okay, stop, rewind, start again.
i'm not a moderator, okay, so i can't really make a deal with you, but here's the deal. you can have 5HP/AP, but there's only you. no others. i'm not saying that you're not part of a team, but that's just it: part. you don't control the team. is that okay? so it's you and 5 temporary stats. oh yeah, and i forgot to mention that everyone gets £2000 every monday, so there's no need to complain that you've only got £1000.
yes, you can physically train, but only at a training centre. it costs you £1000 per AP/HP point.
look, why don't you sit this one out? i mean, leave this one to us, and watch how we do it for a while, then when the village is rebuilt you can come in and buy upgrades and things. i can understand your eagerness to get straight into the action, but i think it might be better all round if you came in when there isn't some crisis.
oh, and can i make a practical point. you couldn't really have been both in the forest with Rettick and at the burnt-out village, since the two are quite far away from each other.
Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.