That is what I am saying. There's obviously much more of a connection between Sligs and Glukkons, as the Octigi Family drawing indicates - look at Octigi 0.1, you can see it has the same sort of tentacles around the mouth as a Slig.
Actually, I was just thinking the other day that Vykkers might have legs similar to those of Gloktigi, possibly making them quite distant relatives, but I've disguarded that idea. Glukkons would also seem to be closely related to the Turtle Hunter (as Niteowl pointed out). I'm going a tad off topic here, but there was discussion a while back about Glukkons originating from wader-like birds, making them possibly very distant relatives of Mudokons. Now if that's true (big 'if', but I'm interested by this. Besides, everyone needs a PA moment every now and then), then we've got a bit of a pattern forming, since we know Mudokons, Glukkons and Sligs are all super species. Would that make the Turtle Hunters and the Hickens also super species?
Although I've just realised that the bird-like attributes of pre-Glukkons would have to have been a temporary state of the evolutionary process, since you have to account for the other Octigi to have evolved from this, which they don't appear to have. Oh well, I had fun.