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09-15-2002, 01:03 AM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)

*Setting: Cars busied by. Pedestrians carried on with their everyday lives, unaware of the drama about to un-ravel above them. In the Diminshe Hotel two opposing Drug Lords were discussing a deal. A deal which could change the Cities of Mudos forever. They were going to combine their forces and come together, not fighting each other for the best, most addictive Drug. Not out bidding each other. But helping. The Hotel they were situated in was quite large, it was one of the biggest buildings in this current City, the City of Liel. Named after the resident Glukkon Queen whom lived deep under the city. The Hotel was a Pinkish colour and held 1100 rooms. The higher the room, the more important the occupier. The room in which the Drug lords were situated was nothing more than a common room. A room for the creme de la creme to come and socialise. For the socialites to come and clamber the social ladder. For the lowers to meet the highers. However, this time only those two were here. Sat on a small, circular table they discussed the terms and conditions, sipping their glass' of water as they did so. On the outside of the Hotel, security was pretty tight. Tighter than usual. Bodyguards watched over the doors leading into the room. They kept watch over the stairwells, the elevators, even the ground car parking and hover car parking. The entrance they had used was the front entrance for Hover cars. It was 35 stories up and was merely a large platform protruding from the Hotel. The actual entry into the Hotel was a large, glass archway. Decorated with flowers and other potted plants. At this moment in time the hired Bodyguards were just watching the cars sail by and talking amongst themselves. Unaware of the happenings taking place a few corridors down...*

Female Bodyguard: "Just keep watch and catch me when it happens, ok? I dont want to be joining those two..."

The Bodyguard was a Crate. A close relative of the Reptilian family. The only differences being that Crates were smaller and alot more civilised. This particular one was wearing complete black, even the shirt underneathe was black and thus gave the female a look of Death. As all Crates are naturally black skinned. Covering her eyes were dark glass' for some reason. And her snout seemed to be scarred, possibly through earlier battles. She spoke on a Pink mobile phone in a Hotel room. The room was tiny and obviously only for the lower grade citizens.

Female Bodyguard: "Yes...Well, just listen out. If all goes to plan i should be out within 10 mins. Is Jale set? Right...thats good. Yeh, yeh. Dont worry, i wont. Anyway, i gotta go. Cya soon."

She hung up, dropping the phone to the ground and stomping on it. She then proceeded out into the Corridor.


*Setting: As described before two Drugs overlords are planning to unite. One of them a feminine female Ariphité and the other a masculine Crate. The female was wearing a White polo-neck top with White jeans and Pink shoes. Her arm was layden with Jewels bracelets. The male was dressed in a Purple pinstripe suit. He wore a Gold Rolex and a ring on his middle claw. His black shoes were polished so severly that they literally reflected the light of the room, which wasn't much. Just a mere lightbulb behind a dome like cover. His eyes were Emerald Red and hers a Saffire Blue...It seemed like they were destined to be against each other, but destiny seemingly works in more mysterious ways than God.*

Female: "Markus, dear. Tell me...dont you bore of our petty niggles? Our quips and snipes at each other in the form of friends bodies? Burnt down resource centers...etc?"

The female's voice was firm and posh, she scratched the back of her head gently. Eager to hear his reply.

Markus: "Yea. I do. But, you have to admit, its fun...Heheh."

His voice was alot rougher and harsh. The female was obviously born upper class.

Female: "Oh yes, i dont deny that. I had great fun watching the beating and murdering of one of your little Drug whores...But, dont you tire of hearing that my men have killed one of yours...Because, i tire of hearing such things."

Markus nodded gently, taking a sip from his glass of water.

Markus: "Some times. Some times. But hey, thats life."

The female nodded and shifted seating positions, crossing her legs as she did.

Female: "Indeed it is. So, how would you like it if life got a tad bit easier...For us both?"

Suddenly perking up the Crate eyed up his 13 year nemesis.

Female: "Well? We can still watch the killings and beatings of the Drug dealers...just...not our own. We'll take the little men..."

Markus scratched his scarred snout, his tail would be moving from side to side by now...if it hadn't been hacked off. The same goes for the female, but hers was docked at birth.

Markus: "How can i trust ya?"

The female uttered a bemused chuckle and stood up, took out a small envelope and skimmed it across the table to Markus.

Female: "Its a contract. A deal. A...A Partnership. I have already put my name, all it needs is yours and then we're done. We're partners. Its all very legit..."

Markus opened the envelope with a single talon and read the agreement. His eyes skimming across the page rapidly.

Markus: "How can i be sure you wont backstab me...eh? This dont prove shit."

He placed the paper down and looked up at her, sitting back slowly. The female moved around the table towards him. Tutting as she did so.

Female: "Well, my illiterate companion, if you could actually read you would notice this part."

As she neared the back of him she pointed to a part typed in bold;

'Any Deaths, Thefts, Arsons, Assassinations or any other damaging acts which point to being the cause of either participating member below, then the one responsible takes responsibility for such an action and allows him/herself to be taken to court/killed.'

She read this short paragraph out to her slow friend and patted him on the shoulder with a black paw.

Female: "Now...i believe thats enough evidence that i am being sincere. Please sign."

She dropped a pen down on the table in front of him. Markus slowly picked it up and signed on the dotted line.

Markus: "D-Done..."

Female: "Goodo. I'll get that to the legal department straight away and then we can meet again to talk about the combining of our...buisness'."

She snatched the Contract away from him quickly, folded it and put it down her front.

Female: "Jester!!"

After doing so she called out, the door opened and a fragile looking Mudokon poked his head from around the door.

Jester: "Yes ma'am?"

Female: "Get my car ready will you...I'll be leaving in 3 minutes."

Jester: "Right away ma'am."

He nodded and quickly closed the door. The female slid herself on the table.

Female: "Mudokons. Slow as Hell but cheap...Heh."

Markus chuckled and looked up at her. Placing a paw on her lap.

Markus: "Why did we ever fight, Olivia?"

Olivia: "Destiny..."

Upon saying this she got up off of the table and walked towards the door.

Olivia: "Speak to you soon."


*Setting: Black cars slowly hummed by, checking for any suspicious behavior from a civilian or other. On top of one of the smaller buildings hid a Saurian. He was hiding inside of the derelict shell, clutching a black case close to his chest. His skin was light Blue and his eyes Green. He wore nothing but a pair of black shorts. On his right fore-arm was a tattoo of a large Heart, going through the Heart was silver chains, those chains were then linked to other hearts. This went on until it reached his elbow, thats were it ended in a small blue flame. The floor in which the Saurian was, was directly opposite the Hotel and just above the Hover car landing ledge. He was relativly close and could see the Bodyguards busying about as per usual when somebody illegit and rich was around. Sighing he propped his head up with his right hand and awaited some action. As he watched a long, black car floated by. It was a Limo and most likely going to pick somebody up...possibly one of his marks.*

Saurian: "Here we go..."


Bodyguard #1: "Ma'am, please hurry along. You do understand that this is one of the more dangerous parts of the journey, anybody could pick you off."

As Olivia walked down the empty corridor to the archway which lead to her ride home, she got surrounded by more and more Bodyguards. They were some who were different specie and some who were the same, it didn't really matter to the Drugs runner, so long as she was protected...


Female Bodyguard: "Sir...If you want to go too, we're all ready."

The female Crate poked her head through the door and asked him gently. Markus slowly got to his feet and stepped over to the door and exited.

Markus: "Lets go..."


Saurian: "Come on, just a little to the right..."

The Saurian was now holding a Sniper Rifle now. It had been the contents of the case and he had quickly assembled the weapon, loading it with a lone Silver bullet. Now he was slowly taking aim with it. Zooming in ever so carefully. Hoping no patrol would see him. No Bodyguard would smell him. His mark was making her way to her Limosine...And was heavily protected.


Markus turned sharply, hearing the gunshot that had rippled through the air. His four Bodyguards turned abruptly too, drawing their weapons.

Markus: "W-What the Hell was that!?"

Bodyguard: "Sir, we have to get you out of here...!!"

Upon saying this they quickly ushered their employer along the corridor and towards the carpark which stored the normal, gravity whipped cars.


*Setting: As the gunshot went off, a Hotel door opened. The sound had been the signal. The signal to proceed with the next part. The Green Saurian stepped out of the room he was hiding in. His black boots making 'thump-thump' sounds as they hit the soft Red carpet. The Black, ankle length Leather Jacket swaying as he walked. The fingerless, leather gloves seemingly squeaking as the fists of the 2nd Assassin clenched and un-clenched. The White vest concealing a bulging 6-pack. And the Black, Leather belt holding both Silver Uzi's and two Sawn-off Shotguns. This highly trained creature made its way down the corridor. Spotting one of its prey up ahead. A Bodyguard. The Guard saw the Saurian exit the room and thus believed that it may of been a civilian. Calmly the Black clad Guard walks upto the approaching Saurian and, with an outstretched arm and forward facing palm states;

'Sorry, please turn back.'

The Saurian ignores such a request and grabs the arm of the Guard with his right hand and uppercuts the elbow with the left. Then, raising its left foot, the creature slowly lowers itself and kicks out, making contact with its victims chest. The ribs crack and the body of the being flies backwards, hitting the floor and lying still. The Saurian continues...*


Female Bodyguard: "Sir, please. This way..."

The female tugs Markus to the right, in the direction of the Car park. Two of the other Bodyguards whom were escorting Markus stop in the corridor and guard it, raising their rifles and aiming them at the space between them and the other side of the corridor. The third Guard follows the female and Markus.


*Setting: Bullets his the derelict building and the Blue Saurian skits through the old insides. Attempting to get to the other side intact. As he nears the other side he quickly throws himself into the wall. Thankfully, after the time inbetween its state now and from when it was built the wall had weakened, allowing the creature to smash through it...*

Saurian: "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...!!"

As the creature plummeted to the ground it screamed, hoping something would be able to stop the fall.

Saurian: "Oofff, 'bout time aswell..."

The creature landed in the back seat of a hover car. The exterior was Red, the Interior White and leather. It was a hatch back, one of the last remaining models. The driver was Jale, a Mudokon with a bright Orange plume. He turned back to face the Saurian and smiled and said in a Jamaican-esque accent...

Jale: "Jale will alwayz pull through for ya, mon..."


*Setting: Another Guard hit a wall, blood spurting from his mouth as he slowly slid to the ground. The Green Saurian made his way towards the car park...towards his mark.*


Female Bodyguard: "Sir, i think we should stop. Mr Qui seems tired..."

The Bodyguard she addressed turned to Markus and put a hand on his shoulder. They were close to the car park, only two flights of stairs and they would be done.

Male Bodyguard: "You ok, sir?"

Markus nodded and started walking again.

Female Bodyguard: "But sir, we...we, erm, dont have the keys to the car...!!"

Markus turned to her as she said this, reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a set of keys. Jingling them in front of her eyes.

Markus: "Now...lets go."

Smirking the female shook her head slowly.

Female Bodyguard: "No, lets stay..."


*Setting: The two Bodyguards whom were guarding the corridor were still alive and alert. They cocked their guns, eagerly awaiting somebody or something to wander into their line of sight. They did. The Saurian. He turned a corner and noticed the two guards no-more than 20 ft away. They smirked, firing their weapons with no mercy. The Saurian dove forwards, everything seemingly going in slow motion, he drew his Uzi's, pointed them forwards and fired. The incoming bullets were missing him by inches, centermetres, millimetres!! As he fired he aimed at both targets with different weapons. Unloading all 30 rounds in each gun in 5 seconds. The Guards didn't stand a chance, dropping to the ground they twitched and gurgled. Blood soaking into the Red carpet. And the Saurian walking right past them, without a care in the world.*


*Setting: The female quickly pulled out a Silenced Berreta. Shooting the Bodyguard instantly. Markus backed up against the wall, attempting to inche towards the stairwell...*

Female: "I wouldn't..."

Markus stopped in mid-movement, looking down at the corpse of his co-hort.

Markus: "Why? Who are you? What do you want?"

The female smirked, her Black scales seemingly shifting. And then she changed. Her skin pigment lightened to a soft Pinky and her shape got thinner.

Markus: "A...A Changling!? Who...Who hired you!?"

The Changling cocked her head, her black hair flopping infront of her face.

Changling: "Nightie..."


(OOC: Opinions? Too long? Too short? Too complex? What?)
(Edit: Special thx to Rach (Slaskia) whom allowed me to use her race (The Saurians) in this and up and coming fics)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 01-26-2003 at 09:37 AM..
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09-15-2002, 03:36 PM
sO fReAkIn oDd's Avatar
sO fReAkIn oDd
Howler Punk
: Sep 2002
: They keep me in the closet! RUN! GET HELP!
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sO fReAkIn oDd  (11)

That was really long, too long for me. It was interesting but it was just really long, and it being so long added some confusion to it.
My stories get no publicity or feedback. So read them...
Vykkers Lab Installment 147
Tales of the Shrink
Ben's Oddysee
The Professional

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09-16-2002, 05:14 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
: Oct 2001
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Al the Vykker  (20)

I actually enjoyed this story a lot, very complex, and very in depth as well as descriptive my kind of story. Quite possible it might be chosen when my judging panel for the contests and awards is put up, of course that is my opinion though. You are very talented writer Chris, Id like to see some more, although I will have to look through some of the earlier stories to give you some more feedback.

-Al the Vykker
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09-16-2002, 09:24 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 2

*Setting: The scene takes place in a small, derelict warehouse. Old chains hang down from the metallic beams overhead. Windows are smashed and web clad. Rats and other diseased beast scuttle around the floor. Inside the building is the Saurian from before. The Green Saurian. He was sat on a wooden chair in the middle of the empty warehouse, his tail swishing slowly on the ground. The cigarette in his left paw slowly withering away. Sighing he takes one last puff and casts it down, stomping on it as he gets up. As he turns to head towards the double door exit the Changling walks in...*

Changling: "Hey, where you going?"

Her voice was inquisitive, she jogged upto him, smiling as she did. Changling's were a intriguing race. Having the ability to change their shape to any living creature did have its advantages, however, when they first get the ability to do so, usually around Puberty, they cannot control it and thus have to stay isolated and practice. Another thing is that, contrary to belief, changlings cannot shrink to a Rats size or grow to the size to that of an Elephant. The creature they are immitating must be at least around their height and width.

Saurian: "Out."

His reply was low, his voice gruff. He wasn't much of a socialiser and didn't really appreciate people attempting to start conversation.

Changling: "Where to?"

The Saurian looked at her, his brows narrowing with annoyance.

Saurian: "Anywhere but here...Beep me if control wants me."

The Changling stepped out of his way as he proceeded towards the exit. She was expecting him to congratulate her on her earlier performance...he had not. Snorting she sat down on the chair and sighed, staring at the cold, dusty, stone floor.

Saurian: "Oh, and Ella..."

He stopped, turning his head. The Changling looked up, her eyes widened expectantly.

Saurian: "Tell Control not to come looking for me this time..."

As he said this he turned and got back on normal course. Ella sighed and leaned back on the chair, it would have been a great privilage to be complimented by Quade...But he was a creature of few words.


*Setting: In the lower part of the Warehouse, and quite a few miles above the Queen Glukkons lair was the basis for all the operations. All Professional Assassins in the entire city worked for the same agency. Some were picked up off the street as kids and trained. Some were born into the Agency, born into Assassination and Hacking. Nobody knew who did the picking but it was wildly speculated that whoever did it had the help of a Psychic, mainly because all the creatures they pick up usually turn out to be the best at their job. And out of 156 Assassins, only 3 had lost their lives.*

Blue Saurian: "Hey-hey. You called, sir?"

The Sniper whom had taken out the first mark knocked on the glass door of the Director of the operations. The walls of the corridor were concrete, his door was the only one that was glass. The glass was the type that blurred the vision of the inside, on the front of the door was, in bold black letters;

'Director of Operations: F. L. Kowloon.'

Kowloon: "Yes, yes. Enter."

