I'm not much of one into metal or hard rock. S'pose that makes me outcasted here. Somewhat. Ish.
I like, for the most part, "good" rock. Good, being used as a reference to uniqueness, decent sound, intelligent playing, and incorporation of inspiration instead of blatant inference. It's easy enough to lay down a heavy drum beat and fill in some chords/vocals. It's hard to create and capture a sound of your own. I also have a taste for some of the "punk" out there, similar to Mac, and ska is alwas good. Good ol' classic rock is also nice. I adore classical music, and the occasional out of the ordinary band.
Short list:
Pearl Jam
Collective Soul
Bush (First album, at least. It's blatantly generic, yet so well done you can't hate it)
Stone Temple Pilots
Billy Corgan's good stuff. Good early stuff in Smashing Pumpkins, crap later on, good stuff in Zwan.
Less Than Jake
The Who
The Beatles
Soul Coughing
Bad Religion
The Rolling Stones
Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Van Halen
The Allman Brothers
Blues Brothers
The Suicide Machines (Once again, everything after first album is crap)
Polyphonic Spree (On principle, mainly. "Light & Day" is catchy enough, but not much else appeals to me. But methinks I would enjoy seeing the group in concert. C'mon, a 30+ person pop band. Can't get better than that.)
And lets not forget the mighty Layla sessions. The result of drugs and musical brilliance is so greatly impressive. It's title track is surely one of the best rock songs ever. Mmm... Ear candy.
So, what don't I like? Generic "punk". Generic "ska". Generic "rock". Really, there is no defining line. But there's a good deal of poo out there. For the most part, I don't like metal. Or, at least vocalization in it. Rap/Hip hop does virtually nothing for me. Most pop is laughable. Heavier rock is good, to a point. But I typically enjoy a much lighter atmosphere for music. Ah, what else. Some country is good. Some isn't. And no electronica style music, please. Some synth is quite cool. Much sucks. Just like some synth in rock music is cool, and some isn't.