Project X
Okay, it's taken me a full year, but I finally finished it. so, DON'T LAUGH!!
Hi there, names Drag. Drag the slig. For some reason, I'm not quite like the other sligs. I'm taller, smarter, and have these pointy things coming out of my head.
All I can remember about my past, ended up as a dream. I sometimes think that it isn't real.But, the dreams are just the beggining.
It all started on January 5th, 2067. I was on patrol at the LABS.
I used to work at Rupture Farms, till this one Mud shut it down. I don't quite know his name. But he's the talk around these parts.
The same stentch that always filled my nostrils everyday entered me. I shrugged It off, and pretented to walk nice an' tough down the aisles. My gun clinking at every step I took. I paused for a moment and overheard something I guess I shouldn't have.
These two Vykkers were arguing over a new expieremental equipment for sligs, or so I thought.
"It vould never verk, zee slig vould probably die after zee next 36 hours."
"But, project X MUST be adequate for zee soldiers, or ve vill loose our heads!! Ve must consult queen Skillya about Drags progress"
At that very moment, I couldn't believe it. I was a Vykkers pet expierement. My mind was yelling;But It can't be me!! It just can't be!!.
I leaned back against the hard, cold wall and listened some more.
"So ve agree, next veek ve vill start zee tests"
I also heard an unfamiliar voice, was it a female?, no can't be or some kind of slig prostetute?, I couldn't tell, but it kept on hissing that I almost couldn't tell what it was saying.
to be continued