But other menus do have auto-selected options. The main pause menu, for instance.
The main pause menu definitely doesn't have an auto-select, and if any menu does it's an oversight that we'd ideally fix.
Does Max or anyone else know what some of these graphics options are? I'm not sure how to set them to get better performance:
Instance Rendering
GPU Sync
Mip Map Bias
Instance rendering makes all decorators of the same type load simultaneously instead of separately. It can be a bit buggy on some people's systems, hence the ability to turn it off, but turning it off will require additional resources to go into rendering.
GPU sync I don't even understand. It's meant to be for if your CPU is more powerful than your GPU, or maybe the other way around? It can reduce choppiness of frame rates.
Mipmap bias describes the distance at which mipping kicks in. Mipping replaces textures with lower quality versions so that a) there's a less to load into memory, and b) there's less noise in distant textures. The default is -1; making it more negative will push out the mipping radius and make high-quality textures to be used further from the camera. Making the number bigger (it can go positive) will bring the mipping radius down so that textures become blurry closer to the camera, improving performance. Don't ask me what units it uses.
I can turn off AA which makes everything smooth but sometimes makes a big difference in visual quality. The other option is to experiment switching the other settings on and off until I find the best solution which could take a while...
The Stranger engine was just never built with proper AA in mind. We use FSAA, which renders everything [square number] as many times and squashes it down into your requested resolution. With FSAA, 8×AA is technically 9×AA, and disabling AA would logically be 1×AA.
I've got a suggestion for the next update. You should specify in the Controls Configuration dialog which of the options are used in FPS mode, which in 3rd person mode, and which in both. 'Punch', for instance, was vague enough that I couldn't work out what it meant.
You... couldn't work out what 'punch' meant?
It's a nice idea for clarity, but it's not going to happen in the launcher. It's just too fiddly and going to take up the time of programmer Steve when he could (and should) be working on more important things. I'll put it in the manual (which I'm working on in my own free time).
Also, you might want to consider not highlighting keys/buttons that are used in different modes. For instance, the A button is highlighted bright read because I have it set for Jump and Menu Select. Ditto for Ammo Up/Down/etc and Menu Up/Down/etc.
I'm sure we could disable it for gamepad setups, where duplicate bindings are innevitable. Anything more is, again, fiddly and time consuming, especially for something that's only a guide to raise your awareness of something.
The menu is unresponsive and takes ages to detect what im doing.
Which menu? All menus?
Vegetation seems messed up for me, with plants going through terrain and.
Try disabling instance rendering and anisotropic filtering: first one, then the other, then both.