lol those sprites are in JPEG format. Ammaturity is hilarious. 
well everyone needs to start off somewhere, btg use a lossless format such as PNG, or even GIF if your sprite dosent have too much colours / detail.
JPEG is a lossy format, it saves image pixels relitively close to where thay actually are, thats why there sometimes weird in certain areas (mainly around text) and have such a small file size.
GIFs / PNGs are lossless, which means every pixel is saved exactly and so, no distortion but a huge file size (GIFs look bad quality on images because they can only handle up to 256 colours in one image, dithering helps this but it still dosent look good.)
FYI: PNG8 is exactly like GIF, PNG24 is lossless without transparency, PNG32 has an alpha transparency channel, which means it allows gradient transparency unlike GIF which has Index transparencey where you choose a colour(s) to be transparent.