Quickly the Saurian stepped in. The room was quite large. Book shelves lined the sides and Kowloon was sat at the front, behind a polished, wooden desk. A potted Plant was in the far corner of the room and on the walls pictures of landscapes were hung. Infront of Kowloons desk was two swivel chairs, pressumably for Operatives being clued up.

Kowloon: "Come, sit. Get comfortable."

Kowloon was an industrialised Mudokon. His head Plume was short and purple, his skin green and his eyes yellow. He was sat in his usual black suit, black tie. A Silver ring on his thumb.

Kowloon: "First of all i would like to congratulate you on your hit. It was clean, precise but most of all, perfect. Sources say that the Bodyguards only saw a Blue figure, but didn't give a specie or race...which is always a good thing."

The Saurian smiled, he always got nervous when he was called in to meet his superiors. Right now his palms were sweating and he was constantly rubbing his hands on his legs.

Kowloon: "Secondly i would like for you to participate in some Hand-to-Hand combat training. Just in case. I dont believe you have done any such training...If i can remember correctly."

The Saurian shook his head slowly.

Saurian: "No, sir. I haven't. I was going to but i decided to hone in my sniping skills."

Kowloon nodded and pushed a small black button under his desk. Slowly, the wooden panel on the top of it slid away and a small computer screen lifted out a few degree's. It was a touch screen device and stored all sorts of valubale infomation.

Kowloon: "Well, i would like you to start that. However, before you do i have another hit for you. If you want to take it. Its quite tricky and involves some experimentation with new bullets and such. The details of the hit are not quite clear, but the highers say its something to do with the Glukkons and a buisness run...Hush-hush stuff and all that. They said that you should have the details by tomorrow morning. The hit has to be done by Wednesday afternoon...So, you have three days to prepare and get yourself in the right frame of mind."

He smiled and typed something on the screen. Looking over the monitor one last time.

Kowloon: "Do you have any questions...?"

The creature shook his head slowly.

Saurian: "No, i think you covered most. Apart from my pay...when do i get paid for the last hit."

Kowloon smiled and nodded.

Kowloon: "Ahhh yes. I'll transfer the money into your account now and by Christmas time you should have enough to pamper yourself with, heheh. Kowl isn't it? Kai Kowl?"

The Saurian nodded and smiled, slowly standing up.

Kai: "Yep. Thats right."

Kowloon: "Ok Kai. Well, i'll be in touch tomorrow with the details of this next assignment. Until then, relax and celebrate."

(OOC: Anything...to say...what...so...ever?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 06-20-2004 at 12:25 PM..
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09-17-2002, 09:38 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 3

*Setting: The sky was dark, the air dank. Old newspapers scuttled down the street, blown by the gentle night breeze. The street was known for its rough and tumble, and though the Magog had tried to crack down on the violent nature of such a place...they ended up giving up. Too many workers had been killed, weapons stolen and basically made the Magog a mockery. Giving up was the best thing for THEM, of course. The community on a whole suffered. Rape increased, homocide increased, children were orphaned because their mothers were killed whilst on the streets. All Prostitutes actually working for the Magog and whom lived in that area were abandoned and left to fend for themselves with no protection whatsoever. The small street were spiraling into the abyss of oblivion. Soon, only the thugs would be alive...*

Walking with his head down Quade finally had time to think. Think about life, where he was heading and where he would be in another 10 years time. He figured he'd most likely be dead. If not, probably still in the buisness he's in now. Possibly working behind the desks. A scream came from the right of him, across the crack ridden road. A female Mudokon was being raped, in an alleyway by a group of thugs, they looked like Loacs but he wasn't sure. He didn't care anyway and without turning back carried on in the direction he was going...


*Setting: In the training center of the Agency only one person was still preparing. Kai. He was practicing hand to hand combat with one of the large boxing bags that hung from the ceiling. The room was large, quite like a boxing training center. To the far end were two large boxing rings and to the near front, the training gear. Such as skipping ropes, weights, treadmills and such.*

Kai grunted, punching the bag with all his force. His paws were bound with gauze and all he was wearing were a pair of Red shorts. Every so often he would kick the bag with a low, side kick, spraying sweat as he did so. Imagining it was his father. Finally, after 2 1/2 hours of training he stopped, placing his hands on his knee's he bent over and attempted to catch his breath. Looking up at the bean bag one last time before he turned to get a nice, cold shower. He was proud of himself, he didn't think he would last as long as he did. Didn't think he could attack as long as that. But anger, frustration and saddness can bring out the worst. Make you a monster...


*Setting: Her room was dark. Only one light was on and that was the one above her bed. Ella was sat up reading. Her bedroom was tiny and you could hardly move once inside the cramped room. This was mainly because of the junk that she kept, she liked to call them 'memories' however. And was oblivious to the fact that the stuff was, actually, rubbish. She was sat up reading, partially under the dark Red covers. Her hair wrapped in a Peach-coloured towel, drying. The book was called 'An Under Water Rose' and was about a child suffocated by its family. Struggling to break free of the 'taboo's' the family bestowed on its entity. She had only started reading it and thus didn't know much about it, she enjoyed it though. And at certain points smiled at the funny remarks that were placed in the, true, book.*


*Setting: The Mudokon, Jale, sighed. Wiping his brow with the pack of his paw. After 1/2 an hour of grunting, moaning and cursing, he finally gave up. He was in the Agencies garage, trying to fix his company car. It was a sleek black model, bullet proof. Sun roof, tinted windows...everything for defense purposes. The only problem was it didn't work and Jale had spent most of his pay on new parts, trying to get his 'beauty' to start. The garage was dark, apart from a gentle glow from an Oil lamp that hung from the bonnet of the black model, lighting the inards of the beast. Slumping back onto a wooden chair he fumed silently. Casting down the Spanner that he held in his Oily paw. He looked around, noticing other cars, vans etc. Some used for transport, some for kidnaps. All had a different story to tell, all had different battle scars, all totally unique. The vehicles seemed to reflect the drivers, and, with this notion in mind Jale stood up, picked up the Spanner and got back to work. Determined to make this black monster purr like a Lion...*

(OOC: Not really exciting i know...but still)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 09-27-2002 at 02:31 PM..
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09-21-2002, 04:16 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 4

*Setting: The Assassin slowly stepped out of the black car. The windows were tinted so that nobody could see the driver or any other passenger. The Assassin was dressed completly in black, black suit, shoes, pants. Everything. He even wore black, leather gloves. He scratched his face and then took one step away from the car, closing the door without turning back. In his right hand he held a briefcase. Black, with silver locks. The creature of Death was on the city streets. It was daytime and so the chances of him being mugged were immensly low. He looked left and right before quickly walking into an appartment building. The streets had been littered with a few civilians, something an Assassin doesn't need. Upon entering he scanned the area, eyeing a desk with a lowly looking Slig behind it. It was sat, reading some sort of paper and chuckling to itself. The Assassin stepped upto the desk, stood patiently and waited for the Slig to acknowledge him.*

The Assassin cleared his throat loudly, in a vain effort to get the creatures attention. The Slig still paid no attention, flicking the page of the paper and propping its head up with its left hand.

Assassin: "Jaac klow iklos...Ejfor, ejfor illiako."

The Slig looked up and moved the paper to one side.

Slig: "Akloa...*Chuckles*...Ahulia. Aklo ve shaan."

The both conversed in some kind of language that only they could understand. After a couple of minutes conversing the Slig reached under the desk and brandished a small, brown envelope. The Assassin smiled, nodding a 'thankyou' to the pathetic creature as it took the brown package out of its hand. Slowly it turned, placing the envelope inside its coat it then walked out of the appartment, stepped upto the car and climbed into the back. The car drove away.


*Setting: The cars interior was red, red Velvet seats, red roof. Everything. The driver of the vehicle was wearing dark sunglass' and a black suit. He drove carefully and patiently, awaiting for the civilians to cross the road. As he drove the Assassin took out the brown package and began to open it.*

Driver: "What does it say?"

The Assassin looked up briefly from reading the white letter inside.

Assassin: "Not much. A basic map of Mr Dublo's route...Nothing special."

The driver nodded and turned round a corner. Slowly he pulled upto the curb and stopped, turning the engine off.

Driver: "There you go. Better hurry."

The Assassin nodded and once again climbed out of the car. As he closed the door the black transport slowly drove away. A couple of seconds later a Hover car slowly sauntered down. The fans underneathe the car going so fast they were impossible to see. The door opened from bottom to top (Like the 'Back to the future' car.) and the black ridden creature climbed in. The doors closing behind.

Driver: "Where to?"

Assassin: "Bothoory. And step on it..."

(OOC: Comments? By the by, thx for the past comments.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 09-27-2002 at 02:31 PM..
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09-26-2002, 03:39 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 5

*Setting: The city streets were blocked off to all vehicles, including hover types. Sligs on Hover-Bykes sauntered around. Hover-Bykes were like any other Bike, however, they had two fans coming from the sides and no wheels. The fans could be turned and positioned and indepentantly, and thus give the driver a decent control rate. The Sligs on the Bikes weren't wearing any pants, they were just inside the seat, securely held by the soft interior. Hover Cars also wandered around through the air, Sligs hanging out of the window smoking and keeping watch, noting any suspicious behavior. Down on the ground, the ground patrol was making sure all alley's and derelict buildings were secure. Making sure their visitor would be safe when he finally came. Big Bro Sligs were the main ground patrol, equipped with Mini-Guns and Thermal sensory goggles, Giant metallic shields were strapped to their left arms, incase of attack. All was secure. And then through the smog drifted another Hover Car. One that was obviously different to the others. The grounded Sligs looked up, grasping their weapons, ready for action. The air-patrol carefully drew to a halt, hovering in mid-air. Preparing for a Dog fight. But the car merely slowed down, the tinted windows opening and a blue paw reaching out. Beckoning to one of the Bike riding Sligs.*

Slig: "Sir, i believe we may have a possible hostile. He is beckoning me. Should i proceed?"

It spoke on the radio which was on the front on the handles of the bike and needed no buttons pressing for the message to get through.

Response: "Proceed with caution. If there is any sign of hostility, shoot to kill."

The voice was calm with little static interferring. The Slig nodded to itself and began to drive upto the vehicle.

Slig: "Identify yourself, what do you want?"

The hand disappeared, reappearing with the brown package. The Slig sauntered upto the car and snatched the envelope out of its hand, trying to peer inside the dark interior as it did so. It failed, the tinted windows soon whirred back up electronically. Stopping only when at the top. Snorting and scratching its middle face tentacle the pale green Slig rode away, oblivious to what it carried.


Assassin: "Proceed with mission 'Live Wire', subject is in place with the equipment."

The Hitman spoke into his Rolex watch. As soon as he had finished the sentence he placed both hands on his lap, waiting.

Driver: "Dont you think you should get ready?"

Assassin: "When the time is right..."


*Setting: Inside of Dublo's transport was lush, black leather seats. Capable of seating at least seven Sligs. However, only two were with Dublo at the time. His helper Cry and his personal Bodyguard, whom didn't give his name. Dublo was dressed in his usual outfit, a black fur coat with Gold buttons. His face was round and chubby, his ears small and his eyes almost Rat like. He sucked on a dirty, roll-up. Smirking to himself. Thinking of his rich's. Cry was just like any ordinary Slig, except he had a large 'D002' tattooed on the bottom of his back. This was to signify he BELONGED to Dublo. The Bodyguard was dressed in a black suit with special goggles over his eyes. Unusually there were two red viewers on either side of his mask. He also had specially made pants, which allowed him to jump higher and farther than his Slig brethern. He kept alert, never touching a drop of alcohol or a cigarette butt. But merely awaiting for reports from the other Sligs situated around the area were they were destined. Right now he was awaiting a response from the Slig whom had most recently contacted him. Awaiting to see if it had opened the envelope. The exterior of the vehicle was dark, black and sleek. No bumps or marks. A few Sligs lingered around, riding their hover bikes around the car like Bee's around their Honey. All was going to plan...*

Dublo: "Driver, could you stop going so damn slow. Jesus, i swear i saw Mudokon's on foot running past us earlier on."

His voice was gruff and harsh. He was sipping Martini through a straw, the glass held by his helper. The driver was also of Slig origin, he turned his head to a side, addressing Dublo.

Driver: "You gottit, sir."

As he said this the screen that seperates driver and passenger slowly whirred up. The Bodyguard immediatly became uncomfortable and made his way upto the front of the car, drawing his Uzi.

Bodyguard: "Hey, hey whats going on. What are you doing?"

Driver: "My job..."


The Cheffeur of the Assassin was sitting patiently, his car on stand-by, watching the Slig fiddle with the letter. The letter, however, could not be opened. It wasn't meant to be. It was meant to be planted. As the driver mused over the idiotic being he heard the sound of guns firing. Turning his head to the right abit he saw the car of Dublo come racing by, impacting with the Slig on the bike. As the bike got knocked from under the Slig and the Slig got thrown into the windscreen, cracking its shoulder on the solid glass, the small envelope erupted into a burst of flame. The car windscreen getting totally obliterated. The car slowly went down, flames dancing around the front of it, making their way inside.

Driver: "You better be ready."

He put his car into motion.

Assassin: "Oh yeh."

As he said this the Hitman brought up a Sniper Rifle, automatic. Smirking as he rubbed his Saurian skin on it.


*Setting: The car was imbedded in the side of a empty building. Flames dancing on the roof and sides of the crashed car. Sligs of all shapes and sizes, from air and ground all rushed in, hoping to save its employer and guard. The Assassin smiled softly, awaiting the car to turn around to the side so he had a better view and aim. The marks car had its rear end sticking up out of the building, tempting shots to be taken at it. The windows were already weakened from the heat, possibly allowing bullets to pass through. Carefully the Assassin took aim, the scope zooming in. He silently whispered some inaudible words, possibly praying to whatever Gods Assassins pray to.
*Rapid gunshots*
The back windows shattered, the Assassin pulled his head away from the scope, hoping he had killed the remaining survivors. He turned around, placing the Rifle on the floor. Reaching under his seat he pulled out a Grenade.*

Assassin: "Just in case..."

He smiled, throwing the Grenade that bounced happily on the boot of the vehicle before rolling in...


Bodyguard: "Sir...*Coughs*...Sir? Sir, are you alright?"

The Slig lifted his blood stained head up, one of his face tendrils was scarred and hanging off. His black suit was torn, ripped and bloodied. He nudged his employer, Dublo, who was lying on the floor, still. The Glukkons head looked like it had been shattered from the front, bullet holes also lined the back. His helper, Cry, was also dead. Blood oozing from the bullet wounds in its chest. Slowly the Slig crawled towards the door, trying to open it whatever way it could think of. As it rammed its wounded shoulder against the side, trying to knock it open, it heard the clanking of metal upon metal. Turning he saw a small, round, metal ball roll in and down to the front. It blipped, increasing in tempo as the seconds past.

Bodyguard: "Ooohhhh Crud..."

(OOC: Comments?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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09-27-2002, 06:57 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
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Re: Part 5

Originally posted by Jacob
(OOC: Comments?)

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10-03-2002, 08:09 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
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Jacob  (87)
Part 6

(The people have spoken, here is the next chapter, enjoy and coment...)

