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06-14-2009, 02:26 AM
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J_Dude, are you planning on releasing a demo and time soon.
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06-14-2009, 02:28 AM
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06-14-2009, 05:35 AM
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Pimp purple!


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06-14-2009, 05:40 AM
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This is going so far off topic, it's like driving along a cliff then deliberately steering off it and crashing and burning... Then the next thing you know your rolling on the ground on fire, Impaled by what appears to be a... a... err.... Fire extinguisher? O.o

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06-14-2009, 05:47 AM
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Fire extinguisher? O.o
Never mistake them for oxygen tanks...

But seriously guys this is far off-topic get back to the point please.

I don't want excuses BTG I want demos!!

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06-14-2009, 06:51 AM
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I always make threads go off topic, but at least I included part of the topic in my post xD

We want a demo!
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06-14-2009, 10:22 AM
bobtheguy's Avatar
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you will get a demo... later.
P.S. i will be leaving on a 1 week vacation, so that's why this is the last post i will make this week
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-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

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06-14-2009, 11:02 AM
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I know a fair share of code. Anything in particular that's proving difficult I can try and help you out with. Just not the online thing. I don't have a clue how to do that.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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06-14-2009, 11:37 AM
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soz for off topic any way to make an online multiplayer you have to have the registered version not the lite version --i use lite--

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06-18-2009, 03:01 AM
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please don't mix oddworld game with other games ! ! This isn't good idea! Mixing Oddworld with Assasins Creed is strange idea. Slig jumping on roofs and killing mudos with hidden blade in Holy Land :P. Sligs can't jump and be quiet :P, And they don't have to kill templars :P.

Sorry but try to create something other

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06-18-2009, 04:29 AM
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please don't mix oddworld game with other games ! ! This isn't good idea! Mixing Oddworld with Assasins Creed is strange idea. Slig jumping on roofs and killing mudos with hidden blade in Holy Land :P. Sligs can't jump and be quiet :P, And they don't have to kill templars :P.

Sorry but try to create something other
I've told you not to be a noob!

BTG is not mixing Oddworld with Assassin's Creed! He's just making a fan-game where you get to play as a slig, assassination is just an idea for storyline! And he's implementing jumping because without it the game would probably suck! READ BEFORE YOU POST!!

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06-18-2009, 05:08 AM
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ok, so why slig is white, on the logo is used Assasins Creed Font and Blue Backround. You cant tell me that both games have nothing in common with each other...

Even if game isn't very similiar to AssasinsCreed, it still is plagiarism...

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06-18-2009, 05:21 AM
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so why slig is white
The slig is white for the same reason Abe is blue! Have you read through this thread at all?!!

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06-18-2009, 05:35 AM
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Slig's are originally green... I know that white slig appear in sligstorm game but... but here it looks like next thing taken from AC

I haven't read all thread because i thought that it would be waste of time. Slig assasin seems too similiar to AC. It couldn't be accident. I can say it is plagiarism without reading all thread.

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06-18-2009, 05:41 AM
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I haven't read all thread
That's unwise, I suggest you do so before passing any judgement on it's topic. Assumptions are not always correct, don't rely on them.

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06-18-2009, 05:55 AM
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I saw too many similiat thigns only in logo that i can say that it's plagiarism. I don't have too read all thread if i have evidences without it...

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06-18-2009, 06:02 AM
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I saw too many similiat thigns only in logo that i can say that it's plagiarism. I don't have too read all thread if i have evidences without it...
The point I'm making to you over and over again is that you should READ BEFORE YOU POST. Regardless of what you think you know. Now I really don't need a flame war and I doubt BTG would appreciate it so as I said in the other thread, shuddup.

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06-18-2009, 08:55 AM
joshkrz's Avatar
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The point I'm making to you over and over again is that you should READ BEFORE YOU POST. Regardless of what you think you know. Now I really don't need a flame war and I doubt BTG would appreciate it so as I said in the other thread, shuddup.

Here are a few points:
- This game and Assassins Creed have nothing to do with each other
- The logo is not part of the game is it? It's merely a trademark.
- The slig is white to signify difference in this chosen slig. (Oh and Mudokons are originally green, but Abe is blue, just to reply to a point you posted)

-Please read before posting, I'm against calling people n00bs but I'm not against calling them lazy, expect to be proven wrong if you post a criticising statement.

MOM News: Flame wars have been popping up all over the place, Game developer heads Explode!

Last edited by joshkrz; 06-18-2009 at 08:58 AM..
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06-18-2009, 09:19 AM
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this is a fan game thread it is ot in any way plagurism as he does not intend to sell and as Joshkrz said don't be lazy and read through all of the thread
MOM News:Game devoloper trys comunicate with the leader of the N00b world

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06-19-2009, 08:40 PM
bobtheguy's Avatar
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Hi everyone I'm back
also @Fartuess, I'm sorry if you think my game is going to be oddworld combined with assasins creed, but I doubt it will be anything like assasins creed... one reason for this is because I've never played assasins creed. I'm not selling it, and I'm not forcing you to play the game demos or the full game once they're made.
-sprite and graphic designer
-professional garden nome
-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

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06-20-2009, 03:34 AM
joshkrz's Avatar
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Welcome back BTG, long time no post.

How is your game going so far then?
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06-20-2009, 08:01 AM
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bobtheguy  (37)

Welcome back BTG, long time no post.

