Either find a group/player who knows what they're doing, or just get your group together and start here
My group got busy and hasn't been able to play for a while, though when we all went skiing together we ran a short campaign in the evenings. Skiing and DnD with friends for a week in the Alps. Fucking marvellous.
My group has a party consisting of:
An annoying eladrin (elfy-elf) warlock who teleports out of danger at the drop of a hat and takes advantage of his limited sleep requirements to prank the party mercilessly, particularly:
The bumbling human mage who doesn't really get "adventuring" who constantly sets off traps and generally spends his combat rounds brewing peppermint tea instead of casting any of his impressive selection of spells at the enemy, and frequently needs assistance from:
A dwarf cleric who doesn't seem to know who or where he is and only barely manages to keep the rest of us alive, unfortunately including:
An incredibly sleazy human rogue and "respectable tradesman" who despite being one of the few party members with any competance in a fight continues to go out of his way to rip us all off and spends most of his time trying to get his end away with:
The half-elf warlord who is going prematurely grey trying desperately to keep this band on the brighter side of "functional" and "alive" while fending off unwelcome advances from the aforementioned rogue while also having to reign in the extra-curricular activities of:
A thri-kreen (mantis-folk) ranger who doesn't quite get humanoid culture, struck up an unlikely friendship with the mage, and thinks nothing of devouring defeated enemies regardless of origin, which turned an otherwise straightforward bar-room brawl (started predictably by the rogue) into the bloodiest scene of consummate carnage imaginable. We ain't welcome in Winterholme no more.
Now that I write it all out like that, our team seems rather more dysfunctional than I'd thought.