*Setting: The worn, cracked streets of Orloan lane, the literal Urban jungle. It was a tired looking street, papers bustled past, blown by the steady wind. Houses creaked, lights emitting from some of them, their residents rough as sandpaper and twice as nasty. Whores paced up and down on the corners, hoping to get more punters than each other. It was like a game for them, the Magog hired them to get more income. The Pimps of these ladies, and sometime gents, of the night were either Sligs or Mudokons. The money that the working girls raked in was quickly handed over to the Pimps, before they got the money beaten out of them. 10%, sometimes 5% of that cash went to the Prostitute him/herself and the rest went to the Cartel. The Pimps got paid in clothes, jewelry, fast vehicles and the like. It was a win-win situation for the Magog, not only did they bring in extra cash, but they also lowered the un-employment rate. One Prostitute in particular stands out, a Orkhid...possibly a run-away, she is wearing a tight, bright green vest-top, a short black skirt and a fur coat. The clothes of the Prostitutes were supplied by the Pimps, some of the nicer 'owners' allowed their girls to pick and choose what clothes to wear, these sort of guys/girls though were very hard to come by. The Prostitute in question had shoulder length red hair. Bright red. Her eyes an Oblivion black, her skin whitened in the moonlight. She stood half heartedly, leaning against a flickering lamp post. Her black, knee-length boots darkened by its shadow. Slowly a car rolled up, ignoring all the other girls. All the other females of darkness. As the car rolled past, they followed it with their eyes...and bodies. Tutting and groaning to themselves as its headlights flashed to the red head. The girl smiled, she was no older than 23, yet had a professional edge as she wandered seductivly upto the vehicle. The window slowly wound down, showing two glowing white eyes emitting from the darkness, shining through the smoke of, what seemed to be, a cigarette...*

Prostitute: "What can i do you for...?"

She bent down, her right hand leaning on top of the car. Her left on the door of it. Her eyes seemed to sparkle, gently.

Curb Crawler: "What do you...*Coughs*...do?"

The female smiled, standing up straight.

Prostitute: "Anything apart from 4sums upwards. And i mean...anything."

She winked as she said the last word, rubbing her stomach gently with her left hand. Her green top was riding up slightly, showing the possible punter her smooth stomach. The shadowed Curb Crawler took a drag of his cigarette, leaning out of the shadow of his car he looked the girl up and down. She could now see that the creature was an Isore. An Insect-like creature, the males were infamous for their two extra 'appendages' and the females were infamous for their flexibility and added breast.

Curb Crawler: "How much for the whole works...?"

Saying this he quickly diverted back into his shadowy safe zone, as if he was afraid somebody might spot him.

Prostitute: "Whole works? You sure you can last that long? 450M's...Or...$680."

She smiled, both currencies were alot...but the job she did was dangerous. Not so much because of the punters, but because of the Cartel and their strict regime. The creature coughed harshly, shocked by such a high price.

Curb Crawler: "That much!? Jesus, what you trying to do, bankrupt your clients?!"

The girl smiled, fiddling with her red hair and twisting it around her index finger.

Prostitute: "Not intentionally..."

The Curb Crawler snarled, the window slowly going back up again. He had obviously not liked her pricing...and thus was going to take his business elsewhere.

Prostitute: "Wait...before you go, i'll give you a kiss. For free."

The window stopped 2 inches from the top, and slowly declined again. The Whore smirked and leaned into the shadowy, smoke filled car. Moistening her lips. Gently they met his, her tongue going into his mouth...and thats when she knew. Thats when they both knew. The Prostitute immediatly attempted to pull away, only to be grabbed by the neck of the punter.

Curb Crawler: "Changling..."

His grip tightened around her neck, his body distorting as he did so. His brown, leathery skin morphed into scales. The pigments changing into a dark, blacky-blue. His eyes glowed more intensly now and the Prostitute could see spear like vines protruding from his face and head. Two of these vines came from the chin, around 3 inches apart they sprouted a good 5-6 inches, another 2 sprouted from just above the corners of his top lip, like a mustach. They, too, grew to 5-6 inches. The spines on his head sprouted quickly than the rest though, shooting out before laying down on the back of his head, making it seem as if he had used too much gell on his 'hair'. He snarled, gripping and not willing to let go. The Prostitute was also going through changes, she seemed to have a 30 second delay, but after that 35th second it was clear she was not what she seemed. Her skin pigments changed, her hair darkened slowly. Turning the red hair into that of black, as if an Oil tanker had crashed, leaking its substance into a red sea. As the change progressed it became more and more clear it was Ella. Her dark claws scraped at the wrist of the aggressive male Changling, who seemed intensly pissed off. Male and Female Changlings were completly different from each other, the females look almost pathetic and weak...however, possess a cunning wit and supreme agility. They are capable of clambering up walls at break neck speed and although they cant take out the bigger creatures with a few aggressive attacks, their ability to move quickly and silently gives them more of an edge. The males however are darker and larger than their counter parts. And instead of black eyes like the females, they had white. Male Changlings also had sharp spines that could be erected at will on the back of their head and spines on their back, although the back spines are usually situated inside the spine. This may be used if an attacker has them by the neck, in which case the spines would be straightened, stabbing the attacker.

Ella: "I-Its him...H...Help!!"

She attempted to break free, her clenched fists hitting the arm of the male and her boots beating the car door. She called out into the dark night, the other Prostitutes slowly drew their weapons. Revolvers, Socoms, knives etc. And slowly, out of the darkness, came armed Sligs and Mudokons.

Slig: "Freeeze!! Put her down, NOW!!"

The attacker snarled, tightening his grip. Intent on taking one more life as he had done prior to this moment. He had killed many, 6 Prostitutes had suffered due to him. They had been raped, beaten, tortured then finally killed. One female had even been mutilated to the extent she had excreted on herself. They had found her, alive, in her own mess...But she had died 3 minutes later. Such things appauled the Cartel...they lost money for some sadists kicks.

Slig: "I said, put her the f*ck down...!!"

Noticing that the Changling Assassin was in severe danger and that the male was barely phased by the circle of Cartel employee's slowly closing in on him, one of the Prostitutes cast her 9mm in the direction of the Assassin. The gun sailed through the air blissfully before landing in the left hand of the victim, the gun was then professionally spun on a lone index finger, before ending with the nozzle pointing inside the car.
The nozzle flashed three times, the bullets zipping inside the cavenous insides. The tight grip of the male was immediatly halted. His dark skinned arm shooting into the car as he prepared to take off. Ella dropped to the floor, landing on her buttocks. Her arms shot back, her hands propping her up, stopping her from falling back even further. The gun bounced to one side.

Slig: "FIRE...!!"

Foreseeing the fact that the Serial Killer was going to make a break for it, the Slig blasted out the killer word. Bullets swam through the air, piercing glass, metal and skin. Disappearing into the smoke filled car. The grunts and calls of the driver was enough to indicate that hits had been made. The remaining Prostitutes ran over to Ella, helping her up, allowing the shooting to be carried out by the creatures whom had the most training. Ella rubbed her neck, staring into the car which was now laden with holes. She watched, watched as the guards rushed around to the doors, their guns still pointing at the vehicle. She finally breathed a sigh of relief, the creature was dead, the corpse dragged out and rested on the pavement, blood oozing from countless bullet holes. They had caught him, caught the bastard whom had killed so many, so brutally...

(OOC: Any remarks, which consist of more than 'Yes')
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 10-03-2002 at 12:14 PM..
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10-03-2002, 09:01 PM
sO fReAkIn oDd's Avatar
sO fReAkIn oDd
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sO fReAkIn oDd  (11)

Now that I have hade time to read all of this I must say GOOD story. You would make an excellent screenplay writer or novelist. Keep up the excellent work Jacob.
My stories get no publicity or feedback. So read them...
Vykkers Lab Installment 147
Tales of the Shrink
Ben's Oddysee
The Professional

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10-03-2002, 10:22 PM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Jacob.........I'm impressed. Seeing my name as a character was cool too. That story itself, has a very good plot. You're discriptions are excellent. I can see the charaters and settings with ease. I must say this is a good story for the mature readers. I think everyone in general will enjoy this Fan Fic. I will grade you're Fan Fic "Assassins..." as Amazing. Keep up you're great work Jacob.


Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

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10-05-2002, 04:36 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
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Jacob  (87)
Part 7

*Setting: It is night time, however, the Agencies well lit corridors and rooms make it seem like day. We are once more deep underground were all the assignments are given. Many specie bimble along, some Saurian, some Mudokon. Some are even Slig. All, however, are skilled in killing. We follow one Saurian, Quade, into his quaters. With him he carries a large suit carrier. The type you get when you rent out a suit. Its black plastic, hiding the item(s) inside. He walks down the corridor, fast and in a straight line. The other creatures step aside, allowing him to pass through without any hassle. Finally he stops and turns, facing a small electronic keypad. Placing one index finger on the screen he awaits. Beeping takes place and then he leans forward, breathing on it. More beeping commences before the wall seems to slide into itself, revealing a doorway, in which he steps into. The room itself is quite small, with only a bed, sink and shower. A small Tv sits on top of a ledge in the corner of his room. He throws the carrier on the bed and proceeds to unzip it, groaning when he realises what the contents are.*


*Setting: A group of three Mudokons are walking down a different corridor, heading towards what looks like a lift. All of them wore Tuxedo's and had their feathery pony tails neatly combed as if they were going to a highly formal banquet. They stopped near the lift, one pressing the small metallic button.*

Mudokon #1: "What time you two got?"

The speaker looked at his watch, it was a Silver Rolex. The black face of the watch was behind a glass 'window'. The Roman numerals were Diamond. His skin was a tinge of green with black freckles scattering over his face, his pony tail was a dark, purple. He seemed well presented.

Mudokon #2: "9:06..."

Mudokon #3: "Same here..."

These, too, both wore Rolex's. The 2nd speaker had a slightly lighter plume colour. It was still purple, but seemed more like a mixture between that and pink. His face was more yellowy-green aswell. The last Mudokon was the colour of a Tree-Frog. His nose was also broader. The only thing they all had in common was the fact that they spoke well and had purply-blue eyes.
The metallic lift doors opened with a low hum. All three of them stepped inside the bright interior of the metal contraption.

Mudokon #2: "You think we should wait?"

The first Mudokon stood, his head at a downward angle. Thinking. Eventually he pushed a small button which read 'Hold' which kept the lift doors open and thus stopped it going anywhere.

Mudokon #1: "For 3 minutes...max."


*Setting: Quade exited his appartment dressed in the same Tuxedo's as the Mudokons, but with a pair of shades on. He moved his neck from side to side, listening to the harsh 'cracks'. Then he began walking. He moved hurredly through the winding maze of the Agency building. Passing operatives which were going to assignments or just getting back. As he turned left he noticed Ella, she was dressed in some sort of slutty get-up. A large fur coat, a tight, bright green vest-top, a short, black skirt and black knee length boots. They both moved towards each other, one going to a job and the other coming back from one.*

Quade: "Very slutty..."

He smirked briefly as he said this, passing her and not waiting for a response. She turned and stood with her hands on her hips, smiling.

Ella: "Suits dont suit you, Quade. You have to have the physique and attitude. You dont have neither."

Her voice raised to a shout as he got further away. All she got in response was the finger, he did this without turning around. She smirked and proceeded to her quaters, desperatly wanting a shower and to tear the clothes off.


*Setting: Back to the Mudokons who were now about to send the lift to the surface. The first one was immensly frustrated, wanting to get the job over and done with so he could get home and go to sleep. The other two were indifferent.*

Mudokon #1: "F*ck, im going up. We've waited long enough..."

He pushed the button which had the letter 'W' on it, pressumably for 'Warehouse'. The lone door of the lift slowly closed, humming gently as it did so. Three inches away from closing a green paw grasped the edge from outside, pushing it back. Quade. He quickly slinked in, squeezing himself through the small gap.

Quade: "Thanks for waiting."

The first Mudokon snarled, eyeing Quade up.

Mudokon #1: "Dont you know how to dress at a formal gathering, you dont wear shades."

He reached forwards, snatching the sunglass' off of the creatures face. Quade looked stunned, his dark yellow eyes adjusting to the bright light. His pupils dilating to slits. The Mudokon folded the arms of the glass' and placed them inside his jacket.

Quade: "Break them and i'll break you..."

The Mudokon smirked and turned his head to the floor indicator. Watching the numbers rise...

(OOC: Thanks for the comments by the by)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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10-07-2002, 10:48 AM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 8

*Setting: The high class creatures of the city Liel had many gatherings. Usually three times a week. This gathering of the upper class' was different however. A Mudokon from across the waters was paying a relativly short visit. He was a different breed of Mudokon however, a Biros. A sub-specie, a water dweller. Evolved over millions of years to live near forests and water, a perfect specimen of evolution. However, this time he was out of water and quite high off of the ground. The party was taking place in a small apartment building, the apartment was 45 floors high, this party was taking part on the 39th. Cheffeurs driving long, sleek hover cars briefly parked upto a small ledge, allowing the well dressed passengers to step out, before driving away and parking somewhere. Awaiting to be beckoned to pick them up. The Biros Mudokon in question was a weapons dealer, he lived in a large white mansion which was situated on the edge of Ulo. He dealt with import and export...of the destructive kind. He was guarded by two large Refelx'. A large and incredibly stupid, yet instinctive, kind of Fish. Their mouths were like that of a Fish', with giant lips. Their tiny black eyes, however, were no bigger than a Cherry. Their entire body was covered with scales and their hands and feet were webbed, and finely tipped with claws filled with a neuro-toxin. The backs of their heads were covered with tiny dimples, each having a single hair protruding from the middle of it. This was to help them feel vibrations in the water, when they were in the water that is. These two were around 7.5ft in height. And very wide, almost fat. They were dressed in black, pin-stripe suits. Their shirts were black also, the only thing that wasn't was their purple ties. These two Refelx' were actually a shade of purply blue, indicating they weren't brought up on land. The Biros Mudokon was sat at a small table, a white cloth draped over it, a glass of G'n'T was situated infront of him, with his blue, webbed paw clasped around it. He smirked to himself, his skinny face looking somewhat evil in the low light. His two Fish-like friends sat next to him, eyeing the party members up, looking for any suspicious behavior.*

Mudokon #1: "Quade, Jay...I've spotted the mark."

The Mudokon was sat on a table that was three tables away from the Biros. He was attempting to look as if he fitted in, but seemed to stand out, as he was the only one not mingling. He picked up a small cocktail umbrella and twirled it between his index finger and thumb. Eyeing up the guards.

Mudokon #1: "He's quite well guarded, two Refelx'...They look...tough."

He spoke into a comms link that was cleverly hidden in his bow tie. He, and the others all had this. Aswell as a wireless ear piece which recieved the messages.

Creature: "May i sit down...?"

The Mudokon looked up, stunned. A beautiful Albino Crate slowly pulled out a chair and took a seat. She smiled softly at the Mudokon, playing with her pink feather boa with one hand and rubbing her Silver sequined dress in another.

Mudokon #1: "Ermm...well...errr..."

Crate: "Whats your name...?"

Her voice was soft and like a whisper, she moved her right paw forward and gently took the umbrella off of him. Her crimson eyes catching the light and somewhat shining.

Mudokon #1: "Rel, but, you see...i cant really talk..."


Quade: "Just speak to her, its not like you'll look suspicious."

*Setting: Quade was milling through the crowd, gently pushing past all of the upper class guests. Sometimes even casting a smile and nodding an acknowledgment. He gently made his way to the buffet, standing in line behind a group of posh Saurians and Glukkons. They spoke amongst themselves, laughing in their horse-like way about the scum (homeless) of the streets and how they had the nerve to be alive. Quade sighed and picked up a small paper plate, trying not to tune in on the raucous laughter of the shallow class. But trying to get a clear view of his target.*

Quade: "Yeh, i see him. I'll need a good reason to get close to him though..."

He whispered behind his hand, hoping nobody would notice.

Jay: "Dont worry, i'll be able to get close. Where's the sedative?"

Quade: "With me, where are you?"


*Setting: In a small toilet just to the west of Quade and the mark was Jay, the Mudokon with the Tree-Frog colour. He was in a tiny cubicle, undressing a Waiter that he had just killed. Quickly he put the creatures clothes on, un-phased by the Saurian Waiters snapped neck. It wouldn't like anyone would notice he was missing, and soon they would never know. He quickly buttoned up the black, sleeveless overcoat and made sure the legs of the deceased were placed in the toilet, with the body leaning on the wall of the cubicle. He then bolted the door and clambered over. Praying that no-one would come in as he did so.*

Jay: "I'm coming out of the toilets now, where are you?"

