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06-19-2003, 06:32 PM
Nath's Avatar
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I havn't actually watched the video clip of it yet (coz my computer's too crap), so I don't know if there is any sound on it, or if there is any talking on it. Nobody has mentioned anything about sound or voices. I actually think that voices make the character what they are, from just looking at them you could think they're crap, but as soon as you hear them, they might sound really awesome, and then you think they're the greatest creatures ever.
Because i havn't seen the video, i think that Steef sounds like Clint Eastwood. But then i think that those chicken things would sound cartoony, but then again they might sound really scary or something.
But if there are sounds on there, and talking on there, please say what it sounds like, so some of us could possibly get a better understanding of it.

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06-19-2003, 06:37 PM
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No, there are no sounds on there other than Lorne and the production designer talking about how they developed Steef's design, and some nice bouncy Australian-sounding music. There is some kind of noise that sounds like it could be something from the game having 'glitched' onto that soundtrack, but I don't know what.
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06-19-2003, 06:45 PM
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Another lengthy, preachy post

Here goes.
There seems to be a schism here. I can't say one way or the other on chicken people anymore, and I'm sorry if my comment was taken as anything but the joke it was intended as, but, as for people overreacting, can you blame us? It's been two years since we got our last dose of oddworld, and it was a dissapointment in many respects (when you compare it to what we were promised). Still, think of it like this. It's kind of like when you don't see somebody for a long time- in your mind, they're still the same as when you last saw them, so it's kind of a shock to find out that they aren't. We all know oddworld as dark, bloody, deeply rooted in symbolism and metaphor. And that was cool, but I for one always liked oddworld more for the potentials- sure, we all loved Abe's two adventures, but if all oddworld games were all the same, it would get old. Trust me, we would get tired of just new takes on side-scrolling save-the-mudokon games, and a rallying cry of "we get it, slavery is bad! Move on!" would roll out. Yes, Munch is cartoonier, and I agree that this was not a good change. What's beautiful about oddworld (and I hate to get all preachy about it) is that there isn't just one take on it. It isn't just a series of games- it's a vibrant fictional world. So far we have a gritty, rather macabre view of this world in the first two games, a considerably more upbeat one in the third (which WAS rushed, we all know that), and now a new one coming out that could be a completely different direction. We don't know. Consider this- Full Metal Jacket, Bridges of Madison County, and We're Back- A Dinosaur's Story all take place on the same planet, but they sure aren't the same style. That's what makes the oddworld universe so intruiging- multiple viewpoints make it seem more real. It's also what gives what I figure is the Oddworld primary purpose (besides money)- to raise awareness about socio-political issues, clout. A truely good argument examines the situation from different viewpoints. If we were to get a game with a "villain" character, say a gluk, it would cast more light on the subjects therein. It would definately be different, and the experience we do have with oddworld inhabitants is that they aren't afraid to try new things. It's the possibilities that are so interesting.
As for having blind faith in OWI, maybe we do give them too much credit. Steef could suck. Steef could suck out loud, and Squeek could be even worse, and Ferritales and Habitales could be land-before-time-grade suckiness incarnate. The movies could be garbage and all of the sudden Abe is selling us auto insurance with a sock puppet and the first three games end up being the only even remotely enjoyable oddworld excursions ever made. It could happen. Consider this, though- if, as a creative person or team, you make a universe that, only a fraction of the way into it, fans are already foaming at the mouth over the tiniest details, you must be doing SOMETHING right.
Here's to the possibiliities of Steef (not the least of which are these fun little skirmishes of ours. Hee.)
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06-19-2003, 07:27 PM
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Niteowl  (10)

Steef sounds like it could've been derived from Steve....hmmm

See there that deadly poyson python- the most venumus snike in tha werld!

I'm gonna go pick it up!

*runs before somebody hits me*
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06-19-2003, 08:54 PM
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sorry i didnt post sooner you guys, i was busy workin on my fansite, which will be up soon i might add....anyway when i saw this topic i almost wet myself in excitement, at first i was kinda dissapointed with the characters and all, and i still didnt watch the movie cuz' my software dont work so i have to use my dad's comp (which is only accessable on weekends), but the more i thought about a cool bounty hunter like character i got more excited this is awesome, but personally i kinda wish OWI would keep it in the dark a bit longer...donno why. anyway its seems cool and i already drew some watercolor pictures of steef and the hunter. now i have something cool to put up on my site.

