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06-01-2009, 12:57 PM
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Happy albino sligs

Okay I have edited carnix's slig sprites so that now they are albino, and if someone feels up to putting pants on them, plz. do so, and I will give you credit in my game. By the way carnix I'm giving you some credit also.
and here are some of him using his knife
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	albinoslig copy.jpg
Views:	107
Size:	35.6 
ID:	10375   Click image for larger version

Name:	albinosligknifeattack copy.jpg
Views:	101
Size:	25.8 
ID:	10381  
-sprite and graphic designer
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-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

Last edited by bobtheguy; 06-01-2009 at 01:51 PM..
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06-01-2009, 10:51 PM
Carnix's Avatar
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lol those sprites are in JPEG format. Ammaturity is hilarious.

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06-02-2009, 04:02 AM
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lol those sprites are in JPEG format. Ammaturity is hilarious.
well everyone needs to start off somewhere, btg use a lossless format such as PNG, or even GIF if your sprite dosent have too much colours / detail.

JPEG is a lossy format, it saves image pixels relitively close to where thay actually are, thats why there sometimes weird in certain areas (mainly around text) and have such a small file size.

GIFs / PNGs are lossless, which means every pixel is saved exactly and so, no distortion but a huge file size (GIFs look bad quality on images because they can only handle up to 256 colours in one image, dithering helps this but it still dosent look good.)

FYI: PNG8 is exactly like GIF, PNG24 is lossless without transparency, PNG32 has an alpha transparency channel, which means it allows gradient transparency unlike GIF which has Index transparencey where you choose a colour(s) to be transparent.
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06-02-2009, 06:16 AM
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oh oops, well I'm a rookie at this, by the way I have posted a scrab that I made, anyone like it?(by the way those other little scribbles on there are when I tried to make a paramite...... but failed)
-also I am going to re-post the albino slig sprites as PNG's so if anyone would like to put pants on them...... PLEASE DO, I don't know why but it's hard for me to put on the pants, I keep messing up. I will give credit.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	albinoslig.png
Views:	111
Size:	9.1 
ID:	10383   Click image for larger version

Name:	albinosligscale1-.png
Views:	121
Size:	4.9 
ID:	10384  
-sprite and graphic designer
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06-02-2009, 07:21 AM
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don't stab the scrab NOOOOOOOOOOO!
cool sprites

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06-02-2009, 07:49 AM
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lol those sprites are in JPEG format. Ammaturity is hilarious.
lol immaturity is hilarious.
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06-02-2009, 07:53 AM
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06-02-2009, 07:56 AM
joshkrz's Avatar
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mate hes backing you up, hes saying carnix is immature
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06-02-2009, 08:00 AM
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mate hes backing you up, hes saying carnix is immature
Indeed. Most old users here are all a bunch of elitists. Makes me gag every time I see them elating themselves.
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06-02-2009, 08:11 AM
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oh sorry Venks, I misunderstood, I thought you were agreeing with Carnix.
-sprite and graphic designer
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-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

Last edited by bobtheguy; 06-02-2009 at 08:30 AM..
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06-02-2009, 09:37 AM
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bobtheguy  (37)

Here are more scrab sprites, I'm having trouble making their charging sprites, does anyone want to help? also if anyone wants to put pants on an albino slig plz. tell me. You will get credit-
-by the way if you are wondering why one of the scrabs has pants, you'll find out later, once the game has been made, or if you help me with sprites I'll tell you now.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	albinosligscale1-1.png
Views:	115
Size:	8.7 
ID:	10385  
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06-02-2009, 09:49 AM
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A Scrab Hybrid eh, that's interesting. I like the sprites so far.
For a charging sprite, just rotate the image slightly and alter the position of the legs.
I'll upload some examples of what my synthesized Slig speech might be like.

I stream games and art now!

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06-02-2009, 09:52 AM
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is that a scrab with slig pants, shit thats ace!
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06-02-2009, 10:42 AM
bobtheguy's Avatar
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bobtheguy  (37)

okay everyone you know that picture of the albino sligs that is saved as a PNG? well can someone plz. copy that to their desktop and save it as a GIF, then post it on here again, if no one does I will have to start all over with it because gamemaker can't open t as a png and I don't know how to re-save it as a GIF, since it was made on my apple computer then transfered over to my windows computer, well it's confusing, but someone plz. do help.
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06-02-2009, 11:29 AM
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You should use GIMP or Photoshop, they are good for image manipulation.

I stream games and art now!

