara was running. Moving like a Leopard he again dived upon Iraxx and pounded his chest with his right hand, cracks and squelchs of ribs and internal organs being pummelled seemed to rupture through the air.

Alexie: "YOU F*CKING F*CKER!!"

His words were growled like a Leopard roaring, grasping Iraxx's coller he then flung him underneathe the half opened door, he then stood, ignored Iraxx's screams and punched the keypad with his clenched fist, causing the skin on his knuckles to cut and bleed slightly. The door then finally came to a close, locking the Commandor in...


*Setting: Still focusing its energy but this time with alot more concentration the creature tried its hardest to continue to stop the flames from speeding up. But it seemed as if it hadn't taken enough of Midians power and as the seconds quickly passed the fire quickly sped up, until finally it had engulfed the creature itself. Shaking its head slowly in disappointment the being then looked down at the corpse of Midian which was now nothing but charred flesh, its own body however was still pure white and without a moments notice the creature dispersed itself into white light.*


*Setting: Turning, Iraxx watched as the fire sped towards him, his eyes full of fear and his face full of cuts and bruises he pushed himself up against the metal door, closed his eyes and screamed for his life...*


(OOC: Well i never!! Comments would be dearly appreciated please since this is the end of the story!!)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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