Quade: "At the buffet..."

Quade scanned the area, looking over the sea of bobbing heads. Trying to fade the sound of the upper class out, trying to concentrate. His gaze stopped when he spotted the mens restroom and immediatly noticed his cohort leaving, dressed as a Waiter.

Quade: "Nice get-up, hope you left the guy a tip..."

The response was a muffled chuckle, Jay was smiling as he pushed through the crowd.

Jay: "Yeh, dont walk around without an ID card on ya..."

Quade smirked, dropped the paper plate on the small buffet table and then pushed his way through the crowd, trying to reach his disguised friend. He gently reached into his jacket, grasped something and then pulled it out. It was hidden in his clenched fist. Looking around cooly he stepped past Jay, passing him the item calmly, who then placed it in his overcoat pocket.

Quade: "Kal, you turn..."


*Setting: The purply-pink plumed Mudokon excused himself from a table of four Vykkers who were sat gossiping and sharing some valuable infomation on Liposuction. He smiled, pushing his chair back and then climbing off it. He then proceeded to walk through the hussle and bussle slowly. Squeezing past the Gold and the old. However, as he squeezed past one set of minglers he tripped, falling face forward. He landed on his knee' and looked upwards, seeing a small, Valet Slig looking down on him from his large Gold, glittery top hat.*

Kal: "Why did you do that!?"

Slig: "Wha...I-I never did anything!?"

Kal stood up slowly, watching as the Sligs gaze rose.

Kal: "Just 'cos you wear all that doesn't mean your better than me..."

The Slig took a step back, backing into its employer who was a large, gruff Glukkon. Not really as well dressed as the Slig.

Slig: "I never did nothing. I just heared you fall and turned..."

The Mudokon clenched his fists, his face becoming more menacing.

Kal: "Are you saying im a liar now...are you!?"

He lunged forwards with his right hand, grabbing the creature by the throat and raising his left to punch.


Quade: "Nice work, keep going at it."

The Assassin was watching as the group of snobs were watching the commotion, all tutting to themselves and sighing. Quade backed up as the crowd moved forwards, making sure nobody else was going to be watching the next events.

Quade: "Nobody seems to be watching, nows your chance."

Jay busily moved at the back of the crowd, pushing past some of them to get to his destination. He eyed up the two bodyguards, their gaze was in the direction of the fight as was the Biros'. He moved to the side of the Mudokon, leaning over the table and straightening a small crumple. The guards ignored him and spoke in their normal dialect to each other. The mark was holding his drink in his hand and Jay quickly gathered up the courage to do his deed. He reached into his pocket and brought out a small glass vial, filled with a white powder. Snapping the top off gently he leaned forwards.

Jay: "Can i get you anything else, sir? Another drink, perhaps?"

As he said this he placed his left hand on the Mudokons shoulder and his right near the drink, slowly tipping the powder into the alcoholic beverage. The Mudokon shook his head, ushering the Waiter away and eyed up the crowd which was still formed near the front of the area. As he watched this he failed to notice his drink, which was now bubbling gently as the powder disintegrated. By the end of the 3rd second the G'n'T looked normal once more.

Jay: "All done, now we have to wait..."

He walked upto the buffet were Quade was now standing.

Jay: "I think that went quite well..."

The Saurian nodded, picking up a small Chicken wing and nibbling it. All they had to do was wait.


Biros Mudokon: "You, go and get me something to eat. Make sure its nothing fatty...and see if you can spot Quinn while your at it."

He directed this at the Refelx that sat to his left, waving his paw to the buffet as he did so. He then began to raise the drink to his lips. Slowly, but surely, the glass alcoholic beverage made its way to his mouth.


Rel: "Yes, i work with a few local Banks. Nothing big, just managing. Heh."

Rel, the first Mudokon, was now getting into full flow. The Crate seemed to be genuinly interested in what he had to say, and didn't seem to be as shallow as the rest. As he finished this sentence however his glance was cast over to the Biros, who was now one short of a bodyguard. And was about to take a sip of his drink.


The bottom of the glass shattered in the Biros' hand, the Mudokon seemed to jump back, astonished by what just happened. The light brown liquid spattered on the white cloth, closely followed by the Ice.

Refelx #2: "Siaan. Siaan alon!!"

The creature belched out these words to its partner, quickly taking to its feet and helping its, quite shocked, employer up.


Rel: "Shit, what was that!? What happened!?"

The response came from over the comms system, but was loud enough for the crowd of onlookers to hear, they turned sharpishly, watching as the two bodyguards and Biros climbed to their feet and went to the back of the room, towards a wooden door.

Quade: "I dont know, but whatever happened didn't seem too good. Go and see if you can spot any psychics or telekinetics...GO!!"

He directed this order at Jay, but Rel got up from his table aswell and proceeded to do so. Now ignoring the female he was trying to 'woo'.


*Setting: Now away from the buffet the two guards and Mudokon are making their way to the back of the building. The rooms they were passing through were dark, only lit by Moonlight. A small 'clink' echoed behind them, urging the Biros to quicken his pace.*

Biros: "You...erm...stay behind. Shoot anything on sight..."

The bulbous creature nodded, turning around and pulling a gun out of its jacket. It snarled, scanning the area, awaiting an attack of some kind.

A Silver knife had been thrown down, digging into the top of the Refelx' head and burying into its brain. It hadn't stood a chance. The large Fish dropped to its knee' and then fell forwards, twitching briefly. After the guard was face down a black figure dropped from the ceiling, tearing the knife out of its victims head. Bending down it grasped the knife in its hand and pulled it out, ignoring the pool of blood that spilled onto the varnished, wooden floor. A small growl escaped the creatures vocal cords as it looked into the direction were the other two went. It seemed to be dressed in black latex, the eyes of the outfit were large, red lenses. Capable of retractive with a metal cover that went around in a spiral motion (Like in 'Blade II' with Nyssa and Asad.). Its body was sleek and feminine, a black belt wrapped around the waist, carrying Silver knives and glaives (Those things Blade throws). It slowly snapped its neck from side to side, moaning as if being aroused by the sickening 'cracks' that were emitted and then slowly padded towards corridor were its prey disappeared. Quade and co. seemed to have company in the hunt...
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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10-08-2002, 05:12 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Closer than you think..
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Silversnow  (11)

*still sits with mouth open and stares at the screen in amazement* Wouh, that was just... incredible.

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10-08-2002, 06:08 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 9

*Setting: The corridors of the apartment were long and maze-like. The walls were a pale white, not their normal colour, but it was due to the moonlight shining through from the numerous skylights above. Wooden doors lined the sides of the hallways, along with old paintings of former owners and/or relatives. Some exaggerated to the point of fantasy. The weapons dealer Mudokon was becoming increasingly fraught, even though he had one of the best bodyguards money can buy, he was still at risk. Mainly due to the dark shadowy areas of the hallways. Although he knew he was no safer in the banquet area, something or someone had shot his glass...possibly missing his head. He didn't want to take any chances and, thus, thought it be best if he got out while he still could.*


Quade: "He's left."

Quade had seen the entire thing and was now worrying that he would lose his mark and fail the mission. Jay, whom was dressed as a Waiter, was bimbling around the area were all of this had taken place. Looking for any tell tale signs that may give any clues to what had just happened.

Rel: "Nope, i got nothing. No Psychics nor Teleks..."

Teleks was slang for Telekinetics. Rel broadcasted this over the comms that all of the Assassins had equipped. Kal had stopped his distraction fight with the lowly Slig Valet and was now walking to the buffet, wanting to quench his first with some Ice cold Orange. Sweat was seeping down his brow, the crowd had gathered around so much that their body heat had made a sort sauna and him and the Slig were becoming hotter and hotter. Fortunatly for Kal the Slig wasn't much of a fighter and he didn't have to do much to restrain/beat it.

Quade: "Good work, try and get on the phone. Get the transport waiting, we'll need to make a quick getaway..."

He told Kal this in person, the Mudokon was stood next to him, pouring out a glass of juice for himself.

Kal: "Where the Hell are you going...?"

The Saurian never responded, but quickly slipped through the wooden doorway and away from the party.


Biros: "Shola? Shola icll!?"

The Mudokon waved his arms around franticly, asking his protector;

'Where? Where now!?'

His bodyguard merely shrugged. Unable to remember which way they came from. They were now at a junction. They could either go left or right. Or back again, which was an unlikely choice. The Mudokon scratched his pale blue forehead, looking to one direction and then the other. Sighing he decided to go right, remembering one of the small paintings on the wall. But as he walked past the oil painting, he noticed something he hadn't noticed before. A small, white envelope. Addressed to 'Hoolio Elan'...himself. It was wedged underneathe the bottom of it, sticking out just enough to be spotted. Carefully he grasped hold of the bottom, tugging it out and looking at the red writing that spelt his name.

Hoolio: *Translated* "You, here, you open it."

The over-grown Whale snarled at its short employer before snatching the envelope out of his hand. It was getting tired of being bossed around, but it would...hopefully...be over soon. Using his middle claw the Refelx slashed the top, making a clean and precise opening. He then peered inside.
A blinding flash was emitted from the inards of the package. Disorientating and immediatly blinding the large animal. It snarled and barked, backing up as it did so. Its paw over its eyes. The Mudokon staggered backwards, horrified by what had happened, of what could've happened to him. As he watched this lummox of a bodyguard stagger backwards, he noticed a black figure drop behind it. Squinting in the darkness he tried to make out what it was, but gave up when he realised it was too dark. But whatever creature it was, it was crouched behind his bodyguard. The Refelx' legs slowly hit this living boulder, forcing it to stagger more and then finally fall on its back. Calling out in its native tongue for help. As soon as it was on its back, both paws clutching its eyes, the sleek being stood up, stepped over to the side and pushed its foot down on the creatures paw covered face. As it did so the talons of the injured being dug into its own flesh, thus, injecting the neuro-toxin into itself and paralysing its own pressence. The animal jerked softly, gurgling gently before silence.

Biros: "Who...Who are you!? What do you want?!"


Kal: "Hey, could i use your phone, please?"

The, now cooler, Mudokon stepped upto one of the hosts of the party and politely asked this question. The host was a Glukkon, he stood tall and bold. His dark skin contrasting with his orange eyes.

Glukkon: "Errr...why?"

Scratching his nose Kal replied.

Kal: "I...I need to inform somebody of a certain change in plans..."

The Glukkon rose a brow. Muttering to itself.

Glukkon: "It'll cost ya..."


Rel: "Hey, whats going on?"

Jay looked up from checking the wall that the Biros was situated near. Many of the guests were merrily tipsy by now and just didn't care what the Waiters did.

Jay: "Trying to see if there's any sign of bullets...upto now, nothing."

Pulling out a chair the other Mud sat down, resting his elbows on the surface of the table.

Rel: "Hmmm...He could have just held it too tight..."

The Waiter-guised Assassin looked up at his partner.

Jay: "Somehow i doubt he'd be so suprised if that was the case..."

As they spoke a transmission came in from Quade...something that sounded a little off.


*Setting: The Saurian, Quade, was pinned against one of the corridor walls, a Silver blade to his throat. Hearing the calls from the injured Refelx he had ran towards the sounds, only to be confronted by two Ninja-esque beings. They were both stood next to the Biros and in a, vain, attempt to win back his mark. Quade had proceeded towards them both. Only to be lunged at by one of the creatures and restrained.*

Quade: "Who are you? What do you want with Hoolio?"

He wisely phrased his questions so that his cohorts would know something was wrong and, hopefully, come to help him. His questions were left unanswered, however. A mere snarl was emitted from his restrainer and that was only when it turned its head to its partner.

Quade: "Well? Are you going to answer...or not?"

The knife got pushed closer to his throat, the blade teasing his skin.

Hoolio: "Look, i dont know who you are...or...or what you want, but please...plea-oooff(!)"

A sharp jab in the gut halted the evolved creature from saying anything more.

Being #1: "Iiiiial...Iiiiial."

The Mudokon looked up from his bent over position, his yellow eyes puzzled.

Being #1: "IIIIIAL!!"

It grasped him by the throat and straightened him up, pushing his head to the wall and snarling.

Hoolio: "Look...I-I dont...dont have a clu..."

Once more the sentence was cut short, but this time by the tightening grip of the foreigner.

Quade: "Let me explain something...but dont kill me, ok?"

The Saurian spoke softly, trying to get his point across. The being stared constantly into Quades eyes, the lenses retracting and spiraling every so often as it did so.

Quade: "I only want him for his knowledge...you...you and your friend can have him when we are done...ok?"

He tried to force a smile. The being cocked its head to one side, slowly lessening the pressure. It turned its head to the back of its partner, who was still interrogating Hoolio in its own way.

Being #2: "Lanio viél catonz. Oliá gia ninoa vaan ico."

Being #1: "Sootoaz."

The reply was growled in a rough, unamused tone of voice and said without turning around. The 2nd creature then turned its attentions back to Quade and tensed its arm.

Being #2: "Aaaaahggrrrrraaaasssssssss!!"

Before the creature could do the murderous deed Quade had kneed it in the stomach, then, as it clasped its gut, kneed it in the face. Hearing a crack as one of the lenses broke. It flopped on the ground, unconcious. The first one turned its head to the side, noticing its comrades prisoner had escaped through the corner of the lense. Then with one swift punch to the side of the skull it floored Hoolio. Watching as he fell to the ground with a 'thump'.

Quade: "You've pissed me off, you know that?"

The being turned to face Quade, stepping forwards it rolled back its shoulders, as if preparing for what was to come. It then reached behind its back, bringing out a Silver knife, much like the one the Saurian had been restrained with. It then began to advance, seemingly fearing nothing. The Assassin looked downwards, trying to spot the knife that was used on him and hopefully use that as some means of defence, after a quick scan of the floor he noticed something gleaming in the moonlight and quickly flicked it in the air with a sharp foot movement, catching it as it ascended through the air. After which he got into an attack stance...and was ready to fight.

Quade: "Wanna try your luck?"

He moved forwards, his hand tightly gripping the weapon. But unknown to him his previous victory had regained conciousness and was now standing behind him...


Jay: "Kal, make sure that the transport is ready. Me and Rel are going to find Quade..."

He spoke through the hidden microphone, passing through the corridors as he did so. He was followed by Rel, whom now had a gun. He had retrieved this from the dead bodyguards body and wondered why nobody had noticed it before.

Rel: "Quade, hey, we're coming to ya..."


*Setting: Quade was now in a full on fight with the two intruders. One behind him and one infront he was forced to turn to one, attack, turn to the other, attack and so on and so forth. The 2nd attacker was snarling and barking at him, pissed off from being floored. The 1st one lunged its foot forwards, hoping to take Quade out with a swift kick to the stomach, it failed. Quade grasped hold of its foot and shoved it backwards. Watching it as it fell onto its hands and then flipped back onto its feet. He then began to attack the 2nd, there was a flurry of punches, kicks and blocks. Quade hoping to dig the knife into his opponants skin, but constantly missing. As he lunged for a 4th time the creature side stepped out of the way, grabbed his attacking hand with its right and then kicked him in the face repeatedly with its left foot. Obviously it was trained in martial arts. After the 6th kick it let Quade go, allowing him to stagger back into its comrade whom grasped hold of his body and threw him into the left-handside wall. Watching as he crumpled to the floor.
Finally the other two Assassins found Quade, they shouted to the attackers, attempting to ward them off. The 1st one snarled, exchanged some dialect to its partner and then ran and lugged Hoolio over its shoulder in a Firemans lift position. It then nodded to its friend and leapt in the air, shattering through a skylight which was a good 14 metres up. The 2nd one then turned, snarling, the Assassins were less than prepared for what would happen. The sleek black being leapt to the left wall, clingling onto it like Spiderman, crouching, it then leaped to the right side of the wall, getting higher as it did so. It repeated this twice more, before leaping, twisting in mid air and landing behind them both. Rel turned, pointing his new found gun at the being who happily knocked it out of his hand and served a hefty mid-kick to his stomach, pushing him back to the point of collapse. After doing this it then span around anti-clockwise to deliver a harsh round the house kick to Jay's face, the momentum so powerful that it sent the Assassin spinning and then finally collapsing. When all this was done the creature mounted the walls with ease, skittering up them like a Cockroach on tiles, changed surfaces to the ceiling and then escaped through the skylight its comrade had previously smashed. The fight had been lost...as had the mark.*

(OOC: Thx for the comments Silversnow, Kai, Al, SFO much appreciated.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 10-13-2002 at 07:41 AM..
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10-13-2002, 04:53 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)

*Setting: A cold breeze sweeped through the small appartment, rustling papers and dancing with windchimes. The room in which these scene takes place is small and dark, there are no windows, only one door. The door is situated at the back of this box like prison. There is no wall paper, no carpet. The only thing that made this room a room was a small medium sized wooden chair, centered in the middle. On the chair sat a creature of some kind, its hands were tied behind the back of the chair, its legs tied to the front legs of it. A black, silk pillow case was placed over the beings head, disorientating it even more. It had been stripped of its clothes and even dignity and was now bare, goosebumps running over its leathery skin. The door opened, a being stepped through the door. Light shone in from the other room, casting the new creatures shadow into the room. It slowly stepped inside this bleak place, closing the door behind it. It seemed to carry some kind of night stick. And then, it spoke...*

Capter: "господин Elan..."