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06-02-2009, 11:58 AM
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the art of Adobe Fireworks

i notice your orbs are anti-aliased, they wont match your sprites and in GIF create artifacts around the edges .
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	albinosligscale1-1.gif
Views:	103
Size:	3.9 
ID:	10386  
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06-02-2009, 01:54 PM
joshkrz's Avatar
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oh sorry Venks, I misunderstood, I thought you were agreeing with Carnix.
i also misread at first

hows your game going btg?

EDIT: oh bolloks, i forgot this thread has 2 pages, sorry for double post

Last edited by joshkrz; 06-02-2009 at 01:55 PM.. : sorry for double post
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06-02-2009, 02:44 PM
bobtheguy's Avatar
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bobtheguy  (37)

thanks joshkrz, by the way those aren't orbs youl'l find out what they are later in the last level of the game, which is called GENE WORKZ, I might post it's logo that I made for it here, By the way GENE WORKZ is the reason for that scrab hybrid.
by the way everyone I never quite explained why the main character (the slig assasin) can posses jump and can bassically do everything a mudokun can do. well here's the reason (rapped in spoiler tags so if you want to know you'll have to hover over it)
The assasin slig was made by glukkons at GENE WORKZ, which is a lab made by the glukkons to make more "efficent" species that could multiply faster and produce more meat, since most of the species of animals on oddworld were extinct, and the meat packing industry was failing because of this. some of the new species they created were the
1.Scrab Hybrid, this was a scrab body mixed with the legs/tentacle thingys of a slig, this made the use for less security, so if the scrab escaped it would not get very far without needing rest (since the small legs of a slig could not support the huge and muscular body of the geneticaly enhanced scrab) the only problem with this was because the scrab thought slightly like a slig, and could talk like one, also if it found a pants and gun vendor, then the security would be in trouble! and that was the reason why the glukkons decided this was not the best species to make, and they quickly removed it from the farms after several security workers had been reported "missing" ( they were later found in the scrab hybrid's poop ) even though the glukkons quickly destroyed most of these it is rumored that some of them still lurk in the depths of GENE WORKZ.
Eventually after many failed attempts of bio-enginering the glukkons finally made a succsesfull species (you'll find out about these in the game) and then they moved on to making better security devices, such as the Big Bro Slig, but they were still not satisfied with it so they made the slig mudokun hybrid, it was abe who sadly is being held captive deep inside GENE WORKZ fused with a normal slig factory worker fused with a albino slog. They chose these three because they wanted the obedience of a slog the body and mind of a slig and the powers of abe. This was going o be a big change in glukkon security.... it was going to make it so only one of these hybrids would have to potral an area at a time.... it was supposed to make it so that the glukkons would never need to worry about the high price of security again..... However their experiment went horribly wrong. It produced a slig that had the mind and powers of abe, which meant he wanted to destroy glukkon factories, and it made him have the color of a albino slog, and the body of a slig. he was supposed to have been destroyed... like the glukkons had done to all their other failed expiremnts, but he escaped, and now he is the SLIG ASSASIN!
anyone like the storyline?
by the way this is just my rough draft
here are some Q's and A's
Q: will there be messed up expirements running around GENE WORKZ trying to kill the assasin
A:hopefully if I can program them
Q:will there be any mini-games
A: if I can program one, I will make one were you are a scientist at GENE WORKZ and get to make your own oddworld hybrid species
Q: is abe still alive?
A: yes but locked up inside of GENE WORKZ
well there you have it, the game in a nutshell
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06-02-2009, 02:50 PM
bobtheguy's Avatar
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bobtheguy  (37)

also can someone turn the sheat that ONLY has albino sligs on it and is a PNG into a GIF and then post it on here. I need them so I can continue my progress on the game. Thanks for all the help everyone's given me so far
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06-02-2009, 03:01 PM
joshkrz's Avatar
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here is your request btg
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled-5.gif
Views:	96
Size:	3.7 
ID:	10388  
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06-02-2009, 03:03 PM
bobtheguy's Avatar
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bobtheguy  (37)

thanks joshkrz, but can you turn them into something that I can download plz. because for some reason whenever I drag the two GIF's you gave me to the desktop they are just links back to the website.
by the way everyone here is the GENE WORKZ logo, tried downloading the odd font, but can't so I just used LCD font
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	geneworkzlogo1.png
Views:	109
Size:	150.9 
ID:	10389  
-sprite and graphic designer
-professional garden nome
-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

