I don't understand how to do that...???
Download Paul's LVLBuilder and LVLextractor.
1- You copy r2.lvl in LVLex
2-Open Extract.bat in Notepad/Bloc-notes(fr)
You'll see something like this:
Extract ??.lvl
*??= the level you want to extract (r1, r2, e1, l1, d1, d2, d7, f1, f2, f4, e2, r2 or r6)
3-Enter the ??.lvl of your choice.
Let's say r2.lvl
4-Find this file: R2P01C02.CAM (because this cam has electric walls in it)
5-Copy it and paste it in LVLBuild
6-Delete everything in LVLex except Extract.exe and Extract.bat
7-Repeat step 2 and 3 but this time, choose the .lvl which needs electric walls
Let's say f2.lvl
8-Copy all the files except Extract.exe, Extract.bat and f2.lvl
9-Paste them in LVLBuild\f2 (make a folder with the name of the level in the LVLBuild folder)
10-Quoting Paul's "Read me" file:
"Right click the MakeLVL.bat and change "r1" to the name of the folder you just copied, and change "r1.lvl" to what you want the new .lvl file to be saved as."
So, open MakeLVL.bat with Notepad/Bloc-notes and you'll see this:
builder.exe r1 r1.lvl
------------------edit it like this -----------------------
builder.exe f2 f2.lvl
11- Rename "R2P01C02.CAM" with the name of the cam you want to replace or just rename it... ex:F2P01C10 (because it doesn't exist)
12-Drag it in the "f2" folder.
13-Run MakeLVL.bat
That's it. You now have a new f2.lvl with the new cam that contains electric walls. If you replace an existing cam, the FG1 layer will be replaced too.
Finally, change the CAM Id for the cam number (ex: F2P01C10 = Id: 110)
I hope it helps. ^^