David and Dylan are tired
Davey-o and I... we be soooo tired's. Tired we are, so we decided not o do much of any thing.. we can hear our classmates talking to us all the from town. Yeah, we're pretty tired. I just burst out into laughter. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah it's funny. I'm lookin' at Drew Barrymore, while Dave is doin' god knows what... probably something perverted with his goddamned cat. I'm yawning right now. Prescription drug mp3 player pop ups are not good.b b Yeah, my vision's blurred, but Dave's vision is far superior to mine right at this moment, but not at the moments preceding it. Apparently, candy tastes like suger and has a really nice ass. What? Hey, how does an illiterate oil-rick sheik sign his name? That's right. Discuss our story of puffy masturbation, bitch.
-Dave and Dylan
Last edited by Melvin:squeeking paramite; 05-23-2003 at 11:18 PM..