Why do spammers spam, one of the greater questions in life. Such as, why do boy bands sound like girls? If a locker slams in a hallway and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Why do kids eat Apple Jacks if they don't taste like apples? Well, since I'm an ex-spammer, and because I watch way too many comercials, I will just say this. Because they do! Either...
1.They're just psyco nerds like me who see flying papayas
2.They try and act tough and/or stupid
3.They're bored
4.They're lonely and think if they post soemthing odd, they will get many resposnes than a regular post, therefore meeting new people, and trying to make friends with them.....which doesn't work
Well, thats 4 good reasons why spammers spam. Good spamy luck on you spamy journey through the spamy world of spam land.
Oddling l:c l