The capter stepped over to the being and grasped the top of the silk case, yanking it off and casting it to the ground in a quick and violent movement. It was now apparent the captured being was Hoolio Elan. The Agencies most recent mark...

Hoolio: "Who are you...? What do you want?!"

A small chuckle escaped the kidnappers lips as he moved around his hostage, finally stopping when he reached the front of him.

Capter: "вы знаете, господин Elan"

Hoolio shook his head slowly. His hands trying to break free.

Hoolio: "No, no i dont!!"

A vague snort escaped the beings lips as it stood, the long, sleek night stick it held suddenly began to buzz. The weapons dealer looked on in horror as sparks began to form at the end. A blue light shone merrily, dancing on the end of the stick.

Capter: "Где оно спрятано?"

The Mudokon stammered briefly, trying to think of something to say. The capter was getting visibly pissed off, it was obvious as the electrical stick was drawing closer to Hoolio' face, so close infact that the left side of his head was now visible in the darknes.

Hoolio: "I-I-I haven't hidden anything anywhere...HONEST!! Please, let me gooo!! I gave that business up years ago..."

Saying this his eyes squinted, trying to get a look at his tormenters face.

Capter: "Leesen too me, Hoolio. Yoo eether tell me now, or i vhill kill yoo...If yoo dont know nothink abowt anything, it vhont be mhy loss...vhill it."

The being spoke soft and quick. Anger and frustration had pushed it to leave its Russian dialect behind. And it was now speaking English...

Hoolio: "But...heh...How do you know i dont have anything to hide, eh? You dont. If you kill me, you'll never know..."

Hoolio suddenly came off as cocky and arrogant, he smirked, saying these sentences. This smirk was soon dispersed as a sharp volt of electricity shot through the left side of his neck.

Capter: "Dont underestimate mhe, Mudokon. I kan eesily find a Liou and yorr sekrets vhill bhe extrakted immediatly..."

The Biros' eyes suddenly began to bulge. Half through fear, half through pain. He now realised he was in a lose-lose situation. And the best scenerio was a quick death.

Hoolio: "You'll...you'll never get them. They're too heavily guarded. Orkhids, Mudokons, Sligs, Saurians...its like a creché of Glukkons down there...impossible to infiltrate."

Although the capter was masked in shadow, one thing was apparent. It was dangerous and calm. These two things alone were a devastating concoction...why? Because it would never make mistakes. The capter now bent forward, the cattle-prod was cast down to the ground, its hands slowly crept forward, grabbing Hoolio by the head, its claws digging into his skin.

Capter: "Tell me..."

It hissed these two words softly, tempting the infomation out of him. Hoolio was now trying to find words, his mouth moved slightly, throwing out random letters.

Capter: "Yesssh?"

Hoolio: "Sotuo street. Deep in the sewers...they're stashed in the walls of the 3rd dead end under the beginning of Syway street!! Now please...l...let me go-o-o!!"

He began to sob now, fearing for his life. He had blurted all this infomation out in sheer fear, not thinking until the last fraction of infomation was out...

Capter: "Обеспеченность!!"

The door swung open, silouetting two unknown beings.

Capter: "рассказывать определенный артикль другойs в получать готовый. Tассказывать им в готовить определенный артикль взрывчатыйs. Cпешка!!"

The creatures grunted their reply and took off into the light.

Capter: "And yoo, yoo vhile kreature. Yoo kan rest..."

Hoolio hung his head low, sobbing. His sobbings, however, changed into screams of agony as the Russian capter scooped up its weapon and jammed it into the chest of the Mudokon. The weapon was then switched on, allowing volts of vicious electricity to rip through the Biros' body. He convulsed, blood spurting from his mouth and running down out of his eyes. The capter shoved it deeper, placing the palm of his hands on the end of the weapon and shoving it into his victim. Smoke drifted to the ceiling, the creatures inards were now being charred...Finally the volts subsided, closely followed by the convulsions. The kidnapper then wandered out of the room, not looking back, not phased by the sight or the smell. The Mudokon was dead...as was the mark.

(OOC: Well?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 08-15-2004 at 05:40 AM..
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10-13-2002, 11:29 PM
VykerSawBones's Avatar
: Mar 2002
: In the middle of Nowhere
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VykerSawBones  (10)

I dont like this fic much,But keep writing
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10-13-2002, 11:33 PM
Stripe's Avatar
: Jun 2002
: Maryland
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Stripe  (10)
That is like.......so.......WOW!

And yes, you -should- consider writing a screenplay!

You will let some of us be in your movie yes?.....Maybe?

Lotsa stuff going on and yet you are able to keep everything flowing! Impressive!

Will we see Ella (?) again?
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10-29-2002, 06:34 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 10

Kowloon sighed, flipping through the report the Mudokons and Saurian had filled out. He was disappointed, not because of the failure to execute the mission, but because of the injuries the Assassins had sustained. Seeing Quade injured was a first, he was one of the best and thus it was surprising to see the Saurian limp into the office. The Mudokon surperior cracked his neck and placed the sheets of infomation back into the yellow folder that he had taken them out of, he then placed that in a draw built into his desk. Gently he stood up and wandered around to the front of his desk and towards the door, opening it gently he stepped out into the hallway, turned right and then proceeded down the corridor, stopping outside of a steel door.

Kowloon: "Its me, let me in..."

He knocked on it with the back of his hand, awaiting for the door to be unlocked and opened. It was.

Kowloon: "Has she read into it yet...?"

An Albino Mudokon had opened the door and had immediatly being asked this question. It shook its white head from side to side, blinking gently, its eyelids covering its pinky eyes.

Mudokon: "They're about to, your j-just in time..."

The superior nodded and stepped into the room, straightening his black tie. The room in question was dark, pitch black. A window was opposite the doorway, behind it was a lighter room, a room with a single chair and desk, two other Mudokons and a large screen composed of many smaller screens. The room was like an interrogation area in a police station, and the glass was one way. One of the Mudokons behind the glass was most obviously female, she was naked apart from a Silk drape covering her breasts and genitailia. She was sat down behind the grey table, her blue head plume shimmering from the dim bulbs overhead. Her eyes were black with a pale red circle around the pupil, her whitey-grey skin seemed to be patterened with spirals of black, as if she had been tattooed. They covered her right arm and face, possibly travelling around her back which was out of sight. The second Mudokon in the room was a normal green one with orange eyes and a pinstriped suit on. He was grasping some sort of chord that protruded from the wall.

Kowloon: "Which item will she be analysing first...?"

He whispered in the ear of the other Mudokon who was now stood next to him, barely visible.

Mudokon: "A minute piece of skin, taken from the hand of Mr Russell."

Kowloon: "Will it work? The being was clothed in black latex according to Quade."

Mudokon: "It should do..."

They both hushed up as the sound of a door opening came from an un-seeable part of the next room. A Crate came into view, carrying two small plastic bags, like that used to carry evidence into Court. One of them seemed to hold nothing but air, whilst the other packaged a long, Silver knife. The Crate set them down on the table, leaving as soon as it did so. Kowloon took a deep breath.

Kowloon: "Here we go..."

*Setting: The seated Mudokon reached over to the small bag which seemed empty, it placed its pale paw on it and dragged it closer. The standing, suited Mudokon stepped behind the female with the chord and seemed to fit it somewhere on the back of her. The tattooed creature seemed to squirm abit before adjusting comfortably. The screens behind it suddenly became alive with static and a snowy image, making a low crackling sound. Stepping under the chord that reached from the wall to the seated females back, the standing Mud refrained to his original position. A deep breath was taken by the female as she slowly opened the plastic container, she seemed to peer inside, opening it wider with her thumb and finger before tipping the contents out onto the palm of her left hand. Immediatly a picture came up on the screens, all the screens showing a different part and thus making it a whole picture. It was of a DNA strand, Quades. The reds, yellows and blues of it waved around in a gentle spiral, spiraling downwards. The female's right hand clasped over the top of her left, encasing the minute pieces of skin. Her eyes then rolled back, back into her skull and thus leaving the whites of her eyeballs visible. The view zoomed in on one single DNA bleb, a red one. It rushed into it as if being dragged by some sort of force.
Was the sound it made as it hit the bleb, turning all the screens red. Skittering could then be heard in the mass of red, skittering and snarling. The middle of the screens seemed to darken, slowly the red turned to a darker red and then darker still, before the middle of the picture was completly encased in a vicious black hole. A barking sound erupted over the snarling and skittering, a low, menacing rupture of violent sounds then took centre stage, nudging all other sounds out of the equation. The female's mouth began to move gently, opening and closing as if saying some sort of phrase or word but having the volume turned down and thus just seeing the actions.
The screens went back to static again, crackling wildly. The females eyes rolled back into place slowly, her head lolloped from side to side as if she had not slept for weeks. Finally she shook the feeling off and then proceeded with the next item.*

Kowloon: "What the Hell was that about...?"

The Mudokon shrugged, he was only a beginner in the meanings of pictures and thus didn't know much.

Mudokon: "I think the blackness represented evil...I think."

Kowloon sighed and kept staring at the Psychic who was now proceeding with the knife, after shaking her hands off from any possible evidence from the previous items she was now trying the Silver weapon.

Kowloon: "Lets hope this gives us more of an insight..."

*Setting: The female grasped the knife handle with her right hand, taking the knife gently out of its package. Holding it she stared, as if trying to get some sort of signal from it, some sort of vibe. Her left hand brushed the packages off of the table and then met up with the right and grasped the knife blade. Thats when the screens suddenly came alive, sounds echoeing, screaming, snarling, barking, pleading. All sorts of seperate sounds that seemed to circle around the listeners. The screens flickered gently, each one coming up with a seperate picture. Pictures of Orkhids, the screens flicked, each time bringing up a different Orkhid being. The flickering speeded up, until the screens were no more than flashing white boxes.
They slowed, slowed down, stopped. Now showing one whole picture. It was that of an Orkhid, a browny haired Orkhid with stuble down his chin and neck. He was wrapped in a white straight jacket. Rocking from side to side in the middle of the white background. His head slowly turned to face the screen, his face drained by insanity, his pupils dilating, his eyes red and sore. The Psychics left hand grasped the blade tightly, blood oozing from the sides of her fingers and running down her arms. Kowloon pushed himself closer to the window, watching in bewilderment at what was happening. The standing Mudokon stepped forwards, attempting to stop the Psychic from harming herself any further...but he failed, as soon as he got within a couple of inches of her she turned sharply, hurtling the knife at the creatures throat. He gargled, staggering back into the wall, blood spluttering from his mouth and throat. His hands shot up, attempting to stop his life force from draining away but he could do nothing, his back slowly slid down the wall, stopping as his rear hit the cold floor and his torso flopped to the side, allowing more blood to pour out. By this time the Crate that had previously entered had now come to stop the activities of the room, lunging forwards the Reptile attempted to knock the Psychic to the floor, possibly disconnect her from the screen, but it was simply brushed aside with a lone, right hand swipe. Dropping to the floor it looked up, the Psychic female seemed to be jerking about wildly, as if not in control of her body movements.
The sound droned on, followed by the shattering of a Tv screen as its inards blew. Sending glass flying forwards and hitting the Psychic in the back.
It was followed by two more, thus throwing more glass through the air and deep into the females back. She gasped, mouthing some words to the mirror that was situated diagonally opposite her, were Kowloon and the other Mudokon were situated. Her lips moved gently, her eyes weeped blood and then...
The remaining Tv's blew simutaneously, sending hot flecks of glass across the room, into the Psychic and some even hitting the curled up Crate. The glass in which Kowloon was situated behind also cracked, it started in the middle at first and then webbed outwards rapidly, as if some sort of enormous pressure was building behind it...*

Kowloon: "Shit, get down...!!"

Jumping on top of the Albino they both fell to the ground, upon doing so they were then able to witness the immense shattering and screaming of the glass. It exploded into the small dark room un-expectedly. Pieces of it sprinkled the room, merrily dancing on the cold floor. Barely missing the two Mudokons...

(OOC: Thankyou for all people whom showed an interest by the by)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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11-02-2002, 08:22 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Add-on 2

*Setting: In a dark, old warehouse, on the outskirts of Liel sat a creature. A decrepid being. Unable to walk, yet unusually, still had an air of power surrounding it. The being was a Shadowcrawler. A sleek, navy-blue thing capable of concealing itself in the shadows and hiding in the shroud of night. Its eyes were a glowing yellow, much like that of a Glukkon. Shadowcrawlers limbs were spindly and long. Like that of a skeleton but stronger. Scales covered their bodies, bar their face. Two tails sprouted from the rear end of them, covered in a thick fur. Their hands each had four fingers and one thumb. Their feet each had four toes and one spur, jotting out of the back of their ankle. Their hands and feet hid retractable claws, able to slice through skin and scales with frightening ease. The backs of the beings were usually lined with tiny spines, running down the centre of their back. Their eyes shone impishly. However, if they were hunting they would cloud up their eyes, masking the light thats emitted from them. This would, obviously, force them to use their other senses. Such as hearing and smell. Their ears and noses were hardly visible. Their noses were a mere bump, much like a Mudokons. Whilst their ears were small holes in either side of the head, capable of enlargening or tightning up. Their mouth mainly consisted of jagged fangs, each setting nicely next to each other when the mouth was closed. These beings also bore three tongues, the ends tipped with nasty barbs that produced a sort of acid. Burning the skin of their prey once injected. They were the deadliest predators of Mudos...*

Shadowcrawler: "I want that cretin found. Orkhid technology is far more superior these days and the present day Orkhids dont have a clue about technology from the past...We need him. Him alone."

The Shadowcrawler was sat behind a desk, a small wooden desk. The room was dark and humid, water dripped from the pipes up above. Making splishing noises in some area's of the warehouse. He was speaking to three other Shadowcrawlers, each stood infront of him, each suited in black latex and equipped with a number of different weapons and gadgets. Their heads held high, their hands behind their straightened backs.

Shadowcrawler #1: "But sir, how do you expect us to break into an Orkhid Asylum and then break out again...WITH the patient. They have those things guarded every second and if any being so much as attempts to get into an unauthorised section then all the patients in that sector are executed on the spot..."

The creature lowered its head to see its superiors face, speaking with the utmost respect for him.

Shadowcrawler superior: "Quite. But we have something on our side...heh..."

He smirked to himself, placing his hands on the desk. His claws slowly becoming viewable and then retracting once more.

Shadowcrawler superior: "D-11."

A chuckle came from the back of the warehouse. The guards turned around, snarling.

