the main difference between a game and a movie is the fact, that there is a user and he's involved in a story. he can, with great limits, change some aspects of the plot etc.
Why does that stop it from being art? Art doesn't have to be a static thing. Whatever happens in gameplay is part of the experience, whether it's the same for every player or not.
And to answer the original question; I think that all media have the potential for high art or low art. Movies have everything from arthouse to porn. Television has everything from drama to reality. Even dance has a range from ballet to pole-dancing. Games have a similar range, though I think the medium is much more focused on the lower end of the scale.
Many people seem to prefer to only label the upper end of the scale as 'art', rather than calling it all art and differentiating high art and low art. I'm not prepared to venture an opinion on that particular issue; as WoF said, it comes down to how you define art.