well, i noticed on a map of oddworld that it is big and Mudos is a small continint. and i also noticed that the land used in mudos for the first three games is about combining three greatdanes and comparing a chawowa to it. so how are they going to fill the rest of it in the next games?
well, i think that Mudos should have a national animal, or like the animal it's shaped like, like it kind of looks like a scrab or glukkon standing up. and Steef's Oddysee is probly on a different continent judging by the surroundings...
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.
Originally posted by sligslinger well, i think that Mudos should have a national animal, or like the animal it's shaped like, like it kind of looks like a scrab or glukkon standing up. and Steef's Oddysee is probly on a different continent judging by the surroundings...
what about Mudokons (habitants of mudos)
anyway we know nothing about the others continents
I think if anything the game will not take place on a different continent, but rather a different area, or another country on mudos. Especially since Vykkers, Sligs, and Mudokons are still in the new game. Although I could be wrong too, it could be either on another continent or still be very close to where the other events of the Quintology have.
Originally posted by Abeguy thanx man you da bomb. but the one one that i took from the net looks a tad bit different mapwise, and some stuff are in different places.
maybe it's because you have the previous versions of the map, but this is the one and only good version, approuved by the oddworld encyclopedia: Max the Mug
You know telling by the situation in Steef haveing a boat and all. The map of Oddworld has this huge stretch of island off the coast of Mudos, what if he is from there? Like something goes wrong there and he sails to Mudos onto the main river in his boat. Thats a possability. if you notice there are a lot of islands surrounding Mudos especially that big one. I think Steef will take place on an islands off the shore of Mudos and then continue into Mudos down that main river eventually leading up to where Abe and Munch left off their journey. Which we will probabaly see in another game of course. Because in the hunter scene it looks like the enviorment is real swampy and lush kind of like tropical. that can very well be part of an island off of Mudos. I have a feeling thats what Steef's journey is going to be. Leaveing the island going into Mudos onto that river and then entering onto the river and then continueing up the river till we get to the point on which Vykkers Labs crashed and MO ended. The two jorneys converge eventually. Hey what if Vykkers Labs crashed into the River causeing the river to damm up which could explane why it looks small in those pictures. I can just imagine Steef getting to the point where MO ended and seeing the labs laying damaged in the river not to mention covering a lot of land aswell blocking the flow of the river.
Remember in Independants Day when the ships crashed to earth? Those ships remind me of Vykkers Labs. I can see a production painting of Steef on his boat in the river approaching what is left of Vykkers Labs. It is sunset and a flock of birds flys across the scene. But it would be blocking the river. Sweet I think ill paint such a scene just for the fun of it and show it.
Last edited by paramiteabe; 06-23-2003 at 05:53 AM..
The only problem with that theory, is yes MO ended up on a river. But they had to first get their after probably landing the blimp. Vykkers lab blew up over a desert/forest area, meaning it would probably still be out in the desert and I think it would be very unlikely that a river would just be passing right through the desert. Although I still could be wrong, it depends on how far VL traveled until it crashed into the ground.
I just hought of something, Steef is a bounty hunter, right?
and Abe is a wanted Mudokon, right? so what if Steef is being paid to track down Abe abd bring him to the Gluks!
It's been thought of. Although it's an interesting idea, I'd prefer to see Steef set in his own story for now. Perhaps later on in the Quintology he can meet Abe and the others, but for now I think Abe and Munch needn't even be mentioned.
I think that we'll be hearing from Abe and Munch in somewhat miniature ways, say that Steef picks up the Daily Deception in a CG and is scanning throught it. As Steef reads the camera can be down at a side angle showing the front page with the latest terrorism by the two anarchists, Abe and Munch. Other than that I belive we won't see a big role with the crew of two in Steef's game. As far as where Steef's game takes place....well looking at the map I'd have to say it'd probably be to the east of where Abe and Munch last left off and down the river a bit, most likely on the other side of the bank.
Steef's next game seems to take place in a mixture of enviorments such as a tropical- Necrum-like place and the desert, not to mention the lush Paramonian-like enviorment we saw in the Mudokons village. Including all these mixtures of enviorments I'd have to say ther river that Abe and Munch have stopped on is related to the Earth's Nile River in some way.
..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...