Voice: "And yoo expekt thehm to fhall fhor vhat petty trik...?"

The accent of the speaker was Russian. Slowly yellow eyes appeared from the darkness and then the sleek figure of, yet another, Shadowcrawler came into view via the Moonlight.

Voice: "D-11 hes vhorked vhith many racess. Many koontries have been graced vhiv a D-11 operatiiv. I dhoubt vhey are going too fhall fhor yoor pathetik pahlan..."

Shadowcrawler superior: "Alandos, do not be foolish enough to believe that your quick thinking and interrogation techniques are valuable to me. You served your purpose with Hoolio...i dont need you anymore...but still, feel free to linger and irritate me all you want, it will make it all the more sweeter when i through you out at dawn."

The Russian smiled, bearing his razor teeth. Gently he brushed past the three guards and stepped upto the desk, half sitting on it, half not. His tails waved around curiously.

Alandos: "Now, now, unkle. Vhone vhould vhynk yoo dislyk'd yoor fameely vhiv such an attitood..."

His right hand rubbed the wheelchair bound creatures face. The superior grasped it and pulled it off, staring into his nephews eyes intently.

Shadowcrawler Superior: "The hate i hold for them is a mere spark compared to the burning fury i hold for you..."

Alandos jumped off of the desk and padded upto one of the guards. Gently he ran a hand down the first guards body, the guard remained in his position. Head held high, back straight, hands behind his back.

Alandos: "My, my, my...How intressting."

Within a blink of an eye Alandos had snatched away an oval shaped flash-bang. The guard uttered a protest as Alandos jabbed him in the groin with his knee. Turning away sharply as the winded Crawler dropped to the floor, weezing.

Shadowcrawler superior: "What are you doing, dont you dare activate that...you fool!!"

The rebellious Crawler toyed with it, passing it from hand to hand and smirking. His uncle was less than amused and rolled his chair wheels backwards, quickly backing away from the desk, revealing his quilt covered legs.

Alandos: "Unkle, vhat iz theh lyte intensity fhor such a vheapon?"

He smiled, holding it up in the Moonlight and turning it around suspectly.

Shadowcrawler superior: "What is wrong with you, are you insane!? Suicidal!? Or just plain stupid...!?"

Rolling upto his nephew he screamed these words. Half angrily and half fearfully. Alandos stopped toying, his left brow raised. As his uncle wheeled upto him he shot out his left leg, his foot pressing on the foot platforms of the chair, stopping his uncle from coming towards him anymore.

Alandos: "Yoo silly old fhool. Doo yoo really vhynk i vhould? Yoo reely vhynk i vhould vhant to end up like yoo. A criipple!!?"

He lashed out, snatching the tartan blanket and tugging it off. A foul burning stench arose from the legs of his uncle. The superiors legs were burned, black and crusty they still sizzled. Cracks were forming around the knee's, red cracks.

Alandos: "Unlyke yoo, i avoyd bryte lytes..."

He pushed the crippled being back with his left leg. The other two guards knew better than to get into a family dispute and looked straight ahead, not wanting to turn their heads to see what lied beneathe the cover. Alandos' uncle had been humiliated and had hated every minute of it. Bending over he scooped up the quilt and placed it back over his burned appendages, wheeling away from his nephew whom had now dropped the flashbang and was now heading towards the back of the warehouse.

Alandos: "Catch yoo laterr, unk."

(OOC: Apologies for longness...comments?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 07-06-2003 at 04:59 PM..
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11-08-2002, 08:55 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 11

*Setting: The conferrence room of the Agency was now in meeting. The room held nothing more than a large screen and a round table, capable of seating 13 people. Kowloon sat nearest to the entrance, each time somebody had entered he turned on his swivel chair and acknowledged them. Now all of them were here, all of the Assassins that were needed. There were only 6 Assassins in total, all of them experts, all of them Changlings, all of them killers.*

Kowloon: "This is going to be difficult. We do not know when the entirity of this mission will be over and...for the person chosen...it is a possible life threatening situation."

He sat with his fingers intwined, his face solemn and the bright light shining off of his dark purple suit. The Changlings sat intently, listening to what had to be done.

Kowloon: "Now, im not going to tell one of you that you HAVE to do it. It would be better if you decided amongst yourselves..."

Among the other Changlings was Ella and Kei. Kei was an Oriental looking creature, her eyes slanted, dark and beautiful. Her hands and feet were petite, yet her agility was seemingly magical. Kei and Ella were open lovers and tried to spend as much time as they could together. They sat in their off-duty clothes, hand in hand. Ella was wearing a tight 'FCUK' t-shirt and baggy blue, denim jeans while Kei was wearing a normal white shirt with a black heart on it and tight blue denim jeans, a lighter blue than Ella's. They both wore their hair down and bangles on their wrists and their nails were painted black.

Ella: "I'll do it!!"

She smiled, squeezing her lovers hand excitedly. Kowloon looked at her, worryingly.

Kowloon: "Ella, you might have to kill yourself to stop them finding infomation about us..."

Suddenly her lovers hand tightened and her free hand came upto meet it. Kei looked at Ella fearfully, her eyes begging her not to proceed.

Kowloon: "I dont expect you all to make rash decisions. Let me brief you and give you the outline of the situation first before any choices are made. You are all going to be involved in different, yet highly important, tasks anyway..."

He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small remote like item. Clicking one button gently he dimmed the lights to nothing but blackness. He then proceeded with starting up the screen, which would bring up targets and infomation about their mission(s).

Kowloon: "Ok...Here is the first part."

On Screen;
The view point is like that of a first person perspective. The camera bobs up and down as the person behind it moves to get to its destination. The area it is in seems to be like that of a wood, possibly a forest. The camera angle quickly moves down as if the person is crouching, gently the view is moved forwards behind a sort of bush or shrub, gently the camera is pushed through this and looks out on a giant 5 storey building. The building itself is surrounded by, what seem to be, 15 ft high mesh fences. At the top is a spiral of barbed wire. Orkhids dressed in white roam the grounds, some pushing wheelchair bound patients around some merely just looking out into the wood. The image freezes.

Kowloon: "This is Mojoar Hospital. It is situated in the middle of nowhere and is designed to be easier for troops whom are injured during service to be brought to. It was built during the Reptilian-Orkhid war and has remained since with no complications."

Changling: "Why has it got guards patrolling with cattleprods if its a Hospital...?"

Kowloon: "Good question. Underneathe the main foundation of the base is an insane Asylum. Now, this Asylum is at least 7 miles deep. To get to it you will have to bypass security AND get passed DNA scanning turrets that are situated in the ceiling. Once done you will have access to the patients in which, this..."

On Screen;
The paused picture suddenly shrinks down to half its size as a larger one comes up on the screen, overlapping it. Its a 3D model of a syringe which rotates gently on screen.

Kowloon: "Shall be used to obtain DNA of a patient of your choice. The files on all patients are kept in a large room somewhere in that building, we will need one of you to breach that part of the Asylum and delete all known records of that particular patient. You will be linked via radio and thus the person choosing will have to find out the name of their choice. Once done so, transmit the name over to the Agent in the archives and wait until you have confirmation of the deletion. Once you do, take the DNA of the patient, kill him/her and remove the teeth. Then place a small fire-charge on the corpse. Prefarably somewhere on the mid-section. Once done so, get the Hell out. If security finds out you are there, your in trouble."

The Mudokon held the remote upto the screen and pressed a sequence of buttons.

On Screen;
Both images disappeared as a large aerial photo pops up on screen. It shows the layout of the grounds and the transportation routes of Orkhid personnel.

Kowloon: "This is the grounds of Mojoar, here are the everyday routes of the staff and here are the routes of the vehicles delivering resources."

On Screen;
Red dots on the screen indicated the routes of staff, whilst purple dots indicated vehicle routes.

Kowloon: "Patients are transported through the front entrance, so we shall have look-outs to notify you if any new-comers will be approaching."

Changling: "How are we going to break into the place if it is so heavily guared...?"

Kowloon nodded gently and pressed some more buttons on his control.

On Screen;
The aerial view of the Hospital suddenly zoomed inwards. Zooming in on the roof of the hospital and then panning to a position which seemed as if you were standing on the roof yourself.

Kowloon: "We shall drop you off here. Of course, you will have to glide down from at least 900,000 ft so that the sound of Hover engines do not arouse suspicion. Once on the roof you will split up, each going down the air vents which will get narrower as you proceed."

As if reading the questionable Changlings mind he carried on quickly.

Kowloon: "To overcome the narrowness of the vents you will be carrying the DNA of a Carbal."

On Screen;
A medium sized picture popped up. It was of a greeny-yellow legless beast, green and gunky with a large mouth, round eyes and horizontally slit pupils. It had large arms tipped with two vicious looking claws. As the screen panned around it, it was obvious the beast was oozing some sort of gunge.

Kowloon: "The Carbal is a Carnivor and thus was hard to retrieve DNA from...But we did and you will be carrying it around inside some deoderant bottles. Spray yourself three times and absorb the DNA, then change. The Carbal is constantly excreting and thus is very slimy. This should allow you to get past the narrowness of the vents and drop onto the 5th floor of the Hospital...Any questions?"

Ella turned her head from viewing the screen which was situated behind her to see Kowloon.

Ella: "Two. Where's the danger? And why cant we get the Orkhid DNA off of one of the patients and then kill them...?"

Kowloon smiled.

Kowloon: "The danger comes into the second part of the mission which i will fully explain to you when this has ended. From what my sources tell me, the Orkhids whom are not admitted to the Asylum are kept on record by every other Orkhid related business there is. Once one is admitted though, all records are transferred to one of three Orkhid archives. We are hoping that the Mojoar has no connections with any other archive and thus will transfer the files straight to the nearest. The one in the building..."

Rolling back his shoulders he began to stand. The lights came on now, beaming intensly and briefly disorientating some Changlings.

Kowloon: "Get changed, see Jiles and then report back here for a final briefing..."

He stepped outside, holding the door for all of the Changlings in the room. He smiled and nodded a 'Goodbye' to them as they left. However, as Ella left he grabbed her arm and muttered some sinister words, trying hard not to move his lips.

Kowloon: "You are one of the youngest and best Assassins this agency has. The second part of this missions is dangerous, Ella. Please...i'm begging you. Do not except the offer of decoy...It is too dangerous, even for you."

The young Changling looked shocked, but before she could say anything her superior's face suddenly lightened and he smiled. Saying his goodbye's to both her and Kei before turning away and heading down the hallway to his office...

(OOC: Too long? Complex? What? Please comment now.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 12-28-2002 at 05:35 AM..
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12-26-2002, 08:05 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 12

*Setting: Black, metallic ropes unravelled from the dark, starry sky. Hitting the surface of the Hospital/Institution silently. Up above, hidden by the black clouds and silk like sky was a Hover car. Humming gently. Inside the vehicle were the Assassins, briefed and ready to retrieve what the Agency needed. Each one of them zip-lined down to the roof of their deeds, holding onto the rope with a leathery glove and sliding down at such a speed they were barely visible. They all wore black clothing and contact lenses that allowed them to see on the darkest of nights, each of them also carried a small rucksack that held the gadgets needed. Professionally each one of them landed on the roof, un-fastened the harness that held them to the rope and then radioed the driver whom then reeled in the vine-like ropes and drove away. Now they neared the vents, ready to execute the mission.*

Changling #2: "Y'all ready?"

The Changling was sat on the cold concrete of the roof and began taking off her shoes. The other Assassins nodded and began taking off their clothing. They needed to do this, for if they did not the clothing would restrict them once they had morphed into a Carbal. Soon all of them were naked, and cold, on the roof. They packed their clothing away in their rucksacks and gently took out the cans of DNA. Each can was shaken up before use and then sprayed all around the torso and legs. It wasn't really necessary to spray on the entire body but it did help. Once this was done they then proceeded to unscrew the vent covers with a small device that was much like a screw driver but quicker and more efficient. Taking the cover off gently they placed it on the ground, trying not to make suspicious noises or give off their scent. Ella snarled and rolled her shoulders.

Ella: "Hey, good luck."

She kissed Kei on the cheek and ran her right hand through her hair. Kei smiled softly and then began to morph into a Carbal, closely followed by the others. As they changed their bodies shook, their eyes flamed an angry red and their legs curled up. Green substances oozed from their bodies and turned their pale, peach-like skin to a vile, phlegm like colour. Once the changes were complete they gathered their rucksacks, gently lowered them down the shaft and then lolloped in after them, slowly making their way down the increasingly narrow ventilation shaft. As the first creature reached the bottom it picked up a rucksack, in its mouth, and made its way in a direction of its choice. The shaft they went down was basically in a cross junction of two others, thus giving each of them four possible routes. Ella took the North route and Kei took the West, the other three went seperate ways with one following Kei.


Finally Ella came upto a grating. She smiled to herself and changed back into her original form. The grating was situated on the bottom of the shaft and thus was on the ceiling in the room. Rumaging through her bag she then produced the device used to unscrew the screws earlier and began to get to work...


Kei snarled, she was now in a small, Library-like room. Full of books and files. She had gotten in through a venting that was on the wall and was now in her natural form, as was the Changling that had gone the same way as her. Both of them were working together, skittering from shelf to shelf and flipping through the files.

Kei: "Hey, Ori...you found anything?"

Her partner turned from flipping through a small, leather notebook.

Ori: "Na-uh."

Shaking her head she made this disappointed sound. Kei sighed and looked around, the shelves were large and consisted of a range of books. Some that were barely readable.

Kei: "This is gonna take forever...Ugh."


Ella dropped to the ground and rolled behind a patients bed. The ward was dark with only the moonlight lighting the way. Ella quickly pulled out her clothing that was packed scrufferly in her bag and attempted to put it on as quickly and quietly as she could. Hoping none of the patients on that ward would suddenly awaken. Suddenly she halted, footsteps could be heard from down the corridor and they were heading in her direction. Pushing her clothing and backpack under the bed she was hid behind, Ella attempted to conceal herself by curling up into a ball and trying to make herself as small as possible. The creature walking past was an Orkhid Doctor, he seemed to be dressed in white with black trousers. He wandered past with a clipboard, looking over each patient as he did. As he gradually stepped past Ella an idea crept into her head. Still naked she stood up and crept up behind him, her bare feet silent on the cold, marbled floor. As she neared she smiled, realising that this lowly being will make her task alot easier. Her hands raised, her fingers spread and with a quick grunt she grabbed the Dr's head, pulled him back, got a copy of his DNA via her hands and snapped his neck. All this was done in a matter of seconds, the Dr was taken by surprise and thus never even got a chance to utter a sound. Ella praised herself silently, dragging the heavy corpse to a patients bed were she stripped it and then shoved it underneathe, away from prying eyes. Dressed as her victim she then morphed, gathered the items that were needed from her backpack...and set out to finish the mission.


Secretary: "Dr, Commandor Iraxx is on line one for you. Would you like to take it now? Or shall i take a message?"

The female Orkhid was peeking from around the crack in the door, informing her superior of the caller on the line. The Dr looked up from scribbling something on a small pad and picked up the phone.

Dr: "Thankyou Sandra, that'll be all. Hello, Commandor?"

Holding the phone between his left ear and shoulder he finished his scribblings and tore the message off, read through it and then stuffed it in his pocket.

Dr: "Yes. We're going to do a psych evalution, possibly scan his memory. Hmm? Oh, dont worry Commandor, we'll be as gentle as pos...hello? Hello?"

He hurridly grasped the phone in his hand now, pulled the dialer towards him and pressed a few buttons.

Dr: "Sandra? Sandra?"

He stood up, his tone of voice was a mixture of fear and frustration. Setting the phone down firmly he made his way around the desk and towards the door. His breathing was rapid now and his posture firm and tense. Grabbing the door he pulled it open, only to be greeted with the sight of one of his employee's carrying some sort of cannister.

Dr: "Dr.Vaush? What are yo..."