BTW, does anyone know the name of that hunter or how steef's voice sounds like?
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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06-19-2003, 09:00 PM
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or feets backwards sort of like elum=mule
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06-19-2003, 10:03 PM
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Just a little under twenty-four hours until the Discovery Channel special!
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06-19-2003, 10:19 PM
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well im gonna post those drawings asap, i'll scan them tomorra', anyway i think that hunter guy is awesome, the one that looks like a rhino/whale/human/hillbilly/????/oddworldian
i need ta know his name...he's so cool! anyway is it just me or does that guy with the gun strike you as a brutish moron

but steef is awesome, but i hope he turns out to be a teen or young adult, and not an old man (like he looks), cuz' if he turns out to be an old man i think it would be lame....and as for the chickens, i hope i can put that gun ta good use if ya know what i mean

hehe heeah (irwin laugh)

and could someone post the prodpic of him talkin to a vykker someone mentioned, if it's possible.

my emotions of this game:
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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06-20-2003, 12:47 AM
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I knew the horse-monkey with a talking boat was real! This is so cool to finally get information. Steef looks awesome and the chickens are cool too.

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06-20-2003, 01:04 AM
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Khanz? where ya been?

anyway those them thar chickens look likes goooood eatin', dont they clem? yukyuk! hand me my winchester sam and i'm gonna go plug one of them thar chickens! yukyuk! shit im spamming, those chickens dont look like somethin' from oddworld, more like from ****leberry farm! and i get confused easily so good someone help me? why has OWI like focussed on the hillbilly life of oddworld? cause that's all i see in those pics, chickens with overalls, fat stinky hunters with cowboy hats, and farm looking enviroments? why has OWI besmurched this great game? they have broken the celery stalk on the back of a sea urgin!

in short: i am dissapointed with those chickens!
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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06-20-2003, 01:15 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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Originaly Posted by Oddguy.I didn't look at the streaming video, but I did see the picture, and I'm a little dissapointed.(Maybe my opinion will change later when I see them in action.)
I love oddworld for it's creativity and, well...oddness!
I'm sorry, but the guys in the pic look like fat, hillbily chickens who lost all their feathers. Is it just me, or does anybody else feel this way?

I know that oddworld is a huge place with many stories that have not been delved into, but I didn't want to explore the strory behind fat chiken guys! Personaly I'd like to see more of that hunter guy!

To talk about the pic, the chiken guys have those ponytail things; kinda like mudokons.

Thank you Sligslinger!
Finally someone who feels the same way about those chickens!
That was the first pic from Steef that I saw and I was so dissapointed. But Steef looks awesome!

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06-20-2003, 01:24 AM
atusiya@'s Avatar
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Oddworld Re: Yes, It is realized NOW!

Originally posted by TheKhanzumer
I knew the horse-monkey with a talking boat was real! This is so cool to finally get information. Steef looks awesome

Yes, It is realized NOW!
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Abe's Oddyssey Hello Hello ~ Abe's Theme

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06-20-2003, 03:00 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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I do wounder what Steef's power is going to be if he has one. Telling by some of the conceptual art we saw, it looks like maybe he would turn into that Centaur like beast when he gets mad and then go back to his normal self after he's done damage. Sort of like how Abe can turn into the Shrykull. This could be a similar power inwhich Steef has. Only difference he would use it all the time. What do you think it could be?

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06-20-2003, 01:24 PM
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After a lot of trial and error, I was able to hook up my VCR to record the Discovery Channel special. I sound like an old guy... It works pretty well, it just has a few tracking issues. Hope it's worth the wait. I watched Halo 2's and Crimson Skie's X Factor video previews, and it looks like we'll be getting all kinds of behind the scenes footage. Only a few more hours!
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06-20-2003, 03:33 PM
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hey xav, i altered the map pointing out any lakes or rivers, i'll post it soon, anyway praps this story doesnt take place on mudos, the enviroments look different for sure as do the inhabitants, they dont seem too Mudosish, or Mudosian or whatever you refer to them as.

but they are interesting...could someone post a pic of the hunter guy (who's chasing steef) with him firing his gun? thanx.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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06-20-2003, 05:59 PM
Scrubs's Avatar
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Yeh i bet all you lot that posted, saying how lame a half monkey half horse character would be feel pretty stupid right about now!

Just goes to show

Is anyone going to record the discovery channel documenatry, because i'm in the UK and it isn't on here.

Did you see how excited lorne looks in that character design video, this game is going to be something special!
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06-20-2003, 06:26 PM
MojoMan220's Avatar
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Originally posted by Scrubs
Yeh i bet all you lot that posted, saying how lame a half monkey half horse character would be feel pretty stupid right about now!

Just goes to show

Is anyone going to record the discovery channel documenatry, because i'm in the UK and it isn't on here.

