Nate - I daren't look. I'm going to, but already I can feel the claw of 'cringe' clutching at the fabric of my very being.
Regarding social anxiety, I used to get that a by the bucketload. I used to hate wandering around town on my own or shopping or what not. What I found helped was just pretending to be on my phone...and talking to myself.
Like, FULL BLOWN conversations with myself.
Then I began wearing sunglasses, which I heard form a 'psychological barrier' and that helped a lot.
Sunshine - sunglasses.
Snow - sunglasses.
Pouring rain - umbrella and sunglasses.
Recently I've noticed I don't even wear them anymore. So, yeah, that's my advice for anyone with recluse-issues or social anxiety.
I've matured a lot in my opinions and views. I've got more arrogant, but I'm also more incredibly self-aware now, so I can realise how stupid my arrogance is and laugh at it.
Another thing that helped is a friend telling me that the most embarrassing moments in my life, will always make the best stories. And that cut away any socially awkward feelings I had left.
'cos it's true.
If you can look back, laugh at yourself and the situations you've got in, awkward moments become new stories to tell people.
I think I'm going to snoop about and try and find those college threads now.
EDIT - yeah, I tried to read it. Take it all in. I could barely manage skimming it. I feel violated.
The irony (is it irony?) is I cannot abide people like that now. Anybody who reminds me of my old self I instantly take a disdain to. The heights of self-loathing.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.
"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche
"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud
Last edited by Jacob; 03-22-2013 at 11:44 AM..
: So I don't double post. Nobody likes a double post.