The superior medical worker staggered back clutching his face. Black blood seeped from his nose which had now been broken by the Oxygen cannister. Staring blankly the bleeding Orkhid scanned his attacker, his hands clutching his nose to halt the bleeding.
With a low growl the cannister was then swung around, connecting with the Dr's head and knocking him down to the side, unconcious yet alive.

Dr Vaush: "This is Moui. I've taken out one of the head staff, im going to look for a map of the place. Out."


Ella: "Good work, Moui."

The changed Changling was now heading towards the exit of the ward, she pushed through the double doors with her left shoulder and proceeded down the corridor they lead to. The floor was black and white chequered, much like a Chess board but with added scratches.

Receptionist: "Evening, Dr. Just finished your nightly rounds?"

She was sat behind a large desk with a stack of papers on the right side of her desk. The desk was curved, much like that of a half moon. Ella smiled and wandered upto the desk.

Ella: "Yes, heh."

She set down the clipboard and started some small talk with the Orkhid, hoping it would lead to some intel.


Ori: "Hey, hey Kei...(!) Over here, quick!!"

Ori turned from rumaging around the bookshelf and beckoned her friend over.

Kei: "What...is that?!"

Kei squinted in the darkness, her vision was slightly impaired because of the darkness, even though she was wearing contact lenses, but all that did was make the surrounding area's green and black. But still, she could see enough to be intrigued. At the back of the wall, behind the large bookshelf was a square, blinking object. Much like a safe of somekind. On the front panel of the object was a number pad and on the right side edge a switch.

Ori: "Do you think its some kind of safe? Or computer?"

Kei felt the front of it and shook her head slowly.

Kei: "I dont know, it could be...hmmm. Do you think we should try pushing some of the buttons?"


Moui: "NO(!) Dont touch any!!"

Over hearing her cohorts in this mission she warned them not to. Moui was still in the Dr's form but this time was typing wildly on a keyboard. The keyboard was from under the desk of the unconcious Dr and the screen to it had popped up from behind. After managing to hack into the 'log in' security area she was now going through all the memo's of the sleeping Dr and scan through all rules and regulations.

Moui: "You'll need the passcode, otherwise you'll set off the alarms and be locked in..."


Kei's hand jolted away from the panel and she took a weary step back.

Kei: "What is it? And why is it hidden...?"

Moui: "Its one of the memory banks to the archives in the Asylum...there's three of them. Each containing a certain amount of institutionalised Orkhid's. If we took the DNA from the Orkhids stored in that archive bank...and you were able to access it, you could destroy the entire section of them. This would not only wipe out the Orkhid we took but also force the staff to rebuild that database..."

She sat back after scanning the entire document and rubbed her eyes. There was a stunned silence over the comms.

Ori: "Do you have the passcodes on there?"

Finally Ori broke the silence with the question that was of great importance.

Moui: "No, i'll try and find it. Whereabouts are you?"

*Rapid Beeping*
The Changling turned her head to the left and frowned. A small red light was beeping on the wall. She got off the swivel chair she was sat on and creeped up to it, leaning forwards to look closely at it as she did. Raising her hand and an outstretched index finger she pushed in the blinking light.

Voice: "Who the Hell are you...?"

Moui stepped back, the button was to indicate that a hologram message was awaiting her and pushing it was granting the speaker to view, not only that but she was now being televised to the speaker, hence him being able to see her.

Moui: "Ermm...Err...I'm Dr Vaush."

She smiled at the Orkhid Hologram, not recognising the person whom was being projected. The Hologram itself was of a man dressed in black, his hair was relativly longish and he had an air of power to him. Light beemed from the lights that created the Hologram and thus lit up some of the room.

Hologram: "Where's Dr Kingling? Why are you in his office?"

The Changling looked around fearfully, trying to find the button that ends the transmission.

Moui: "Ermmm...he's...he's out at the moment. Trying to...calm a patient."

The Orkhid being projected sighed and brushed his black hair out of his face.

Hologram: "Ok, well...well could you tell him Commandor Iraxx wants to speak with him. And tell him i want all the files on Tobias Acrangle."

The Changling nodded and saluted. Hoping this was the normal Orkhid routine. She realised she may have been abit off by the way that the Commandor had looked at her before ending the message.

Moui: "Sorry about that. Where did you say you where?"


Kei: "In the store room. Well...one of them."

Moui: "Ok, i'll get to work."

Wandering over to a small desk Kei rested herself on it and cracked her knuckles. Sighing.

Ori: "Whats wrong? You worried about Ella?"

The Changling nodded softly and looked towards the door of the room. Wondering if they should block it or not just incase.

Ori: "She'll be ok, i'm sure of it. Ella, where are you?"


Ella was now walking down the corridor with the Orkhid Receptionist close behind. They past door upon door of Orkhid patients, some with the lights on and some with the lights off, either way it didn't matter. They would have been no use.

Receptionist: "Mmmm...Dr, why dont we try it here. Its empty...heh."

The young, female Orkhid tugged on the medical coat that Ella was wearing and smiled hornily. Ella smirked back and grabbed the Orkhid around the waist, kissing her and carrying her into the room at the same time. The door was closed behind them by the Receptionists foot and then they kissed somemore.

Receptionist: "So..."

Ella: "So..."

She smiled and looked deep into the females eyes. And then watched as her body hit the ground. Ella rubbed her Elbow, she had knocked the creature unconcious by hitting her in the face with the ball of her Elbow. Crouching she grabbed the females arm and tugged her towards the bed. She then proceeded undressing her and took her DNA.

Ella: "I'm in one of the bedrooms. I'll be out soon. Mel, you hear me? Mel?"


Mel: "Yeh, hurry up!!"

This Orkhid was stood near one of the lifts, she too was disguised as an Orkhid female. A Nurse this time. However she hadn't bothered to change her clothes and was dressed in the black suit that they had infiltrated the Hospital in. Hiding in the shadows opposite was Kisha, she wasn't going to change until she got to the Asylum.

Kisha: "Way av bane waitane four-eva..."

Her accent was not like the others, more of a North-African accent than anything.

Ella: "Ok, i'm on my way..."


Moui: "Hey, found something. Try the numbers 578110."

She skipped through the older emails of the Dr and read the most recent. Amused by some of the more personal one's.

Kei: "578..."

Moui: "...110. Got it?"


Kei: "Yeh...you certain this will work?"

Ori patted Kei on the back and smirked.

Ori: "Just do it, live on the edge...heheheh."

Kei pushed the last button, the little code beeped and the buttons she had pushed lit up. Finally a merry, elongingated buzz was produced and the switch blinked green. Kei's shaking index finger wobbled over to it and she pressed it lightly.
The panel slid away and showed what it was hiding. A circuit. It was like some sort of futuristic city viewed from above.

Ori: "We did it...Ella, Mel, Kisha!! You dont have to find the archive room. We have a shortcut here!!"


The three females were situated in the main lift that went downwards. They had gotten there through many complicated plans. Ella had seduced one of the higher ranking Dr's to the area where the lift was, awaiting her was Mel who also helped. After walking him over to the lift panel Kisha then interrogated him and forced him to use it, thus giving them access to the lift. He was then knocked unconcious and dragged to the same room as the Receptionist and thrown ontop of her in the same bed. The three Assassins were now in the lift and travelling down to the Asylum. Oblivious to the attempts that Ori, Kei and Moui made to contact them. The comms were not working in the lift and were halting the connections all six of them have...
The mission was to get a whole lot more dangerous...

(OOC: This has taken me aaaaaaaaaaages to wright and i have been working on it on and off for months. Apologies for the crapness of it but it is now 11:00 at night. I would appreciate some form of comment though.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 12-26-2002 at 12:59 PM..
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01-11-2003, 09:38 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 13

Quade: "Where'd you get this batch from?"

Quade was stood behind a bullet proof glass window which was situated on the wall above the training room, He was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, watching a group of new recruits onlook at the other professional Assassins train.

Kowloon: "Mainly the streets. The two Mudokons were purchased, as was the Orkhid down there. The rest were homeless..."

The suited Mudokon scratched his chin with the back of his fingers. There were six recruits all together, all a variety of specie. Ranging from Saurian to Mudokon. Even a Sauk had been found, which was suprising as these creatures were close to extinction due to their inability to consume most foods. Sauks are closely related to the Saurians but there inability to consume the vast majority of goods produced make them a very rare race to come across. Their skin is a bright-red and they have sharp, yellow spines protruding from their back. They also have a yellow horn on the end of their snout. Their Elbow spines and dew claw are also yellow whereas their claws are black. This one's eyes was crimson.

Quade: "Where you find the Sauk?"

Kowloon: "Ask him when you meet..."

Quade turned, scratching his right hand. Puzzled.

Quade: "What? Oh no, i'm not training them...(!) You can forget that."

Resting a hand on the Saurians shoulder Kowloon chuckled.

Kowloon: "Lets not forget who the boss is around here, eh? Now, go..."

Shrugging the Mudokons hand off of his shoulder he made his way down the corridor towards the steps that took him to the training room. Kowloon smirked to himself as he watched through the window, knowing that Quade would have a handful with the Sauk.


Quade made his way towards the children who's ages ranged from 8-18. Behind him he dragged a blue, landing mat along the floor. Other Assassins whom were training stopped what they were doing and awaited for Quades lesson to start, some sitting and some standing. He flung the mat down and nudged it around for a while with his feet before turning to the children who were stood around, looking bored.

Quade: "I'm pressuming this is your first training lesson and so i'm going to be reletivly gentle with you. Do as i say and we should get along fine. Now, when i call you across, step upto the mat and state your name and age...Right. You."

He pointed to one of the female Mudokons who was stood in a pair of raggy shorts and jumper. She mumbled something and stepped upto the opposite side of the mat that Quade was at.

Female: "Maggie. 10."

Quade: "Good. Now, Maggie, attack me..."

The creature's eyes widened and she muttered something shyly.

Quade: "Attack me. Come on..."

The creature, not wanting to disappoint, stepped upto Quade and attempted to slap him on the right hand side of the face. Quade blocked the pathetic attempt with his right hand and pushed her back with his left. Tutting frustratedly as she fell back on her rear.

Quade: "Pathetic. Go sit over there..."

He pointed over his shoulder and waited til the Mudokon did so before calling up the Saurian. Hoping a change of specie may offer more of a challenge. It didn't and once more Quade sighed disappointed and told him to sit with Maggie.

Quade: "Ok, fine...you."

He pointed to the other Mudokon, summoning him up.

Voice: "I wanna go..."

The Saurian turned as mumbles from the spectating Assassins and trainee's arose like a wave. Quade turned seeing the Sauk stood with its arms crossed.

Quade: "And you are...?"

Sauk: "Silian. And yourself?"

Quade smirked and beckoned him to take the Mudokons place.

Quade: "I'm Quade. How old are you, Silian?"

The being moved into position.

Silian: "16."

Quade nodded and then motioned with his fingers for him to come forth. And that he did.

*Setting: Quickly Silian moved forwards, stopping a yard away from Quade to execute a torso kick. Grabbing the beings foot with both hands Quade pushed him away and nodded, impressed. The beast then attempted to punch Quade and swung at him, one after the other. Again, Quade blocked these but as he did so he moved back, moving off of the mat. Kowloon watched intrigued from above and the spectators spoke softly amongst themselves. Grabbing Silians wrists Quade then kicked the recruit in the stomach, sending him staggering backwards, winded.*

Quade: "Well done. I'm impressed."

There was a round of applause for the Sauks effort, he though, was now righting himself from his hunched over position. Quade held out his hand to shake that of Silians only to find himself attacked by him...again.

*Setting: Silian grasped Quades hand with his left hand and then jumped up, running up Quades chest he then jumped off, kicking Quade in the face as he flipped off backwards, landing evenly on his feet. Quades nostril dripped a bit of blood and he snarled, attempting to regain his composure. Silian ran at him again, this time ducking away from Quades mid-kick and sweeping his grounded leg from him, causing the Assassin to drop to the ground. There was a whoop of applause and laughter from the audience and Silian smirked, backing away. Quade climbled to his feet and was met with a swift kick to the side and an oncoming punch which he managed to grab before it hit his face. He twisted it around so that Silian was in no state to attack and then punched the 16 yr old square in the face, watching it as it dropped down.*

Quade: "Nice try."

Stepping over the floored teen he wiped his left nostril, checking his hand to see if there was any blood.

Silian: "We haven't finished..."

The Saurian turned his head, seeing the standing teen behind him. Its body glistening with sweat. Its hands clenched. And a stern expression on its face.

Quade: "I have..."

Silian stepped towards Quade, only to be met with a round the house kick by his opponant. He staggered to the side, shocked. But still on its feet. Quade now stood in his attack stance, jumping from side to side. Silian laughed and spat a mouthful of blood out before getting in his attack position.

Voice: "Need some help, Q? Heheheh..."

Quade turned his head to look across to the shower entrance. A tall, bulky Mudokon was stepping out, drying his feathers with a white towel. His skin was greeny-blue and he had a towel around his waist.

Quade: "Marl, piss off..."

He turned his attention back to Silian who was still stood watching him, eyeing him up and down.

Marl: "Awww, come on...pweeeze."

He put a babyish voice on and placed his hands in a praying like manner, resting the towel over his shoulder as he did so.

Quade: "Look, i can handle a recruit...ok?"

Silian: "This is our fight, so why dont you go and f*ck yourself, Mud."

He stated this without taking his eyes off of Quade. Just incase he attempted an attack. Marl on the other hand now concentrated his attention on the teen. Growling as he neared.

Marl: "Wanna say that again, kid?"

Silian's right hand pointed at Marl, the middle finger rising from the clenched fist.

Silian: "AAHHHGGRRRRR...!"

Seconds later Silian had dropped to his knees, clutching his head. Marl approached watching as the kid tried to overcome the searing pain.

Marl: "Whats a matter? The lowly Mud too big and stwong for the ickle Sauk?"

He bent over, getting his face closer to the child. His voice was babyish as he mocked the teen. Reveling in the stare the child gave him through tear, stricken eyes.

Marl: "Idiot."

He stood up, now looking at Quade. The Sauk had dropped forwards...unconcious. The audience mumbled disapproval at Marl and turned to get back on with what they were doing. The recruits watched amazed by what the Mudokon had just done.

Quade: "You could have killed him. For f*cks sake, dont use that on kids!"

Marl turned away, adjusting his towel as he walked off.

Marl: "Who's going to stop me, Quade? Hmm? Who?"

(OOC: Blarrrrg)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 07-11-2004 at 06:42 AM..
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01-18-2003, 06:13 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 14

*Setting: As the lift doors slowly opened with a slow and grinding groan the three Assassins were met with complete darkness. Carefully they darted outwards and pressed themselves up against the wall, moving slowly up the dank passage as they did so. The floor was wet and soily and the ceiling cracked and allowing water and other liquidy substances to seep in.*

Ella stopped and leant off of the wall.

Ella: "Kisha, you go ahead, ok? Keep in your current form aswell..."

She could see the Changling nod, she then stepped past them, still in Orkhid form. The other two followed her, they were in their normal form and were thus more agile. Mel was holding a small EMP Grenade, just incase she needed to use it on any DNA turrets. Through the darkness they could see some sort of light coming from a branching corridor and a faint sound of talking. Kisha signalled for them to stop and walked down the corridor.


Guard: "I know, i was thinking about that...but then i decided not to. If i ever got found out i'd be f*cked, heh."

The Orkhid male was butch and broad-shouldered. He held a black baton and was speaking to an off-duty Nurse. She was smiling flirtatiously and giggling in a high pitched manner at the un-funniest of remarks.

Nurse: "Well, my brother was just like that. I warned him though and he eventually was pu...hey, who are you?"

She noticed Kisha walking by. The Assassin turned and quickly responded with a believable story.

Kisha: "Imma one ov ve noo Nurses cum ta luk afta ve patiants, imma jus gonna sine in noww..."