Did you see how excited lorne looks in that character design video, this game is going to be something special!
I'm recording it, but I won't be transfering it to my computer. If the documentary gets leaked onto the net (which it most likely will) myself or another member of the forums will surely post it.

Last edited by MojoMan220; 06-20-2003 at 10:28 AM..
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06-20-2003, 09:57 PM
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well im recording as we speak........looks cool!
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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06-20-2003, 10:32 PM
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HA! Did you guys see that look on Abe's face when he was at the Big Well?

Almost makes me wish I HAD AN X-BOX!!!! DOH! RGGG!

I loved the Storyboard scene with Steef in the Post Office. His nails scratching the counter, and the Vykker's expression as he leaves. It's like "Okay, no Christmasd card for YOU this year, Jerk!"

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06-20-2003, 10:34 PM
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yeah that was cool, hope they show more, the only other cool thing is halo 2, everything else is crap.
steefs voice is cool too, like some cool hunter who's like a loner
"stay outta my way" is what he said right?
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

Last edited by Sekto Springs; 06-20-2003 at 02:38 PM..
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06-20-2003, 10:46 PM
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06-20-2003, 10:49 PM
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anyway those chickens are funny "lets have some beans", lol!
and that cool fat hunter guy, "commere steef!"
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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06-20-2003, 10:56 PM
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w-posted, sorry.....comp froze
anyway for ppl who cant see this theyt showed gameplay
bounty hunter+clint eastwood= Steef
and yes he transforms into a manitoaur thing
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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06-20-2003, 11:13 PM
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That was a good show! It's ashame the only In-game footage we saw was so raw, (no lighting, unfinished animation, etc.) It's a good thing this footage is a year old. The CG looks amazing! I loved the scene with the hundreds of sligs (and some snoozers)charging down the lanscape! It looks like Lorne was really dissapointed with Munch, he seems to have learned from its mistakes. I'm also glad Lorne wants a more edgy game aswell!
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06-20-2003, 11:14 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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Ok, so, so far people are pleased with it...The Steef post office thing was that actual FMV from the game or just some messing around?
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06-20-2003, 11:16 PM
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Originally posted by sligslinger
anyway those chickens are funny "lets have some beans", lol!
and that cool fat hunter guy, "commere steef!"
Pork and beans, SS.
The Townsfolk's choice!

Jake: I don't think Steef scratching the counter would be considered a legitimate in-game action.

It was probably a storyboard put into context to speed it along.

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06-20-2003, 11:17 PM
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Actually I think he is that Minitaur thing. I don't think he transforms into it. Hehe you could never tell with that chase scene. And that army of sligs marching through that field! All I have to say is my jaw droped when I saw that. At first I dident realise it but as I looked closer I was like those are sligs! So Steef rules!


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06-20-2003, 11:18 PM
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did you see that part near the end when that hunter was chasing steef through the woods, it looked like a 3d drawing! awesome! and yes that scene when mudokons were like at a market and that army of hundreds of sligs and snoozers carrying torches through the rain was awesome! but we should stop bragging about it, i bet were making the ppl who cant see it jealous.

Ok, so, so far people are pleased with it...The Steef post office thing was that actual FMV from the game or just some messing around?
i think it could be an FMV, donno though, it's a year old....besides it was probably just a few prod pics altered and put together on a computer ta seem like a story
Actually I think he is that Minitaur thing. I don't think he transforms into it.
PA, they showd gameplay with him like normal, just look over it
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

Last edited by Sekto Springs; 06-20-2003 at 03:23 PM..
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06-20-2003, 11:25 PM
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In the X-Factor, I was suprised at how dissapointed Lorne was at MO. Thats a good sign, meaning that hes going to fix the mistakes that were there. Anyways, Steef is just plain cool. The western feel is going to be a nice change, and would give endless potential for ideas with people like the Oddworld team.

Being a bounty hunter also seems to be a big change. Finally, we get to screw being little specks and move on to someone who actually seems like they'd stand out in Oddworld.

And just to note, I think the human/chicken design is just fine.

EDIT: And as a side note, I just have to mention that I never thought of Halo as a 3rd person kind of game. Thinking of how it was like that at one stage is kind of creepy.

Last edited by Majic; 06-20-2003 at 03:27 PM..
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06-20-2003, 11:30 PM
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I hope OWI make the whole crossbow, FPS thing work. At first I was disgusted, but then I had to remind myself that this was year old raw footage. I taped the show, so I'm off to watch it again, taking advantage of the pause button. This one is super ambitious, so I hope it comes together the way they hope. My only real concern is that they stray too far into the western style, and less oddworld-like. We'll just have to wait and find out for ourselves!

>1000th post!!
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