I want to see Tintin also. That way, if I hate it, at least I can explain why.
I was really lukewarm to it at first. Namely because the earlier trailers looked kind of shitty. The more ads I see, however, the more I want to see it. At the very least it could be a great visual romp.
I really, was not keen when I first heard Spielbergs next project was TinTin.
I was all of a sudden VERY interested when I found out Steven Moffat was writing it, and then when I saw Edgar Wright was also writing it with him, I figured it was going to be a pretty good movie.
I saw it a few months back. It was pretty good - it did what it needed to. Chase sequence was a bit long, it kind of just felt like they were trying to prove how good their CGI was rather than actually being entertaining but other than that it was a watchable, enjoyable film.