How is your game going so far then?
I still can't work on my game (laptop needs to be fixed) but right now I'm working on sprites, and they're going okay, but I still am having trouble on making running and walking sprites for my scrab.
also everyone this is a
If someone can can make scrab running and walking sprites plz. PM me
and this is also a sneak peak post
sneak peak posts can include demos, sprites I'm using in the game, level designs, the games storyline or ideas for levels.
okay, right now I'm thinking about adding in some bonus levels, that you can unlock if you save a certain amount of lab experiments (this is what you save instead of mudokuns)
example: if you rescue 1 LE you get prize 1, if you rescue 5 LE you get prize 1 and prize 2.
some bonus levels I'm thinking of are the abe challenge levels, in these you get to be abe and save the mudokuns, and no it will not be part of the slig assasin story, it will just be something that's kind of like a mini-game. another one I'm thinking of is adopt a slog, were you get to adopt a slog and play games with it, like fetch, chase, kill the mudokuns, and more, this will also be kind of like a mini-game and will not have anything to do with the slig assasin game.
so does anyone else have some ideas for mini-games? also I'm not sure about the adopt the slog thing, so what do yall think about it, is it good or is it bad.
by the way joshkrz the image below is the "glimmer" that I PM'd you about.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	sligassasinstartingscreen1jshowj.png
Views:	296
Size:	21.7 
ID:	10486  
-sprite and graphic designer
-professional garden nome
-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

Last edited by bobtheguy; 06-20-2009 at 10:00 PM..
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06-21-2009, 08:44 PM
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bobtheguy  (37)

I know this is double posting, but I read the rules and I think this kind of Double Posting is okay. Here is a screenshot, what's yalls opinions?
P.S. It's only my work in progress, and probably will be edited. also don't pay attention to the random text "hfghgdhgh" that's not going to be in the actual game.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	sligassasinstartingscreen1-1showit.png
Views:	293
Size:	43.2 
ID:	10489  
-sprite and graphic designer
-professional garden nome
-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

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06-23-2009, 10:21 PM
bobtheguy's Avatar
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this double post is also okay, but is the last one I can do, anyway here's some sprites I made that will be in the game. I don't know if they go with the character sprites though. what does everyone else think about them goin with the character sprites?
UPDATE-on controls
when your walking
wasd keys-regular movement
shift key and control key- special movement
hold control and hold a or d-sneak
hold shift and hold a or d-run
jkl;' keys-gamespeak
k-come here
'- kill e'm!
efw keys and spacebar-actions
e-throw position
hold e with pressing w a s or d-throw
f-pull lever
w-enter door
w-read sign
spacebar-shoot, also moves you slightly backwards, like it does in exodous (if flying it drops a grenade
running jump shift key with dw keys or aw keys
nock meat, rock or grenade out of a bag, jump up and hit the bag (with the w button)
x-shoot from background into the foreground (like in exodous)
pause menu consists of
continues the game
-how to save your progress
.To save your progress you must be at a save booth, these are usually at the end of a level/vault.
-gamespeak and controls
.shows gamespeak and controls
are you sure
no-go back
-are you sure
click YES-quits the game
click NO-goes back to pause screen
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshotfromSA1.png
Views:	275
Size:	27.0 
ID:	10502  
-sprite and graphic designer
-professional garden nome
-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

Last edited by bobtheguy; 06-24-2009 at 04:32 PM..
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06-25-2009, 11:21 AM
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Good so far keep it up

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06-25-2009, 09:10 PM
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Good so far keep it up
thanks, by the way I know I said I would send you the newest version of the game so that you could edit it, but something reaaallyy unexpected happened when I was about to send it to you, so just wait another hour and I'll try to send it to you, sorry for the delay
-sprite and graphic designer
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-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

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06-26-2009, 03:28 PM
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Alright I have to make this quick since I'm on my laptop, and it's fan is broken, so I can't stay on it that long or it will overheat. I'm not going to update my game for a while, since both of my computers just decided to stop working, one even refuses to turn on I have no idea when this will get fixed so don't expect me to be on the forums for a while either
EDIT: Okay I will be here sometimes since my family has another computer, but I won't be able to post much screenshots since this computer is an older one and doesn't have much programs on it.
I can update controls though, what does everyone think about the r key letting you hop?
-sprite and graphic designer
-professional garden nome
-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

Last edited by bobtheguy; 06-28-2009 at 11:15 PM..
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06-29-2009, 07:30 AM
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Sounds effing fantastic PS sorry to make this about me but MY GAME IS OFFICIALLY CANCELLED I will however post all my sprites and two game screens I found that I was going to use...
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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06-29-2009, 11:12 AM
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okay also this may suck, but it probably is true, I may have to start over on all my fan game sprites and images that aren't posted on the website, since the computer that I made most of my graphics on won't start up(My family shares 2 and I own 1, 1 of the family shared computers is broken, and my computer needs a new fan), but I'm working on a feeco. depot image of one of those trains, it's going pretty good, and is almost done.
EDIT-oh yeah and I'm hand drawing a map for sligoria (a place the slig assassin visits)
-sprite and graphic designer
-professional garden nome
-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

Last edited by bobtheguy; 06-29-2009 at 11:14 AM..
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06-29-2009, 12:02 PM
joshkrz's Avatar
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Why don't you use the feeco logo in the high-rez thread?
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