Last edited by bobtheguy; 06-02-2009 at 03:42 PM.. : GENE WORKZ LOGO
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06-02-2009, 03:42 PM
joshkrz's Avatar
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thanks joshkrz, but can you turn them into something that I can download plz. because for some reason whenever I drag the two GIF's you gave me to the desktop they are just links back to the website.
just click on them then right click then save image as. Save it to your desktop instead of draging it
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06-02-2009, 03:44 PM
bobtheguy's Avatar
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bobtheguy  (37)

okay thanks joshkrz, by the way everyone I put the GENE WORKZ logo on my post above joshkrz.
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-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

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06-02-2009, 03:59 PM
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okay thanks joshkrz, by the way everyone I put the GENE WORKZ logo on my post above joshkrz.
nice logo

lol you should put "Srewing up genetics scince 1981"

but i would put "Pissing about with genetic scince 1973"

hehe you seem to like that font i posted, im glad it was of use to you.
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06-02-2009, 05:38 PM
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bobtheguy  (37)

yes I do like the LCD font... I use it alot also because it's the only oddworld font I have, does anyone know of some other oddworld fonts I can download and were i can download them, because LCD font might look weird on all the sign posts, since it's really only meant for the LCD pannels
by the way everyone I may post a small preview of my game soon.... I just need to finish putting in the sprites, then send it to J_Dude320, so he can fix a glitch it has
-So far it has flying sligs, and a basic engine, and a main character.... who's sprite needs to be changed from a little boy ( the sprite that the engine came with) to an albino slig... and I'm not sure if I want him to double jump.... so I am probably gonna see if J_dude320 can edit that out too. By the way the preview will not come with the knife attack or possesion.
by the way everyone I am no longer a fuzzle....... I am a thudslug....... whatever that means :P
-sprite and graphic designer
-professional garden nome
-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

Last edited by bobtheguy; 06-02-2009 at 09:45 PM..
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06-03-2009, 04:30 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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hes saying carnix is immature
Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional. Don't like it? Piss off.

Rhyte, Bobtheguy, I'm very busy at the moment but if no-one has put pants on those slig sprites by the time I finish my next batch of sprites for Josh I'll get to it. Although the main reason it hasn't been done already is because of how hard it is to fit slig pants to those sprites.

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06-03-2009, 04:31 AM
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yes I do like the LCD font... I use it alot also because it's the only oddworld font I have, does anyone know of some other oddworld fonts I can download and were i can download them, because LCD font might look weird on all the sign posts, since it's really only meant for the LCD pannels
by the way everyone I may post a small preview of my game soon.... I just need to finish putting in the sprites, then send it to J_Dude320, so he can fix a glitch it has
-So far it has flying sligs, and a basic engine, and a main character.... who's sprite needs to be changed from a little boy ( the sprite that the engine came with) to an albino slig... and I'm not sure if I want him to double jump.... so I am probably gonna see if J_dude320 can edit that out too. By the way the preview will not come with the knife attack or possesion.
by the way everyone I am no longer a fuzzle....... I am a thudslug....... whatever that means :P
here is some fonts
you should look closer its a sticky on the fan corner lol

and yerh, we both joined at around about the same time and were both 100+ within two weeks lol

also thanks carnix, i cant wait to add them, its looking good so far
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06-03-2009, 08:22 AM
bobtheguy's Avatar
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bobtheguy  (37)

very very small demo..... If I can get filave to host my files....... whenever I upload it and click on it it just says file not found....... no nothing is wrong with my computer.
By the way I did check that font on my apple (mac) computer and it was just a bunch of code....... but now for some reason it's not...
-sprite and graphic designer
-professional garden nome
-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

Last edited by bobtheguy; 06-03-2009 at 08:25 AM..
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06-03-2009, 08:41 AM
joshkrz's Avatar
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very very small demo..... If I can get filave to host my files....... whenever I upload it and click on it it just says file not found....... no nothing is wrong with my computer.
By the way I did check that font on my apple (mac) computer and it was just a bunch of code....... but now for some reason it's not...
send me a link please ill try it

yes the font is true type
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06-03-2009, 09:04 AM
bobtheguy's Avatar
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bobtheguy  (37)

okay I'll send you it in a minute, tell me if it works and then if it does I can send it to J_Dude320 so he can fix the glitches. EDIT- i have sent them to you now..... do they work?
EDIT- Okay I've fixed the space thing but now the file server is down, so I'll send it to you soon joshkrz.
-sprite and graphic designer
-professional garden nome
-slig assasin fan game in progress, GRAPHICS UPDATE, click the link below...

Last edited by bobtheguy; 06-03-2009 at 10:09 AM..
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