The Nurse looked her up and down before nodding and waving her hand in a 'shoo' manner. Kisha nodded and then began to turn to carry on walking, however, she turned back and produced a small metal, egg-shaped object.

Kisha: "Erm, a fownd vis. A waz wundring if yoo cud tell may wat it iz? Or posiblee tell may if enyone haz losst it..."

She threw it in the Guards direction, he caught it in one hand and looked at it closely, turning it and mumbling something. The Nurse, too, was intrigued and tried helping to figure out what it was.
A slight flash of light was emitted from the entire ball, followed by a volt of electricity. The two creatures shook gently before dropping to the ground, unconcious.

Kisha: "Gess not, heh."

Her two cohorts quickly darted from their darkened hideaways and dragged the bodies into the shadows, then exiting as them.

Ella: "Nice work...I'm going to look for the archives. You two go and bag yourselves some Orkhids..."

She darted off down the brightish corridor and followed a few signs that stated were the archives were. The other two followed the signs that stated were the patients were situated.


Ella darted down the corridors, disguised as the Nurse. Posters lined the area as well as small pamphlet holders, stating such things as 'Enroll now!!' or 'Upgrade your medical appliances. Call this number' and detailed specific instruments that could be upgraded. Her running slowed down to a quick walk now and she had more time to scan her surroundings, noticing how unkept the mental ward was. Humming could be heard coming from behind the staffroom door, the Assassin turned the handle gently and pushed it open. Poking her head through cautiously. A lone Doctor was stood over the staff sink washing some mugs and cups. The staffroom itself was rather dirty with Spider webs hanging from corner of the room and cracks in the ceiling. Even the carpet seemed to stink of rotting food.

Ella: "Erm, excuse me Dr. Do you know were the archives are? I was told to meet the Consultant there..."

The Dr turned around, showing his piercing blue eyes and rougish good looks.

Dr: "Yes. Erm, which Consultant are you talking about?"

Ella shook her head and entered the room abit more.

Ella: "I dont know, i'm new here you see and supposed to be getting a tour of the place..."

He nodded and picked up a dishcloth, drying his hands.

Dr: "Ahh. Well, if you just give me a minute i'll show you where to go."


They had found what they had been looking for, the entrance to the cells and beds were the 'non-sociable' were kept. Unfortunatly it was guarded by two rather menacing watchmen and a DNA turret. The two Assassins were hid around the corner, Kisha had decided that it was best to morph back into her normal self so that she had the added advantage of being agile. Mel gripped the EMP Grenade and Kisha grasped her two knives, itching to throw them. Silently Mel counted them down and when she reached three...they both dived out.

*Setting: Mel rolled out into the open, crouched down as she hurled the EMP Grenade at the turret, it sailed through the air, beeping rapidly as it did so. Whilst this was happening the two Guards drew their guns and the turret began scanning Mel. Then Kisha leapt out, casting her two weapons in the direction of the guards, the cut throat blades sliced through the air, coming to a stop once they had hit their targets chests. Blood oozed out of their wounds as they simutaneously fell onto the wall that was behind them and slid down.
The grenade went off mid-flight, disarming the turret instantly with a overpowering charge of electric. The turret moved franticly for a moment or two before drooping down lifeless...fried.*


Ella: "Well i was told by a friend that there was a job here, so i rang up, got an interview and now im here. Heh."

The two creatures were walking down the corridor, talking between themselves, the Dr seemingly genuinely interested in her.

Ella: "So, dont you ever venture up top?"

The Dr shook his head and placed his hands in his white, coat pockets.

Dr: "Nope. Haven't felt the fresh, cool breeze on my skin for 3 years now. No worries though, i'll be moving soon and hopefully joining the Dr's in some of the medical bases around Mudos."

He smiled at such a prospect, imagining what it would be like. Ella nodded, noticing a double doored entrance coming into view. It had a small security panel on the side of it and Ella guessed this is were she had to be. As the Dr slowed down, her thoughts were confirmed.

Dr: "Well, here we are. Looks like your early...or late. Heh."

He smiled gently. Ella looked at the security panel and sighed, brushing her hand up against it.

Ella: "Whats the code...?"

The Orkhid chuckled and shook his head.

Dr: "If i told you that, i'd be in big trouble. Only high ranking personal can have that infomation..."

Ella turned to him and smiled softly, gently placing a hand on his shoulder.

Ella: "Your going to be dead if you dont..."

The Dr chuckled once more but his laughter was cut short as Ella kneed him in the groin and then darted behind him, grasping his head in a headlock and forcing him on his knee's.

Ella: "Well...?"

The Dr was choking and trying to struggle free, astonished by the Nurses strength.

Dr: "I-I thought we...who...who are you? What do y-ou w...ach."

His sentence was cut short as Ella squeezed harder, he quickly got the message and lifted his hand up to start punching in the correct key code.

Mel: "You in...?"


Ella: "Nearly, give me a few more..."

A beep could be heard from over the comms system followed by a brief snap.

Mel: "What was that?"

She was stood over the strapped down body of an Orkhid. The ward was dark and hardly any light was in the room. This Orkhid was sleeping but there were many others who were awake. He was wearing a straightjacket and had brown, leather belts strapping him down.

Ella: "Nothing. Right, give me a minute to access the archives."


The 3rd Changling was wandering down a narrow corridor, she was walking past electronic doors. Many were rusted and had scratch marks on the otherwise smooth. Moaning and banging could be heard from the inside of some containers, aswell as the insane ramble from time to time. On the right side of the doors and hanging from the wall were the charts of the 'patients'. Kisha knew she wouldn't be able to access the creatures on the inside, but curiosity made her proceed.

Voice: "Why, why are you still hereeeee...what do you want from me?"

Kisha stopped in her tracks and pushed her ear against the steel door from were the voice was coming from.

Voice: "When? Cant you just leave me alone til then?"

She stepped away and checked the chart of the being. Muttering to herself the creatures name. She smirked and then shook her head, hoping she would never get like that. Turning into the direction she had came from she then proceeded back to were the bedded Orkhids were.


Ella's fingers sweeped across the keyboard as if she was put in fast forwards. The moniter she was sat at was nearly as big as the room itself and the wires connected to it took up most of the backroom.

Ella: "Right, i'm ready. Whats your choice called?"


Mel: "Boan. Symon Boan."

She was scanning the clipboard and looking for any other relevant infomation. There was none.

Ella: "K."

She typed in the name and waited while the search began.
The name blinked up on the screen and Ella highlighted it and then typed in 'delete'. An infomation box popped up asking for a password and username. Ella froze, not knowing what to type in.


Mel: "You done...?"

Ella: "Nearly, carry on with the mission."

Mel nodded to herself and grasped the creatures neck, it awoke, trying to scream out, but failed as its vocal cords were slowly squashed. Gasping like a fish the creatures lifeforce was gradually squeezed out. Before it was completly diminished Mel stook the syringe into its neck and drew out some blood. She then awaited til it was dead before moving on to the next part of the proccedure.


Kisha was now at the other side of the room and was doing the same thing, withdrawing the blood, killing the being and then taking the teeth. She was doing this with a small, suction device. It was no bigger than a Biro pen but was powerful enough to pull the teeth out by the root. Finally taking the last tooth out, she then pulled out the Fire-charge and stook it into the dead creatures chest. Arming it. The red light blinked once and then let out a small 'bip' every few seconds, Kisha stepped away, taking the needle off of the glass and placing the body of the syringe in the back of her black, latex suit.

Kisha: "Yoo redy...?"

Mel finished up with what she was doing and nodded.

Mel: "Hey, Elz...you done yet?"


The Changling rubbed her face anxiously.

Ella: "Errr...yeah."

She breathed deeply and typed in a random user name. Hoping it would work, her fingers seemed to itch as her hands slowly moved over the keys to type in the password.

Ella: "Get to the lift and wait for me. If i'm not there in three minutes, go..."

She pressed enter.


Ori: "Should we do it, anyway? Just incase?"

She was looking at Kei, awaiting her 'blessing' as it were. She nodded, giving it. Ori turned to the circuit and began to prise it out, tearing the wires out of it as she did so. Sparks leapt from the back of it as the wires disconnected.

Kei: "Careful..."

She put a hand on Ori's shoulder, cautioning her. The circuit was thrown to the floor and then stamped on, Ori smiled and turned to Kei, addressing her and Moui.

Ori: "Lets go..."


Ella: "Shit..."

She stepped back, the screen was flashing red and a countdown system was on the screen. Asking for the correct passcode. It started at 10 and then went down every second. Not waiting to find out what happened after it reaches 0 Ella turned and ran, slamming through the double doors and then speeding down the corridors.

Computer: "5...4...3...2...1..."

The computer began counting down from 5, the mechanical voice seeming more menacing as it went down a number.

Mel: "Whats going on? What hap...Fu..."


The Changling dived to the right as a DNA turret fired upon her, the bullets hitting the soily ground and spitting the dirt up in the air. Kisha jumped underneathe it and landed on her back, kicking it with the soles of her feet repeatedly until it stopped fireing upon the other Assassin who was taking cover behind a metallic seat.

Ella: "Whats happened?"

Kisha: "Va turats...Vey onlyn...!! An in morr plases!!"

Down the corridors that were once unarmed, now hang fierce turrets scanning the area for any intruders. Each coming from a small compartment in the ceiling and capable of turning a full 360 degree's.

Mel: "What happened back there!?! What did you do...!?!"


Ella: "I'll tell you when we get back!!"


She darted through corridors and under armed turrets, bullets flew past her, hitting the walls and floors. Occasionally a Guard would rush out of a room and try and floor her, thankfully he would always miss and he would be nailed by the bullets. Turning down a familiar corridor she pushed herself to the limit, making her way to the darkness that was ahead of her and that lead her to the lift.

Ella: "Ahhgggrrrrrr....!!"

She jumped through the air, her legs kicking and arms waving as she attempted to get more distance. Bullets hit the surfaces around her, some richocheting off of metallic surfaces and not stopping til they hit a more solid surface. Her feet touched the ground and she practicly threw herself into the dark mouth of the doorway and thus into safety.


Kisha and Mel were doing practicly the same thing, but alot slower. They were three turrets away from, what they classified as, 'the safe zone'.

Mel: "I'll...i'll go first...You follow...i'll take out...any non-mechenical hostiles...and distract the turrets."

Kisha nodded awkwardly at the breathless orders and waited for the spoken plan to be put into action. Mel dove out, turning quickly in the direction of the first turret and stepping underneathe it, smashing the underside metal with her clenched fist. Another turret down the hall turned, its laser sight pin-pointing Mel's stomach. Kisha saw, her face went pale and she dove out of cover, rushing towards Mel who's fist was bleeding through the sharpness of the metal. Rugby tackling Mel to the ground, Kisha took a side full of bullets. Mel hit the wall and slid down it, moaning.

Kisha: "Go...GO!!"

Mel stood up, noticing the turret that had just shot Kisha. She grabbed the turret that she had previously had hold of and shoved her fist into the underside of it, fiddling with the wires. Her other hand then grasped the nozzle of it and kept it inline with the other.

She triggered the bullet system and forced the gun to fire upon the other. Upon hitting they had destroyed it instantly, yanking her hand out of the one she had used, she then pulled the rest of the wires out. Disarming it.

Mel: "Kisha...!! Kisha!!"

She turned, crouching down next to her bleeding saviour. Kisha had got hit by all 8 of the bullets and was close to death, her skin was pale and her eyes half closed. And in a slight whisper she ordered her friend to leave and to stay focused to avoid the final obstacle. Sniffling Mel took the syringe and Orkhid teeth off of her and turned, sprinting away. Kisha sighed, gulping. Reaching into her side pocket she pulled out her final Fire-charge and activated it. Placing it in her mouth she awaited, waited til the others were activated. Waited for the evidence of her, and the other Orkhids', existance to be destroyed.


Ella: "Hurry!! Come on!!"

Ella was holding the lift door open, she could see Mel dive into the darkness, followed by a hail of bullets. She stood to her feet and sprinted towards the lift.

Ella: "Where's Kisha!?!"

Mel shook her head and jumped in the lift, resting her back on the metallic walls as the doors closed.

Ella: "Shit..."


*Setting: On the dark ward all was quiet, only two small 'bipping' noises could be heard. The Guards and Dr's barged into the room, flicking the lights on to do a quick bodycount. They busied through the ward, counting in their heads. One stopped, noticing the strong smell of blood and a strange foreign object protruding from the body of one of the restrained patients. He stepped upto it, listening to the small sound it made.
Fire exploded from it like a small Napalm charge. The Dr was engulfed as was the patient. Another charge went off, sizzling the 2nd patient. A slight scream came from the Dr's mouth before he was totally fried. His body dropping down to the ground, hissing. Mission complete*
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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01-26-2003, 05:41 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 15

Ella entered Kowloons office, she was soaked and had a white towel around her shoulders and was wearing a sheet of foil. Her eyes were red and sore and she seemed to be limping. Her superior rose and quickly stepped up to help her into her seat.

Kowloon: "I'm pressuming it wasn't as smooth as it could have been..."

The Changling sniffed and shook her, the foil crinkling as she sat.

Ella: "We lost Kisha..."

Stepping around to his side of the desk the Mudokon nodded and rubbed his left hand through his plume.

Kowloon: "It was a hard mission, i should have sent more...But i couldn't afford capture. I-I'm sorry."

He sat down and sighed. Ella sniffled some more and then placed a vial of blood on his desk.

Ella: "There's another one in the Labs. They're thinking about combining the blood so that they can get a mixture of both victims...Thus allowing a 3rd member to go along."

Dabbing her nose with the back of her hand she sat back. Her muscles ached and, although the foil was helping, she was still cold.

Kowloon: "How are the others?"

Ella: "They've been better...Their morale is abit low, but what can you expect..."

The Mudokon nodded slowly.

Kowloon: "You say you lost Kisha...How? Are you sure she wasn't captured?"

The Changling seemed to snarl as she answered him.

Ella: "Kisha killed herself, her loyalty to this Agency cost her, her life. You really think she would compromise the operation by allowing herself to be captured!?! Do you!?!"

The Mudokon was slightly taken back but stood his ground all the same. He twirled his thumb ring around as he replied with a firm yet fair statement.

Kowloon: "You have to understand, Ella, that we cannot allow any creature that works with or for this Agency to fall into enemy hands. If we do, not only is the base in danger but the staff themselves. So, obviously, i have to check and make sure that when an agent is down, they stay down. Now, the details..."

Ella shook her head slowly and climbed to her feet.

Ella: "Ask Mel she was involved more than me, and make sure your a little more tactful when you suggest that she may have bottled it when it came to finishing herself off..."

And at that Ella had turned and walked towards the door, not turning back nor bothering what her superior thought. He was out of line, and he knew it.


Quade: "Hey Jale!! Kowloon wants to speak to you...!!"

The Saurian shouted over all the clanking, hammering and welding. He was stood at the entrance to the Garage, a large spacious place filled with cars and other vehicles. The Mudokon in question turned to him, he was dressed in blue overalls that were stained with slick Oil. The car he was working on wasn't his but someone elses. It was a red cadillac.

Jale: "Why, mon? What tas Jale dun rong vis tyme?"

Placing the tools he was working with gently on the ground he pushed through the other mechanics and drivers, weaving in and out of dorment cars. His face was tainted black, apart from around the eyes which indicated he was wearing goggles.

Quade: "All i know is that there's another job coming up that'll need a good driver."

Scratching the back of his neck Jale smirked and nodded.

Jale: "Ok mon, where duz 'e wanna see me?"

Quade: "His office, i'd hurry...he told me to tell you 10 minutes ago."

The expression on the creatures face changed from calm and relaxed to pure panic and terrified in a matter of seconds. Side stepping Quade allowed the being to rush past him and down the corridor towards Kowloons office, smirking as he watched the bumbling creature push past any creature in its way...


(OOC: Anti-Climax i know but im tired of this fic and will soon be ending it...Blarg!!)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 04-01-2003 at 08:49 AM..
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