I was thinking since we have the Fan Fiction where we can write all of our Oddworld inspired stories which I have to say is and will alweys be a fun place, can we put in a sub forum for other types of fictional stories we come up with that are not Oddworld related? Could we make a sub forum on just regular fiction? Because I am doing a really cool science fiction story and I would like to share it with you guys. But I don't know I just was thinking that could broaden our ideas outside the relm Oddworld. Though we come with awesome fanfiction I am sure we could come up with our own worlds and stories that are just as good too.
Now I know there is art and litature but this would be strictly story writeing. It would be called "Off topic Fanfiction" as a sub forum in Fan Cornor. So the stories we write in this will not be Oddworld related. Not only we will have our Oddworld related and inspired stories but with this idea we will have a host of other fictional stories rangeing from fantasy to Science Fiction. So what do think yes or no?
EDIT: I am sorry I dident realise thats what Art and Litature is oops my bad. But why not have a full blown board for that?